Gold is one of the 6 rare precious metals in the world. It’s non-toxic and exhibits no interactions with other drugs, and is easily tolerated by
the body. Colloidal gold is a tasteless colloid made from minute gold particles mixed with water.
Gold sources - is a colloidal gold or skin contact by jewellery.
Gold benefits - is anti-inflammatory, rheumatoid arthritis, emotional and mental states, improvements in IQ while using it, biological
functions (rejuvenate the glands), stimulates the nerves, and invigorates the sexual organs, increased longevity and including treatment of some
Warning - One of the most common side effects of gold therapy is an allergic reaction that may or may not occur after any period of
time. And one not mentioned any place is Gold fever (sorry, had to put that in)
Iodine is an essential trace element that is vital for normal growth and development and mostly stored in the thyroid gland. This secretes thyroid
hormones that control the base metabolic rate of the body that could not be synthesized.
Iodine sources - is marine plants and animals like shellfish, deep-water whitefish, brown seaweed (kelp), sardines, tuna, lobster, oyster,
clams, cod, haddock, halibut, herring perch, salmon, sea bass, and shrimp. It’s also found in eggs, garlic, lima beans, swiss chard, summer squash,
sesame seeds, soybeans, turnip greens and spinach
Iodine benefits - are thyroid glands (metabolism), energy levels, healthy nails, hair and teeth, reproductive organs, immune system (scavenger
of free hydroxyl radicals), various diseases like heart disease and cancer (anti-carcinogenic properties), fibrosis, turgidity, and breast
Warning - Iodine overdose of more than 2,000 mg could be dangerous, especially in people suffering from kidney ailments or
Iridium is one of the six platinum group elements and is one of rarest elements found on earth. They apparently perform essential tasks as
superconductors in a sort of nutrient for consciousness. Plenty are still to be learned about this “supposed magical” product.
Meso-Iridium: (see at the bottom of the page about the combination and claims)
Iridium sources - is Meso-Iridium a clear light blue-silver coloured liquid and natural mineral supplement in the form of an iridium colloid
mixtures consisting of nano particles.
Iridium benefits - is cellular metabolism, mental health (improve memory), regeneration of neurological tissues. Combinations with other
elements seem to have mega healing properties. Does not interact or interfere with any medications nor require refrigeration after opening.
Warning - Allergic reactions to iridium are not unheard of, but uncommon. Apply a few drops to the back of the hand and wait 30 minutes
to see if an allergic reaction occurs.
Iron is an essential metal with a protein component for metabolism forming hemoglobin and myoglobin that the human body need to produce red blood
cells. Hemoglobin is the primary transporter of oxygen from the lungs to the body’s cells.
Iron sources - is liver, red meat (beef), eggs (especially egg yolks), oysters, beans, nuts, dried fruit, pro-nutro (fortified breakfast
cereals), soybean flour, watercress, salmon and tuna, etc.
Iron benefits - is the oxygen carrier, muscle health, brain health and its functions like synthesis of neurotransmitters involving neurons,
restless leg syndrome, regulating body temperature, anemia, chronic disorders, immune system and fatigue/energy and organ health.
Warning - Very high doses of iron can be fatal, particularly if taken by children. You should be able to get all the iron you need from
your daily diet. Talk to your Doctor as some medications can interfere with your body’s ability to absorb iron.
Lithium is a mineral/element that affects the flow of sodium through nerve and muscle cells in the body.
Lithium sources - is milk, eggs, tomatoes, mushrooms, cucumbers, beef, paprika, poultry, etc.
Lithium benefits - is to treat the manic episodes of bipolar disorder. Symptoms include hyperactivity, rushed speech, poor judgment, reduced
need for sleep, aggression, and anger.
Warning - talk to a doctor before supplementing Lithium. There are too many things to look out for like other health conditions,
medications and/or side effects.
Magnesium is a very important electrolytic mineral which is responsible for delivering more that 300 substances through the body.
Magnesium sources - is Pro-nutro (fortified breakfast cereal), sardines, oats, rice bran, raisins, basil, coriander, dill and sage, hemp seeds,
pumpkin and squash seeds, raw cocoa, flaxseeds, spinach, etc.
Magnesium benefits - is asthma, bone health (delivering calcium), healthy pregnancy, kidney stress and muscular tension, heart attack,
constipation, regulate insulin (diabetes), stress and anxiety and help in reducing migraines.
Warning - Side effects of magnesium are very rare however people with kidney disease should avoid taking its supplements without talking
to a doctor.
Manganese is an essential mineral naturally occurring in our bodies in very small amounts. Calcium, phosphorous, and manganese work closely together
in the body. It is a powerful antioxidant that seeks out the free radicals in the human body and neutralizing them, therefore preventing many of the
potential dangers they could cause. The body may contain, at most, 20 mg of manganese, which is concentrated in our kidneys, pancreas, liver and
bones. It rarely causes side effects when taken orally.
Manganese sources - is cloves, oats, rice bran, spinach, pineapples, mussels, hazelnuts, pumpkin seeds, raspberries, garlic, watercress, whole
wheat, cocoa beans, etc.
Manganese benefits - is bone metabolism, thyroid gland and sex hormones, blood sugar level (diabetes), metabolism of fats and carbohydrates,
blood pressure, heart ailments, muscular contraction (Epilepsy), high cholesterol, poor eyesight, hearing trouble, memory, infertility in women and
pancreatic damage.
Warning - Manganese should not exceed 10-20 milligrams due to the potential for nerve system damage. It can be toxic to people who
regularly inhale manganese vapours, such as industrial workers in steel mills and mines.