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Who created God?

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posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 02:37 PM
Hello. I want to ask a question, well a few questions, to see what you all believe in, what theories you believe in and why you think that there is a God. I am hoping someone can answer this, mostly for myself so I can believe again.
From the beginning, the earth was 'void and without shape', it was empty, okay I get that part. Then God created man, ...that is what I don't get! Okay, I am not being sarcastic, or an atheist, but, if God made man, then who in the world made God? This is the one that so mant believe in, the one who can perform miracles,lives in a place in the sky called heaven, where he fought with a bad angel, who was cast into a place in the lower earth known as hell, and thus we have the devil, God and the Devil, good and evil.
Was god created from the 'Big bang", or did he evolve if so, how did God, get to be so powerful, and all knowing?
If there was nothing on the earth, how did God come to be, how did he become so powerful to be able to perform miracles part the sea, and so on.
I mean I can't understand how God exists, I really can't!
The story we read about the man who came to take all of our sins and die on the cross for us, is more believeable, because there was witnesses. But, were those who saw the supposed jesus Christ, followers who saw him as the messiah, just as Jim Jones and David Koresh brainwashed their followers, could this NOT have happened when Jesus was on earth, he simply made it appear he was the one?
Who wrote the bible? Many men could have wrote, many things the way they perceived things, but yet are the stories told in the bible real, or are they made up, written by men, men and women who wrote fiction?
I am not an atheist, but I am not a believer, I am a man looking for an answer to a question that I believe cannot be answered.

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 02:39 PM
who created whatever created god ? and so on and so on and so on.....

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 03:04 PM
Go and take a look at this thread.

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 03:29 PM
We created God and God is dying a painful and slow death as we speak.

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 03:59 PM
Nobody created God.

He did not create himself.

God was, is, and will be.

I'll refer you to the works of Thomas Aquinas on this subject.

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 04:00 PM
God was never created. If he needed to be created then he wouldnt be God. God was in exhistance befor he created the universe. He always was. Although we have a projection of time so it is hard to understand but he lives outside the universe and outside of gravity and times effects. He never had a beginning and he will never have an end. Only this universe and everything inside it had a beginning.

I mean I can't understand how God exists, I really can't!

Exactly thats why he's God. If we could truely comprehend everything about God then we would be as powerful as he is and with some of the people out there its a good thing we're not.

who was cast into a place in the lower earth known as hell

I dont think he was cast inside Earth. Hell is probably a place outside of this univers.

Who wrote the bible?

It is believed that God wrote the bible and told man what to write.

From the beginning, the earth was 'void and without shape', it was empty, okay I get that part. Then God created man, ...that is what I don't get!

Well in Genesis it sais God created the heavens and the earth, then the light then the water then the land then all the animals and then man. It never sais how exactly he created everything. Just that he created it. That is where I believe the big bang and evolution come in. God created the big bang then he created evolution so we could survive changing conditions on this planet and then us eventually getting smarter.

I hope this answers some of your questions. Most people turn away from God because of science and how we know more today. Yet they fail to realize that God created science and how we know things work today. These are my beliefs.

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 04:19 PM
Depending on what you believe, man creates our gods. historically speaking, mankind has been searching for the answers of the universe. Since we first started staring up to the skys, we wondered why things happened. Why did it rain? why did the sun fall and the moon rise? etc. These things were questions that picked at our inquisitive and primitive minds. Theres no denying that religion has been a major part of all our cultures, I believe some of the earliest religions seen were in 50,000 B.C. But our gods were created by man. They were used to explain why things worked, when our views of mathematics and science were still primitive or none existant. There were gods of the mountains, gods of the sky, god of the sun, god of the rivers and streams. Gods of fertility, gods of love, gods of good deeds etc. We manifested such beings to try to explain the world. It was simply a personification of how the world worked to try to help understand, well, how the world worked. It wasn't into later that we started to understand about science that we started to figure out how things worked. The sun went down because we're rotating on an axis around the sun. The water moves downstream because of gravity, etc. Even now, our concepts on how things work are still primitive, but we atleast have a better understanding then before during the age of Religion.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that theres no possibility that there is no god or gods. In a world of uncertainty, nobody can rule out a possibility of anything. But, in the sake of answering your question, who created god(s)? We did, humanity, in the neverending quest of understanding the universe, and to ease the fear of the darkness that is the unknown.

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 04:24 PM
This is as tough a question as who created anything. Who created the universe? It came from a single point exploding? Who created this point? What caused the explosion? Who created god if god caused this explosion? We will never really "know" but we can have faith in an explanation, that's it.

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 04:46 PM
Well we know that God created the Universe so therefore God is not part of the Universe. If you think about the Universe as an experiment the scientist performing it sets the conditions, the materials, and the rules of how the experiment will occur. Beyond his interactions with the experiment, the scientist's existence can not be calculated because he himself is not a variable, his interactions with the experiment are. Basically God created the Universe, God created natural and universal laws, therefore in this "experiment" you can't calculate the creation of God, God always has and always will be due to the fact that He existed before the experiment took place. At least thats a theory I've been running through my mind. Not that God is a scientist and the Universe is just a complex experiment as I know has been covered on the board, but that we can't comprehend a beginning of God because all we have are our interactions. Otherwise God exists outside the paramiters of our existence. If you want to think of the Universe as an experiment, I'm sure God provides as with just as much information as we need to know. I'm sure we haven't even cracked the tip of the iceberg on that information though.

BTW I'm a Christian and I'm not presenting this as the truth, only a theory for discussion.

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 05:13 PM
God is being. Everything that exist is because of him, not the other way around. According to the bible God always has been, always is, and always will be hince the name El Shaddai (all sufficient one). We, the Earth, and the whole universe rely on God for our existance. God is life itself, he is an eternal mystery and those who trust in him will have an eternity to get to know him. He is that he is, meaning without him there would be no existance. God is eternal, he's not like us. He doesn't have a begining or ending so we can't try to make him have a beginning. God exist from everlasting to everlasting.

People the biggest mistake you can make is to try to explain and Eternal, infinite, all knowing, all powerful, all seeing God with our limited finite minds. You just can't do it. That's we're faith comes into play. We must believe that he exist first, we must believe that the bible is a work of his divine mind through the pen of mortal men. Then we must believe that Jesus is his only beggoten son who came and died for our sins. You know it sounds so simple, that's because it is. 1 Cor. 1:25, pslams 19:7, 116:6, 119;130 We over analyze the truth of God to much.

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 11:25 PM
And though as I walked upon your floors and found many statues to many gods I found this one, one that said "TO AN UNKNOWN GOD" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 11:44 PM
It is all about belief/faith I would imagine. If you have faith then I would guess you would believe that God is he who is I am (or something like that)! If you are lacking faith or have no desire to have it you will question him and probably believe he is just a man made creation. To me I do not care how he came to be, I am just glad I can talk to him when I want (although often one sided conversations) even if he doesn't exist at least it makes me feel better and not alone.

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 01:38 AM
if you want me to rationalize it in the terms of the big bang that will be quite easy... so what created the first aspect of the big bang, of the star, what created that first molecule that created that star? The reason why nothing in this universe fits that answer is because this universe is bounded by Time. Whether time is the same at all scales is irrelevant. The fact remains that something had to create that first thing. The reason God doesn't fall into this is God created EVERYTHING in the universe, no? And if he created everything in the universe did he not create time? And if he created time, would that mean time effected him, even before he created it? So as you can see time did NOT affect God, and still doesn't affect God because it is his creation. And in order for God to be "created" he would need to fall on a timeline, and we all know what a timeline consists of, TIME. That would mean that in order for God to fall on a timeline, time would have to go back upon itself to effect God, after God created time. Thus, God has not Creation, and it is the only real logical way to explain the universes' creation IMHO.

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 03:46 AM
I know how hard it is for someone to believe in something they cannot see. Straighshooter, the Bible states that God has always been and will always be. It is hard to have faith in anything these days but if you do believe that Jesus Is the son of God and died on the cross for our sins and paid for our sin in full. I suggest that if you do believe this, please pray to God and ask him to forgive you of your sins. Im not trying to preach to you but it took me 35 years to believe in the whole God issue and when I confessed my sins to him, it was like I just laid down a terrible burden. What really got to me was the fact that if I would have died during those 35 years, according to the Bible, I would have gone to hell so I urge to go to God in prayer.

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 09:58 AM

Originally posted by southern_cross3
Nobody created God.

He did not create himself.

God was, is, and will be.

I'll refer you to the works of Thomas Aquinas on this subject.

Please explain to me how thomas could understand something better than any of us, or you even? Explain this to me remembering that infinite existence is something that cannot be fully comprehended by any man, including this guy who clearly you decided to follow without question.

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 10:05 AM
If god came from nothing, then why cannot space/our universe/matter/Earth, etc come from nothing?...

In another way: Our universe/matter was, is and will be.

If you believe that god created anything, then it is most logical to believe that something created god.. Or come to the conclusion that space is, was and forever will be there and expand.
That’s my 2 cents…

Can’t wait now for those religious folk to come in and question my age and intelligence (as we all seem to enjoy doing when something someone said is against your beliefs)


[edit on 2-2-2005 by Adregalus]

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 10:10 AM
I really don't have anything to add here, but in response to the orignal question on this may want to read the thread listed below....It's by another member here, Paul Richards.

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by Adregalus
If god came from nothing, then why cannot space/our universe/matter/Earth, etc come from nothing?...

In another way: Our universe/matter was, is and will be.

If you believe that god created anything, then it is most logical to believe that something created god.. Or come to the conclusion that space is, was and forever will be there and expand.
That’s my 2 cents…

Can’t wait now for those religious folk to come in and question my age and intelligence (as we all seem to enjoy doing when something someone said is against your beliefs)


[edit on 2-2-2005 by Adregalus]

We never said God came from anything. We said he always was and always will be. He has no beginning, so that squashes that argument. Again you can't try to explain something ifinite in finite limited terms. That's an oxymoron, we have no way to explain God's being with our limited minds, end of discussion.

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by Adregalus
If god came from nothing, then why cannot space/our universe/matter/Earth, etc come from nothing?...

In another way: Our universe/matter was, is and will be.

If you believe that god created anything, then it is most logical to believe that something created god.. Or come to the conclusion that space is, was and forever will be there and expand.
That’s my 2 cents…

Can’t wait now for those religious folk to come in and question my age and intelligence (as we all seem to enjoy doing when something someone said is against your beliefs)


[edit on 2-2-2005 by Adregalus]

very simple answer to that... God created this Universe. God doesn't live in this universe, this universe, by definition of everything in the entire universe and by the definition of time alone, had to start from something.... This universe is bounded by soooooooooo many laws that it is only logical that a God had to of created everything. There can not be a mulitverse with infinite loops because of the fact that our universe had to have a starting point due to rules. And if our universe started somewhere, that in turn would mean that the multiverse too would have to start from somewhere because our universe has a starting point and isn't starting at infinite. Thus, that theory is bunk, and again, God has to exist.

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 05:34 PM
i for one do not deny the existence of an omnipotent being. throughout history there has been an entity that governs all. i feel that this being is more an energy. energy rules all. if there is no energy, there is nothing. i am a native american so the existence of the creator is what governs most native beliefs. next to this creator are spirits; animal, elemental, ect. now these could have been conjured by a ruler but it had to have started somewheres. do not deny the existence of a being or energy outside of our planet or universe. if this planet exists, there must be another or hopefully more. take yin and yang for instance. it can mean just a symbol that looks cool to some people but to others it has a deep, complex meaning. but overall it stands for an eternal flow of all things. we as a human race has evolved dramatically throughout our time. i dont the people from the beginning of time are as intillectual as we are now. so for a single or group of people to come up with such a disputed idea of there being or not being a 'god' is unbelievable. althought from the time that the bible was in circulation, wasnt there a single, dominant ruler? could this person's views be transcribed to literature for distribution to the underling masses as a form of crowd control? if i was an ignorant peasant and a ruler who lives in a palace of unimaginable control told me that if i coveted my neighbors wife, id be struck down, or if i didnt follow the 'leader' id be cast to hell for an eternity of tourture and pain id be pretty fearful because i wouldnt know any better. but in a native view, we as a people have existed far from 'civilization' for an unknown time(no one really knows how long our history goes back.... too many gaps) and yet there was a respect for this creator. but who is to say that again, a single ruler created the 'creator' to better govern his people. im a skeptic; if we are really 'god's children, then are we not demi-gods in a geneoligy sence? we all have the ability to create, destroy, follow, lead, etc. i honestly believe that we as a race will never know untill a civilization beyond ours makes contact with us and can clarify what we believe. granted that they can provide accurate information and that they existed before we were 'made'. but then this question will continue... who made them... it is a never ending cycle. the only thing that i believe that has the answers is the energy around us. so thinking now in a science mind, since saying god made rain, science says that accumulated precipitation condensed on particles in our atmosphere collect to create clouds which in turn release this condensation to form rain as it falls to earth. or some crap... that was from the top of my head.. im no specialist. so if this kind of process of creation can happen right here on earth, then whats to say that due to some unique factors(energy), life was like (metaphorically)'condensation' that collected to a point that it evolved into a new form to create 'rain'(us).
on, and on ,and on, and on........... for me to look to any form of literature that is linked to a religion, which i believe is a form of crowd controll, is likened to a child asking another why the sky is blue and they respond, "because". would a religiouse person resopond, "because god made it blue". or would you tell that child to take his little inquisitive mind and read about it in an encyclopedia, or any text referencing science. is ot science the study of all things? maybe we should make science a religion... ohh woops... there is scientology. this in my opinion is not so much a religion, but an indepth quest for knowledge that most would look for in a paragraph from the bible or similar religious documents. i dont believe that scientologists gather on sundays and repent for thier failed attempts to unravel the world around us in a form that CAN be explained and CAN be demonstarted. maybe a better question is why not show yourself so that we may really bask in your glory? ill stop now.... or i never will.

[edit on 3-2-2005 by 666MALISEET999]

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