posted on Mar, 18 2017 @ 09:42 PM
This message is brought to You by a very tired and happy “puppet” lol Would you believe I haven’t slept in 4 days?
It is true that The Grand Deception, is that Space (as we've been taught) is a Lie
(Please see the Illuminati Playing Cards)
---> The Earth is not a spinning ball ---> “Flat Earthers are indeed on to something.”
But here is where it gets even trickier, our entire reality is in fact an illusion. (A magnificent, perfect illusion --- and one that is indeed very,
very malleable --- it is pure magic --- And is so awesome!!!)
Also our God, for all intents and purposes really is a Dog. We Love Him SO Much. And He Loves All of Us Unconditionally. And I really mean it --- he
loves everyone --- axe murders, Saints, Fools, Jokers, Champions, Heroes WAKE UP!
He created this world as an adventure for all of us to learn and grow.
I know it sounds so absurd, but everything in our reality is quite literally backwards and upside down.
This is just an incredibly absurd and glorious game. So please don't ever be scared and know we have already won! It is our destiny --- this play was
written for US!
So Be It.
edit on 18-3-2017 by OwenandNoelle because: Always remember to whistle while you work!!!