posted on Mar, 12 2017 @ 01:44 PM
Cargo Cults always follow the same pattern and have, really, for thousands of years. The basic idea is that someone special is coming, after which
everything will be hunky dory and we'll have everything we need, whether it is unlimited fish to eat or free energy. A good example of an ancient
Cargo Cult is Christianity. Jesus will come again within our lifetimes, so we'd better be good until he gets here. That's what St. Paul said, which
you can read in his letters that have survived and are in the Bible. That it has been 2,000 years with nothing happening is a testimony to the power
of belief.
The name Cargo Cults derives from Melanesia during WW II when a lot of those tribes had never seen anyone from western civilization. Several
charismatic leaders copied the basic ideas of Christianity from the missionaries and had their followers clear out large tracts of jungle for the
airplanes to land, which would be full of "cargo" to meet all the needs of the natives. the followers of these cults gave away all their possessions
and awaited the airplanes. A good, if dry and academic, book on this phenomenon is
The Trumpets shall sound by Peter Worsley.
DeLonge's message is not new. It's pretty much the same as George Adamski's from the fifties. It follows the same lines as the Paul Bennewitz affair
in the eighties and Billy Meier in the nineties. Steven Greer espouses the same ideas with the same reluctance to tell you the insider information he
has been secretly shown. It's the same story with a new cover for a new generation. And why not? As he has stated himself, he has read all the same
books as the rest of us who have had a lifelong interest in this subject. I'm willing to bet I have and have read more books on the subject than he
has. The difference is he apparently believes all of them where I am a very reluctant believer in conspiracies. I think he is naive.
And that brings us to a real difference. I believe people like Meier and Greer are real charlatans. By that I mean they know the stuff they are
telling us is not true. Greer never held an alien baby in his arms and Meier never went back to the Age of Dinosaurs and took pictures. He’s been
caught red-handed. It’s not a theory; we KNOW he is lying. He’s busted. But DeLonge believes. People are quick to dismiss DeLonge by claiming
“He’s in it for the money,” but this is terribly naïve and simplistic. The guy is worth over $40 million. Not that he doesn’t see this whole
thing as a “franchise.” He’s said so, but if he REALLY wanted to make money he would rejoin his band (They’ve begged him to), make an album or
two, and collect several million dollars that way. But attempting to make money on T-shirts is like picking up Coke bottles along the roadside to turn
in for cash. Given his alternatives it does not make sense.
What’s left is good old conspiracy theory. He’s being used. He’s being set up. He’s a fresh face for a new generation that does not know about
Greer or Bennewitz or Adamski, so here we go. It’s déjà vu all over again. He really did meet whom he thinks is “The General” and “The
Scientist,” but they are part of an “op” designed to spread the same old story again. Why? To provide meat for the curious, and to divert us
from what is really going on. That’s my working theory.