While I know you clicked on this link to see what kind of fancy organ a Vijnana might be, rest assured, you did not click here on accident. Depending
on your point of view, the title of this thread attracted your attention for one of many reasons. If Spiritual Awakening was your goal, then you have
come to right place. Even if your goal is activation of your Vijanana organ, the same experience will be outlined here. First, define the terms.
This thread is in Conspiracies of Religion for one reason: It has been hidden from you. This information connects all religions to one source and
thread. Please relate comments to the connections this conspiracy makes for all religious seeking. Connect the dots.
Vijnana is a Sanskrit term. It literally means, 'Spiritual Realization, where by the enlightened soul perceives Brahman. For those who meditate,
this is not a state of Samadhi, but in the every day manifest world, which now becomes the reality of seeing Brahman (Absolute Consciousness) with
open eyes. If you have reached this state of realization, you are called a Vijnanin. The Vijnana is a central psychological "organ" called the fifth
sense. This perception is not the personality of self (Anatman), but only a component of the empirical personality.
Brahman is a Sanskrit abstract concept, meaning Absolute Consciousness, and is not accessible to the thinking mind. No attempt to transmit this mind
orally is possible. Over time, the concept of Brahman has become a concrete idea known as Ishvara. Despite this, Brahman is a state of pure
transcendence that cannot be grasped by thought alone. As Shrf Ramakrishna states, "No tongue has ever defiled Brahman." Seekers defining themselves
as Brahmans employed linguistic approximations, refereed to as guardians of the spiritual treasure, and grew in stature over time as the highest of
the four castes (Varna). This idea is seen in all religions as God's Spirit (mind), or "One without a second."
Ishvara is a Sanskrit term meaning "LORD of the Universe," or collective mind ruler. This is a term essential to seeing how one Lord is the bread
sliced into many human minds, all sharing the same essence of consciousness. Ish is the root, "to rule and reign." The personal God and creator of
the world is Brahman and Ishvara is its relation to the manifest world as the object of worship. In the Bible, this is the Son of God as the mediator
to God the Father. Vivekananda's words, "Ishvara is the supreme interpretation of the Absolute (Brahman) by human thought." Manu is the word
Mankind, which means, "To Think." Yama is the essence of the biblical Yahmweh, which means "Self-Control." In the Bible, Satan is the Accuser, or
conscience of the rulers and powers I have listed so far. The GOD of the Christian faith and of Islam, as well as all the deities of Hindu mythology,
are aspects of Ishvara (LORD). Where does this key idea originate? From the oldest languages such as Sanskrit.
If you wish to know your
religion, know the root.
Our human reason can conceive of divinity only with some form to engage with. Our mind must have this mental image to engage a mediation between the
world in which we live and the true God. Ishvara is this concept to allow the mind to see itself clearly in the reflection of consciousness and God.
We share God's mind, yet are individuated from it to find a unique self in relation. The ultimate goal is to find God All in All, or Echad (one with
many). Echad is a Hebrew term defining both marriage and unity with God's mind. Yachid, on the other hand, means bad or alone.
This is a Sanskrit term meaning (abhasa), "Appearance, reflection," and Chaitanya, or Consciousness. This concept is a reflection in the human mind
as a mirror. You find echoes of this in 1 Corinthians 13, where God's ultimate realization is the compassion and Love of unlimited goodness of mind,
where completeness for the mind cannot arise apart from the highest Arete of Compassion and goodness in virtue. Between realization of God and
Virtue, we find Bhakti as the Love of God. There are two paths to God. Bhakti (love of God) and seeking this love through prayer and meditation in
the form of realization. All paths to this realization lead to center, or inside the human essence of mind.
The Jiva is the mortal, ego bound individual. He takes his reflection to be his own state of consciousness and thus impedes the discovery of absolute
consciousness (as his own Lord and ruler). This Ego state impedes his discovery of the identical consciousness of Brahman. If the Jiva overcomes
this limitation, he becomes aware of his true self (Atman) and finds unity with Brahman, attaining liberation (freedom from the old self). This
cannot be accomplished apart from reflecting (abhasa) the virtue of Love and Compassion for others (Absolute requires all relatives).
This is the path to activation of the Aijanana - The Organ of Spiritual Awakening
More to come in future threads.
NOTE: most of the wording here is adaptation from the Encyclopedia of Eastern Psychology and Religion, published by Shambhala as my source. I
would highly recommend this book to anyone willing to activate their Aijanana.
For a related and expanded topic, see this:
Be Confused Regarding Religion No
edit on 15-3-2017 by DayAfterTomorrow because: For reasons which will only be made clear in the world to come. For now, enjoy this day after
yesterday. It's always the day after yesterday until it's the day after tomorrow!