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I Have A Question For YOU. Fallen Angels

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posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 04:17 PM
Duhhh! They look like Ivanka Trump. Silly ATSer.

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 04:31 PM
a reply to: CollectSecretHistory

For each birth of a Son here, there is a parallel division between the upper realm and the lower where mankind wanders as sheep. This is the conversation Jesus had with his disciples in Matthew 18. The question they had was, “Who, then, is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” Jesus allowed them to see something in parable, which is the child as a wandering sheep. The child is Eve (mind) entangled into a mortal body. In truth, we are the Angels (Deva) above. Below, we are the Asura (Demon) below. While we see the word Demon and think evil, the truth here is by design for refinement for most of us. We are born here, yet also born from above. The mind here is harvested as Wheat from the stalk (chaff). The body dies, yet the mind has never left its true estate. Jesus notes this here.

Matthew 18

10 “See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.

We are the children in Creation below, but the Deva (being of light) above. Liberation from the Body is Salvation back to our original. We are only half a person here. We literally always face the Father above. Jesus then confirms this with Matthew 22.

29 Jesus replied, “You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God. 30 At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven. 31 But about the resurrection of the dead—have you not read what God said to you, 32 ‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’He is not the God of the dead but of the living.”

Like the Angels. Both Male and Female. Down here, we are the female. This is the confusion with Paul's words about wives. He was referring to all of us as veiled brides in the temple. In the Kore Kosmou, this is the black veil brides. If you are looking for the true fallen Angels, they are in the Book of Enoch, Jude 1 and Genesis 6. While Mankind is here as refinement, the Sons of Darkness are here by the fact they knew about Heaven, yet willingly went against the heavenly decree to stay in their own galaxy. Likewise, we are all here because of this, which is God's plan all along. Read all about it in the Kore Kosmou.

This video is technically correct, yet they lament. See Christian videos to see how penance works as a Joy of Salvation. We make the bed we rest upon. Redemption from the fallen nature is where we all find ourselves. See my threads for a complete outline.

edit on 18-3-2017 by DayAfterTomorrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 04:34 PM

originally posted by: ttobban
a reply to: CollectSecretHistory

After reading through responses on this, I thought I'd comment. I don't feel Angels are religion limited and instead are nothing more than high frequency entities (spirits) that are unable to present their identities in a physical sense to entities of lower frequency planes.

Now, if the term 'Fallen Angel' or 'Renegade Angel' is in play, than this indicates an entity that has previously lived in the high frequency planes without attachment to low frequency planes, but chose to remove their sole attachment to high frequency planes in exchange for a life on the low frequency planes.

What this means, is that Fallen Angels are born as a human infant by choice going into it, but don't even understand this as they are born into the new life and is raised. The elements of the 3D plane offer the same opportunities for enlightenment/darkening of the spirit... all things of which enable enable channeling of high frequencies.

See, the spirits that operate in high frequencies are not able to experience the joys of the senses and time as we do in the 3rd dimension. This aspect is actually considered to be a 'Heavenly' experience by high frequency entities... things like tasting food, sex, and love especially. Sure it's cool to be able to manifest realities within milliseconds... but it removes the splendors and emotions that we take for granted as humans. I say this, because Angels on the 3rd dimension that we live on usually give hints to their origins by way of endless bliss... those that seem at peace and treat all others like children, even in times of peril.

Cool debate... S+F!

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 04:45 PM
a reply to: ttobban

Hmmmm, so we could all be fallen angels.

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 04:58 PM
a reply to: ClovenSky

Possibly, yes... and could likely be the link of the Gods and religions that humans hold so dearly across centuries of time.

The Pineal Gland in humans is the 'connector' per se, of higher frequencies. As mother nature is veered away from as societies become industrialized, the Pineal Gland abilities become hindered due to calcification... also causing it to decrease in size. It essentially means the antenna is not built to capabilities.

Its very risky for a Fallen Angel to forego the experiences of higher frequencies, as the knowledge may never be even witnessed again... let alone reconnected.

I sincerely wish for humans to understand that consciousness and spiritual traits are passed along in DNA/RNA to offspring... just as the traits to metabolize sugar are passed on. It's a simple frequency scale of mother nature... higher frequencies must care for and love the lower frequencies of life in order to gain enlightenment and channeling abilities of higher frequencies.

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 05:08 PM
a reply to: ttobban

So if a higher energy entity takes the plunge into this reality, they have a possibility of forgetting all of the knowledge they have ever gained?

Would that make the decision of the plunge forced instead of voluntary? I wouldn't imagine that any entity would take that chance willingly.

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 05:24 PM
a reply to: ClovenSky

It's not a possibility, it's almost a guarantee. It's a weird balance, because the Pineal Gland is offered a great natural start, if the genes/environments of the parents offer such abilities to begin with. What if the mother is a drug addict? They could come from a long history of Shamans and therefore pass on Great abilities to channel high frequencies, yet the choice to do drugs put a wall up to the abilities. It could also happen as the new life is fed a poor diet and has a darkening environment too. A Fallen Angel can't choose who and where to enter... simply a choice like presented in the Matrix... take the red or the blue pill... nothing more.

The oddities for Fallen Angels start upon maturity. The re-connections are able to be established, but comes with endless questions because it's like having walking to be relearned again. Another element is that some of the most conscious aware Fallen Angels aren't necessarily granted access when they expire from a vessel... even if all aspects are relearned, there is a chance that they are birthed into another human vessel to start over yet again.

That is why I initially used the term 'Renegade Angel', because it takes a giant set of marbles to dis-attach the knowledge of source. It might sound weird, but the 3rd dimension, with time and emotions, is like a Disney World... a vacation per se.

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 06:23 PM
Fallen werent allowed back up to or on the Mothership orbiting Earth for you gotten tired of the ratrace onboard and have broken the mated with Homegirls from Earth and now you are banished.....but you didnt FORCE the Homegirls to be your wives......and you had children with probably look like them......and are geneticlly compatable......on this planet unless you are grossly different as in 20 feet tall or 10 inches tall you wont get much I think these "fallen angels" would look just like us...maybe pushing some physical envelopes but likely say 6-8 feet tall or 2-3 feet tall.....diversity is desirable throughout the Universe they are likely diverse as we are.
edit on 18-3-2017 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 07:31 PM
a reply to: ClovenSky

This is explained in Hinduism. A Deva is in a higher plane, but does not suffer. It cannot know this reality unless it participates, becoming locked in Samsara. Liberation is defeating Suffering, which is the value it gains in understanding. Perspective.

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 07:31 PM
a reply to: ttobban

Read my earlier post. What do you see in the link?

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 07:53 PM
I believe all of the non-terrestrial sentient as we are life forms we meet that we think are visiting us originated here on Earth and are really all coming home in different evolutionary states.....that some 3657 year Cycles of Humanity DO NOT suppress knowledge and work together and easily and permanently leave Earth to find a more stable place to live and each one begins its own evolutionary off-shoot of which there could be the Fallen Angels must have some similarities to us.

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 07:54 PM
a reply to: DayAfterTomorrow

The link I see is everything I concept...

I do have a bit of emphasis towards moving perspectives to a simplified arena... free of religion but including them all at the same time. Nonetheless, I agree that the removal of suffering is essentially the removal of a resistor in a circuit... frequency amplification increases as resistance decreases... if source power is constant of course.

A bulk of my concepts also include that environment and the unknown outcomes of procreation, as far as DNA/RNA transfer is concerned, to include that understanding may never be offered when born into life as a human... its a complete roll of the dice when chosen to live as a human. Sure there are 2 sides to this equation... maybe an equal number of people chose to live physically and void of enlightenment, but maybe an equal number is forced into their own inabilities to understand even basic concepts of enlightenment.

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 09:03 PM
the story of angel, according to me...
god only knows how much of it might be right..
the angels are the fruit of a previous harvest of a planet much like earth, or maybe it was earth. consider us to be like in kindergarten or grade school, and they have graduated from high school. at our stage of education, we are given a great amount of free will, we are free to screw up basically any way we wish really. well, at some point along the path, we are expected to lay aside that free will and accept the will of the god's. many of the angels just couldn't do this, just like many of us probably won't when it comes time. some might decide to go off and play god themselves, not quite ready to be god, but still they still have free will and they are allowed to do this. so, they go off and manage to manifest their own little creations, which for awhile, will function halfway normally. but, they aren't strong enough, and they don't have the understanding they need. they might have the idea that their creation is there only to serve them, and instead of giving of themselves to sustain it, they instead just pull the energy they released to manifest it back into themselves, or they might just expend all the energy into them and be no more.
there is a balance between gods and their creations, neither can survive without the other, there is a constant energy flow from creation to god, back to creation as well and between the created. that balance cannot be kept and the creation dies, the wannabe gods find themselves "starving" and return to the creation that was their home and like parasites start to drain the energy they need from it. they could at any time, return back to their gods and be welcomed back, but they still refuse to accept the terms. so the energy flow is still not adequate really.
so to answer some of your questions.. although angels and fallen angels started out looking very much the same, you are what you eat so to speak, and the corrupted diet of the fallen angels has caused some deformities. instead of subsisting on a balanced flow of energy, instead they run on a rule or be ruled mentality, and their influence in this respect can be seen on this planet. some fallen angels have become very powerful by ruling over other angels, demons, and humans, so ya, they can manifest in whatever form they wish to.

all that said and done, I want to say, all things within a creation, even fallen angels have a place in the creation. to term them as good or evil just shows our own lack of understanding. at some point, the creation is as perfect as The Creator is and all parts are at harmony with all others. even the "evil ones".

posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 09:18 PM
a reply to: CollectSecretHistory

Also, I forget to give you this. See the Masnavi by Rumi the Sufi. Search Angel. This mystic knew his Angels by their history somehow.

Masnavi Rumi the Sufi

posted on Mar, 19 2017 @ 06:38 AM
You want opinions - here goes

Gods came to make Earth their home as their planet became unstable. (From Heaven to Earth they came). Great-Great Grandpa & Ma were at hand and with some changes to their DNA were ideal. They gave them a lovely fruitful spot to live in and told them to multiply as they needed workers to help build and establish their new civilization. Then the big sin happened, my great-great aunties were just too beautiful and some of the creators couldn’t help themselves (the apple). The experiment was compromised, with the workers having the full-blow DNA of the creators. A riff developed between the Gods upon which the sinners “Fallen Angels” were cast out. The “Fallen Angels” then colonized the world and mixed with other races. After a catastrophic event the lack of partners forced the remaining Gods to take wives from the mixed breeds which lead to the time of the Demi-Gods. A system was then developed to stay in power as we keep on evolving into the modern humans of today.
You can still see the adapted system and control of knowledge to stay in power and we are still making war on each other.

posted on Mar, 19 2017 @ 07:08 AM

originally posted by: CollectSecretHistory
Do you think you could recognise them? How do you think they would act? How do you think they feel about you and me?

Meet them in hell and you will see all fallen angels with blue skin, faint almost non existent wings. Under the rule of God, their skin is golden. Once fallen, their skin turns blue as the Glory of God is removed.

Their domain dictates the color of their eyes where Dominion is black and Power is red.

posted on Mar, 19 2017 @ 08:50 PM
I commented once before, but mainly sourced my thoughts of origin. Since I enjoy this subject, I will type a bit on Fallen Angels and their interaction with the 3rd dimension.

As I mentioned before, Fallen Angels are humans... that likely chose the 3rd dimensional life in exchange for the lives in higher dimensions. If a healthy growth into maturity occurs, they tend to experience odd events. They are not judgement oriented when communicating with another person... their mind is usually racing 100 MPH as another talks... analyzing their history as the person talks. If a lie is told, its immediately sensed... and just kind of tucked away in the back of the mind as to how one may apply truth to their reality. These weird abilities to see through another stem from an ability that all humans are born with, but the brain creates a negative feedback as humans mature. It has something to do with high frequency light waves of the blue/green spectrum... its why young children stare at some people... they are witnessing those high frequency light spectrum's but are trying to figure out what the hell it is at the same time. Fallen Angels don't typically lose this odd trait upon maturity.

There are quite a large number of youth that will mature into adulthood and reconnect with their higher selves... way more than are in current times. A lot of the Indigo movement is pretty much generations coming to terms with Fallen Angel connections at earlier and earlier ages. What this means? That not only are we surrounded by Fallen Angels, but there are Fallen Angels on Earth that are solely here to guide other Fallen Angels. We are talking a network... not just a few random people.

Kind of cool, huh?

posted on Mar, 20 2017 @ 09:13 AM
Do fallen angels bounce ?

Or do they go ' Splat ' ?

Just wondering ...

posted on Mar, 20 2017 @ 09:17 AM
a reply to: CollectSecretHistory

Like this:

Heh. Actually I really don't believe in angels to begin with, let alone ones that can "fall". Though I really doubt that "falling" alters ones appearance, thus it is likely that if angels are real then fallen angels would look the same as regular angels.

posted on May, 23 2017 @ 10:38 AM

originally posted by: CollectSecretHistory
Have you thought about Fallen Angels? What do you think that they would look like to You and Me in this physical world if they so wished to present themself in this plane. Do you think you could recognise them? How do you think they would act? How do you think they feel about you and me? Do they think you are pretty or ugly things like that. I would really like to hear your ideas and any other comments you may have.

ALL beings (angelic and human) are in a fallen state at different depths. I look like a human, you couldn't recognize me because I don't act angelic. I do my duty as quietly as possible with as little collateral damage as possible. Some lower angels love humans, I am an angel of the throne so, my father loves you all but I'm kind of indifferent. To me you all look like babies tripping over you own feet (spiritually) and we've been sent here to baby sit so... you know.


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