Why I choose to try this below R300.00 recipe:
1) It’s clear that an alkaline state suppresses/kills fungi and therefore the pH of your body is of importance. Cancer cells will however shutdown
and not absorb sodium bicarbonate but combining it with honey/molasses form the binding combination for the cell to accept it, therefore killing it
2) It takes 15 min from intake to reach cell level therefore your Magnesium (taxi) and Potassium (cell binding properties) intake is important
3) Vitamin C – has a broad spectrum antioxidant functions with the ability to protect cell structures and DNA from free radical damage, cancer,
helps with oxygen absorption and many other ailments. It is also remarkably safe in extraordinary high doses. It generates hydrogen peroxide, which
in turn selectively destroys cancer cells and does not harm healthy cells. The hydrogen peroxide molecule looks similar to a sugar/glucose molecule
and when absorbed by the cancer cell mix with iron or copper to form into a new compound called dehydroascorbic acid (Trojan horse) that damages the
cancer cell from within. Normal cells are not affected by this. Orally take as much as your body could tolerate 3 times daily (your stomach will
tell you). By IV method it is much more effective. Read about high doses of
Vitamin C and/or watch this
Video by Dr. Suzanne Humphries – The Swedish Society for Orthomolecular Medicine, Stockholm,
Sweden 2014
4) Vitamin C gets quickly absorbed and broken down in the body therefore the 3 times daily intakes
5) The 30 min wait is to give it a change to achieve the maximum absorption effect. If it really matter I do not know
6) The rest is basically to keep the body environment balanced while on medication. But it does not stop there; start living healthier even after the
medication period. Listen to your body and do not overdo or cut any food groups from your diet but check for compatibility against your blood
group/cancer foods and only cut the specific foods to be avoided.
Yes, the Medical profession are bound by guidelines only to follow approved medical methods enforced on them or could loose their licences and
therefore will not look at, or advice alternative methods. Some do take risks by advising alternative or natural therapies off the record. The
science behind it is however flawed because of money and therefore the intolerance to look at them. Natural products cannot be patented; therefore
companies try to make generic products based on the most effective natural products, which they are allowed to patent. One “Big Pharmaceutical
Company” tried to patent Olive Leave Extract because of its effectiveness. Pharmaceutical companies however did discovered and developed many drugs
that have had an enormous positive impact on human health. Unfortunately some criminal action/tactics and certain products that cannot be trusted are
beyond belief. That makes it clear to me why cannabis will only become legally available through a licence, to control the money, as it cannot be
Chemotherapy is criminal in a high percentage of cases; as it poisons rapidly-growing cancer cells it also destroys developing
healthy cells that can lead to serious complications in other parts of the body like chemo brain to mention one and will also break down the immune
system. Most chemotherapy’s are even more toxic that hydrogen cyanide which is formed by enzymes breaking down Amygdalin found in apricot seeds.
But you will only hear how bad Vitamin B17 (Amygdalin) is. There will always be enough science to find some natural products dangerous but never
enough to find it approvable like chemo.
Download and watch this video
Cancer the Forbidden Cures (Time length 01:32:46 – 270Mbytes at
480/360 frame resolution) Or choose a resolution that suite you.
You can also download the video
Every Cancer Can Be Cured - Dr. Leonard Coldwell
More cures and therapies:
You can also try the 3-5 glasses of carrot juice (1.5L) per day until healed (make your own). If interested research or contact Ralph Cole or Ann
Ralph Cole /
Ann Cameron
To me it looks like the carrot juice recipe could be done in tandem with the 20 day recipe. But be careful to choose a route and follow it for a
period of time. Then get a scan and/or your blood tested which should tell if it’s working. If not, choose a different route. Do not use multiple
routes at once as certain products could possibly counter balance each other.
Parasite Zappers: (a must in any combination cure)
Colloidal silver, olive leaf extract, pumpkin seeds, neem tree extract, chlorophyll, garlic and many more products kills parasites like fungi,
viruses, bacteria and worms. Keep these parasites at bay and your chances of ever getting cancer are very slim.
Promising minerals and products: (The claims of M-3 Meso-Iridium colloid looks very promising and the route I will investigate if I was
Meso-Iridium colloid (M-3 is 70% rhodium, 15% iridium and 15% gold) others to investigate are rubidium, doxycycline, caesium, mebendazole,
dichloroacetate and many more.
Vitamin D:
Vitamin D is made in the body by the sun shining on our skin (UVB radiation) and cholesterol. 5 – 10 minutes between 10:00 am and 3:00 pm moderate
exposure/day should be sufficient for the making of calciol and 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 in the liver. Vitamin D3-Sulphate is water-soluble, which lets
the sulphate form of vitamin D travel freely in the blood stream. Vitamin D deficiency has the greatest impact on cancer rates. Vitamin D is
extremely important for regulating cell growth and for cell-to-cell communication. Vitamin D has an influence on more than 200 human genes, which can
be restricted when our Vitamin D levels are low.
Gerson Therapy:
Research Dr. Max Gerson and/or Gerson Therapy
Budwig Protocol:
Research Dr. Johanna Budwig and/or Budwig Protocol
Proteolytic Enzyme Therapy:
Research John Beard and/or Proteolytic Enzyme Therapy
And some more:
The Frankincense Essential Oil Therapy or the Organic Natural Food route
My research proved to me that there are a number of cures in natural products and/or combinations that are not investigated by “Big Parma” due to
the money involved. I feel the above 20 day recipe and your balanced diet will be enough to cure most cancers. Hope you can start before to much
damage was done.
NB! Although this quick fix method will work in most cases, others will need a prolonged period of medication to heal due to the severity and varied
pH conditions in the body.
My grandfather’s grandmother on his mother’s side had a farm (South African west coast) that produced cannabis until it was banned. They grew it
as medicine and never smoked it. My grandfather and his siblings made a tea or mixed it with milk until they died at 96, 97 and 102. Other siblings
did die at a younger age due to different reasons from falling of a horse to others, but nobody in the older generation ever had cancer.
Good luck