posted on Mar, 14 2017 @ 09:47 AM
What does ethics mean for you?
Someone once told me;" You lack ethical responsibility, you simplify philosophy in a immoral way.... You need guidance from a mentor.. "
I understand the principles, but if i take into consideration the philosophical work from a subjective viewpoint and disregard science as a method and
instead embrace philosophy at first hand as a method i will be just another bullshlting philosopher others try to understand..
The problem with philosophy today;" no one understands a single thing about what is important in society " The basic of philosophy is dualism to
venture forth into the middle path.. When in science its "Love and Fear" in philosophy its "Love and Hate" How do you turn love and hate to a
middle path? Idealism? No wonder the young looks at the elders as lying "mf#"
Isnt better to teach virtues and responsibility, offer character Instead of choices? Cause really when you hit puberty, choices is just another word
for;" I want to f*** anything that moves " How about we teach them to court? Maybe even to pull out the chair? Cause it when comes down to choices,
if you lack morals, the ethical approach wont matter..
So my question to all of you? What does ethics mean for you?