posted on Mar, 16 2017 @ 07:58 AM
So sorry for your loss, i know its easy to say but try and remember all the joy he brought you over those 15 years.
I had to have my first GSD Zara(who also lived until 15, a very good run for the breed) put to sleep as she got the point where her body just wouldn't
work for her anymore, and it just wouldn't have been right to keep her going on, she was just as sharp as ever up stairs though.
It was the single hardest thing i have ever had to do, i got her the same week as me and the wife moved into our first home together so she had always
been there with us, man i'm actually welling up typing this, i loved that dog i lost one of the most loyal and loving friends i have ever had that
We bought another GSD pup around 12 months later(thea), and all though she will never replace my Zara she has filled that gap we had in our lives
without a dog in the house.