posted on Mar, 17 2017 @ 11:08 AM
I have spent most of the day watching a range of YouTube videos and am rather disturbed by what I have seen. No, it was not gore, heavy violence or
anything of that nature. I did not stumble across documentaries discussing mass human suffering or serial killers or anything like that. What I did
see, however, is many people expressing irrational, delusional and highly illogical views in a public context and then resorting to harassment and
aggression when these views were challenged.
Ok, yes YouTube has an extremely diverse range of videos and you are bound to find just about anything. You will find videos you agree with, others
you disagree with and even more you are indifferent to. It is also true that many videos have an agenda and will present experiences out of context
and try to push a narrative the author wants you to follow, even when their arguments are supported with facts or sound reasoning.
Nevertheless, there is a serious problem. It's not easy to explain clearly what the problem is, but it's a kind of a disconnection you feel when
viewing other people behave in such ways. It's like a deep loss of hope for the future of humanity. You have thoughts like "there are actually
people who think like that, behave like that openly and publicly, and are not in some type of institution?" (Remember, the key problem here is
with the manner in which these views are expressed, not the actual opinions/views themselves.)
How can we ever overcome the problems we face when we cannot even remain civil while discussing with others views that challenge our own?