Over the past few years I have seen post on threads (usually blogs) about room temperature superconductors (RTS). One site in particular keeps on
posting anything and everything that the blogger runs across as "major announcement" news. Last year it was graphite by some group in Japan; last
month, it RTS in graphene doped with whatever and he was complaining science has not acknowledged this "breakthrough discovery" or something.
Around the same the same a paper hit the arXiv also claiming a RTS. Even our intrepid blogger who gloms onto any RTS news stayed away. In fact, nearly
everybody looked at the news, the source, and the material, and shook their head in one big, "Puhleez."
Now, finally, somebody has put up an article about that arXiv paper.
TheWire.in, Aug. 6, 2018 -
IISc Team Find a Room-Temperature Superconductor? The Devil's in the Details.
The ".in" should tell you something. It is a very detailed piece about a team, also in India, who claimed they observed RTS in a combinations of
nano-silver and nano-gold, at ambient temperature. Me, that was all I had to see before the Red Flag went off.
The article details the history of superconductivity and HTS research (my previous post covers the same). Then they turn a critical eye towards the
gold/silver RTS paper. First, they did not do a temperature graph. Second the diamagnetic property that SC show (you know, the magnet floating above
the other magnet as liquid nitrogen is poured over it? That), was never demonstrated and dismissed as "sintering process error" (manufacturing of the
RTS). Next, the fact that gold and silver belong to "monovalent metal" where the electrons do not form Cooper pairs no matter how much they are
cooled. Another point being, they studied this at cold temperature!! Then claimed some form of magic happens as you make it thinner and refined by
some chemical process, idk, that it would work at room temperature.
Last but not least is what immediately set off my BS O'meter and the Red Flags. These guys are from India. If you ever known Indians then you know
there absolute adoration of gold. Well, some of them REALLY love and the others like it a lot. I've had a co-worker trying to show off some 14K ring
he just purchased and from what I remember, it was already turning green! So to me, this desire to get a revered precious metal to be "magical" and a
RTS made me feel sad for the authors.
Otherwise, a good collection of dates and temperatures for various HTS and steps towards the dream of RTS! Also a good reminder of all the things that
go into SC (the triumvirate also mentioned in previous post). Last, a great example, IMO, of confirmation bias.