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Are RH negative blood types from Aliens?

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posted on Mar, 13 2017 @ 03:14 PM

originally posted by: AgarthaSeed

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: Julie Washington


- Blue, Green or Hazel Eyes green
- More Physically and Emotionally aware nope
- Red hair no hair
- Sensitive to heat always too cold
- Higher IQ hahahahaha, nope
- Lower body temperature nope
- Dreams of or actual Alien abductions nope

And yet, I am an alien.

Technically a sex machine would be considered a cyborg.

Artificial American, please.

I'm programmed to be PC.

posted on Mar, 13 2017 @ 03:39 PM
a reply to: TheAlleghenyGentleman

I am right handed but am better with my left hand than my stepbrother who is left handed. It comes from using my left hand a lot for doing things, trying to bring it up to the right hands coordination. I cannot get it as good as my right hand though. Not quite as much strength in it.

posted on Mar, 13 2017 @ 03:50 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Like a lot of left handed people I'm also good with my right hand. Not as good as my left but I can write with both hands and I switch hit in baseball.

posted on Mar, 13 2017 @ 04:03 PM
i'm O+... so I am from Earth, no question... Terrans, Earthmen... the population of humans when the God Science Team was sent forth to create a separate race of Humans (at about the 35,000 BCE mentioned in OP)...

the operation was called Garden-of-Eden, the outcome was a 100 year duration DNA reprogramming and Gene-splicing experiment to create an 'ADAMIC' man then woman, have these two prototypes produce two male offspring...

the ADAMIC male was mated to a indigenous female from the Earth population which was unsuccessful in breeding offspring

so, a ADAMIC female was fashioned to mate with the experimental male and create offspring...

One thing the Garden-Eden scientists found was that a unique blood signature would be needed to aid the ADAMIC line of Humans to survive over the long term in thriving in the Earth biosphere outside of the protected Eden Compound of the Genesis Project

so RH- blood types were made a hereditary factor for the off-Earth race of Humans
so as to separate the indigenous Humans with '+' type blood from the 'chosen-ones' identified as the house of Israel in later stages of the groups ascendancy & conquest of planet Earth......

~ If One Studies Up On these matters... the Neanderthals sort of were swept aside at around the same time frame of 35,000 when the off-world generated ADAMIC man & woman were introduced into the Human History...

understand this story is just a story and a reasonable interpretation of the Bible Story of the Christian & Jewish story of the beginnings of human kind for a 6,000 year experiment
(which has long exceeded the lifetime of the original experiment begun in 35,000 BCE, & not at the End-of-Last-Ice-Age)

posted on Mar, 13 2017 @ 04:11 PM

originally posted by: Violater1
a reply to: Julie Washington

As I have explained in several OP’s, there is NO rhesus monkey gene in humans. Sheeeeeesh!
The widely used term "Rh" was kept for the clinically described human antibodies that are different from the ones related to the rhesus macaque monkey. The discovery was produced by immunizing rabbits with red blood cells from a rhesus monkey, NOT a HUMAN. The agglutinin factor found in rhesus macaque was classified in the Landsteiner-Wiener antigen system. The propensity for the Rh factor was just one in a system of various antigens (it consists of 50 defined blood-group antigens, among which the five antigens D, C, c, E, and e ). Based on different models of genetic inheritance, two different terminologies were developed; both of them are still in use.

So is this false then? Im not familiar with genomes like I am history.. so help me out a little


An international consortium of scientists including Penn State researchers analyzed the draft genome sequence of the rhesus macaque monkey, the second nonhuman primate, after the chimpanzee, to have its genome sequenced. The rhesus genome shares about 93 percent of its sequence with both the human and the chimpanzee genome. As the most distant of the three species, the rhesus provides an ideal reference point for comparisons among the three closely related primates. The study appeared recently in the journal Science, together with four companion papers that also relied on the genome sequence.

posted on Mar, 13 2017 @ 04:14 PM
a reply to: St Udio
According to this scientist. All men are descendants of the scientific Adam.

posted on Mar, 13 2017 @ 04:18 PM
O Rh -ve
Green eyes
More emotionally aware
Brown hair
Not sensative to heat
156 IQ
Never noticed my body temperature but i usually feel too hot.
No dreams of abduction

posted on Mar, 13 2017 @ 04:29 PM
These days there is ρgam if there is a problem with the mother during pregnancy.

posted on Mar, 13 2017 @ 04:39 PM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

Watching now.. love that Thomas Jefferson has dna back to what is now known as Syria. Oh the plethora of one liners one can use with that information

posted on Mar, 13 2017 @ 04:51 PM
I have often thought about this and I don't think that blood type comes from aliens as such . I like to think it is a holdover from our ancestors, most likely the people who we dig up with the elongated skulls who are far more common than we are led to believe.

posted on Mar, 13 2017 @ 05:17 PM
a reply to: Julie Washington

I am O Rhesus positive so do not fall into your group, may have suffered an episode similar to an ET abduction as a child (small u shaped craft about the size of a small car in the back garden in the middle of the night, my mother holding me in her arm's, abject terror, three little guy's in silver suit's with over sized helmet's and completely black face plates with no features visible) with my mother having a corroborating memory, had past life type memory's at that common age of about 2 and a half to 3 and a half years of age (remembered the life of an old man and had his ego try to take me over as we drove through a place my mother had never taken me before, I was claiming to be someone called John and told her the landmark's from the pub John used to drink in to the shop he used to get the tobacco for his pipe before we even got to them), felt something (like a spike of fear or that warning sense you get) and looked (jerked my head up I was walking home from work at about 3 am in the morning) at what I can only call an un illuminated saucer (or sphere moving very fast at between 200 to 400 feet altitude, silent and against the gale force wind) in my late 20's, have experienced multiple paranormal type activity's (From what you may regard as Ghost and apparition to object's moving and even appearing and disappearing) and even had my silver icon (Mary and Jesus medalion) turn black and the metal become brittle after something resembling black smoke or a black heat wave jumped into me, my skin was itching and it felt horrible but as I was actually cold at the time and it was hot it was also kind of cozy in an unpleasant manner.

I have always had extremely strong empathy for other's, would not defend myself as a child for fear of hurting those whom were hurting me.

SO not all RH negative's have experienced these thing's and indeed like far more RH positive have simply by stint of the fact that such a claim is moot and RH negative's would only be targeted if they were somehow more interesting than the bulk of humanity were the majority of sighting's and experiences rest's.

There is absolutely NO proof that RH negative blood has any more defence against HIV or any other virus, I would love to see that proven in a laboratory though because if it had any truth at all then the Antibody's in the RH negative would have given rise to treatment's and syrum's derived from them.

Valid theory is that RH negative originated in one of the following, Denosivan ancesty, Neanderthal Ancestry or even a split in the time of early pre human primate ancestry and a subsequent re-merging of those seperate strain's which meant that some lineages have inherited the genetic mutation accompanying this.

There are NO differences in RH blood other than a mother with RH negative blood having difficulty bearing an RH positive child as her blood will attack her own feotus in those case's (probably why the inferior -sic by numerical balance not nature - strain has survived up to the present generation's of humanity).

Here is a relatively good page, not a true science journal quality one but it explain's it well enough.

Now if you were of Alien origin you would if female carry that in your mitochondrial DNA unless of course the Alien's only tampered with your nucleic DNA so then your X chromosome, the same for male but in that case the Y chromosome would be the one to look for, of course other chromosome's could have been swapped out but over natural progression of the generation's they get swapped, dumped and replaced but the Mitochondrial DNA does not, the Y chromosome does not and the X chromosome does not.

I am RH positive not negative.

Hazel blue green eye's (golden ring around the pupil like an eclipse if you like funny how all those ratio's and the human eye stack up like it was all designed eh), part semitic (jewish) ancestry and part Maori, mostly celt and germanic ancestry, fair brown hair, it was golden when I was a child and my mother kept a lock of it, unusual not blond but actually metalic gold in colour, I am male, 6' and slightly over weight due to failing health, quite intelligent but in the wrong way, I never had that gift of being able to socialize with any ease and that is the one magic ingredient you really need to succeed in this world, always felt apart but then I suspect we all do regardless of race, blood group and IQ level, it is after all one of the thing's that defines us as individual's and to my mind we are ALL human being's of equal merit and value.

edit on 13-3-2017 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2017 @ 05:32 PM
a reply to: Julie Washington

Let's turn the perspective around instead of asking if that type is alien derived because in response to that question, we can honestly say we don't know. And even those that study the genetics of our DNA don't want to hint or say that claim an alien component component even if it can be the case within what they like to call our "junk."

But if we wonder why reports of from people being abducted tend to have that blood type, then that tends to suggest the ETs are interested in and zero in on that type for some reason. Why is that? Are they making some efforts to link up to old blood relatives? Are the genetics of that type more prone to higher states of consciousness that the ETs can "tune into?" --

You could say this is another one of those "which came first, the chicken or the egg" puzzles. But as for me, an abductee with the traits mentioned fully recognized before anybody did a field study of the associations, I think I know the answer.

posted on Mar, 13 2017 @ 05:37 PM

originally posted by: Aliensun
a reply to: Julie Washington

Let's turn the perspective around instead of asking if that type is alien derived because in response to that question, we can honestly say we don't know. And even those that study the genetics of our DNA don't want to hint or say that claim an alien component component even if it can be the case within what they like to call our "junk."

But if we wonder why reports of from people being abducted tend to have that blood type, then that tends to suggest the ETs are interested in and zero in on that type for some reason. Why is that? Are they making some efforts to link up to old blood relatives? Are the genetics of that type more prone to higher states of consciousness that the ETs can "tune into?" --

You could say this is another one of those "which came first, the chicken or the egg" puzzles. But as for me, an abductee with the traits mentioned fully recognized before anybody did a field study of the associations, I think I know the answer.

If it can be proved that RH- blood actually is superior in fighting certain parasites/virus (better autoimmune system), then would that not be the best reason?

posted on Mar, 13 2017 @ 05:47 PM
a reply to: InTheLight

I suspect the truth is actually the opposite, less people with RH negative blood and the RH factor is to do with the blood antigen's, the RH positive blood can produce MORE antibody types as it HAS the RH factor in it's antigen make up.

However the case of HIV were the RH negative community may have a slightly higher resistance may be down to the fact that the very cell's the HIV target's ARE the immune system T cell's and the fact the disease has adapted to the larger group that of course being the RH positive blood type's.

If this is indeed the case then there is no way to replicate this as a cure as it would require stripping out the RH positive factor but of course the paucity of the RH negative blood type's relative to RH positive blood type's may indicate that in the past the shoe was on the other foot so to speak, the RH positive blood with it's larger number of anti body type's may have had superior resistance to several pathogen's which were lethal to the RH negative strain.

So once they became less in number it is simply disease adaptation that is the reason they may have some resistance to some pathogen's today, that adaptation is the method by which the Pathogen strain's have adapted to the larger bulk of the population in order to maximise there own survival by being able to infect the larger group of potential host's.

In other word's once the RH negative strain was decimated the remaining disease's adapted to the RH positive train and lost some of there ability to infect the RH negative group of host's.

edit on 13-3-2017 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2017 @ 05:50 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

That is a very interesting theory.

posted on Mar, 13 2017 @ 06:00 PM
a reply to: InTheLight

It has been a long time since I did any cellular biology but my guess is that there may be a slight difference in the proteins that the enzymes in the shell of the HIV lenticular virus uses to break into the cell's and so those enzyme's may not work as well in the RH negative or at least a proportion of the RH negative group whom have shown a higher inherent resistance to the infection but it could also be down to a slight alteration in the genetic's themselves which adversely affect's the HIV virus if it is not the Enzyme's failing in which case it may very well highlight a potential gene therapy cure for some HIV infected patient's if the cause of such a genetic replication failure by the HIV could be explained.
Not a mass cure of course as such a tailored genetic therapy cure would be astronomically expensive, at least at first.

So if it is true the RH negative community does have a higher resistance then this need's to be replicated.

My belief though is that there is already a viable cure out there, the WHO though is more concerned with population growth and so maybe want's these diseases to go untreated as a method to cull a percentage of the population.

posted on Mar, 13 2017 @ 06:07 PM

originally posted by: NightSkyeB4Dawn
a reply to: St Udio

scientific Adam.

thanks for the NG... i have a recollection of watching it when it aired

but... the facts support my thesis that the Indigenous Humans (aka: scientific Adam) preceded the Biblical Adam by something like 25,000 years

the video You presented & i watched states the Scientific Adam came from Africa @ 60,000 BCE accordance with Y chromosome mutation tracking

In contrast to the RH - blood types camming into existence around 35,000 BCE
so my proposal that Earthmen Humans were all bloodtype RH + up until the time when the Biblical Adam+Eve arrived into the Human population... i guess that RH - bloodtypes were introduced by the off-world scientists from Heaven into the ADAMIC-MAN at their as to identify the different groups, at least at the onset of the programme to conquer Earth by colonization of biblical-Adam-humans

that Southern and Eastern shore area of Africa is just about where Antarctica would have been when the supercontinent Gonwanda ? sp prior to breakup

posted on Mar, 13 2017 @ 06:10 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

If I were to understand your last theory, then you are suggesting WHO wants certain pathogens/diseases to be eradicated by letting them be buried with the host and not allow us to become carriers.

posted on Mar, 13 2017 @ 06:17 PM
a reply to: InTheLight

No the world health organization or rather certain more shadowy entity's behind it may want to allow the disease to spread in certain population groups in order to curtail population growth in those nation's and region's of the world.

What I am alluding to is the fact that the shadowy group whom are trying to impose there solution to crisis which they have caused upon the innocent bulk of humanity may be intent upon allowing certain pathogenic strain's and even plagues to run there course, indeed may be behind the engineering or re-engineering of some of these pathogen's for just this very purpose and the WHO is just a convenient organization they can both use as a front and also as a patsy.

Of course you have heard of the Gates foundation provided innoculation's which also sterilized the recipian's in africa rendering them infertile.

So it is not just one methodology they are relying upon, if they can not attack the population directly they will attack the population's food supply, notice all the GM crop's and tailored pesticides with side effects sold as a lot to third world farmers (and first world farmers), ever consider the simple fact we as a species live in symbiosis with our food supply's and these mega corp's corrupting them for there own profit (or even as another method of population control) will definitely have dire consequences for the human race.

posted on Mar, 13 2017 @ 06:23 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

Then again, these are rare (or new/mutated) diseases rearing their ugly heads and we are/were quite unprepared to deal with them, but, in time, we do/did deal with them - perhaps not a cure, but certainly suppression (suppressed levels can't transmit the disease). So, I can't believe your shadowy entity's theory.

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