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A B757 hit the Pentagon, reported by GOFER06

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+30 more 
posted on Mar, 11 2017 @ 09:09 PM
My first thread so if links don't work, I may need some help.

Some may change their mind about the Pentagon from this, others won't.
I changed my mind.

I am a firm believer that my own reasoning with the information that is put forth, is something no one can change by argument. I have to believe the information is sound and plausible, to accept it.

What I am saying is that I was wrong about the Pentagon. I now have little doubt that it was a B757.
I am not advocating anything else about the 9/11 event accept that I now believe it was a B757 that hit the building.

Nor am I saying what you should believe but if you look at this data, it could show something you didn't know or didn't understand about this particular part of 9/11 .

I looked through this thread:

and considered resurrecting it because it has a similar angle and information to the story but there is inaccurate and misleading info that could create a predetermined mind set , so I decided to start a new thread.

There are many other 9/11 threads, some with similar data, many of the associated links have gone stale and lead no where. Some of the old timers will probably remember this data.

I did however, find something that has not been presented here, at least I have never seen it in this completeness and in a presentation could easily follow and explained. My intent is to provide my subject matter expertise to help others understand what they are seeing.

I came across this on one of the links I followed in a recent thread on ATS, it led me here

I got some help from a member to help me understand how to download the torrent files. I listened to the tapes and looked at the data files. These have all been made public through FOIA requests and like I said, some of this data has been in previous threads but not this piece.

On to the info,

I went through the FAA files and data and listened to the audio of the controllers and then I found a video created in a Lotus ScreenCam format that showed the radar replay of the DCA airport. The replay has AAL77 and GOFER06, the C130 that witnessed the impact. This was created for the FAA accident investigations and eventually for the 9/11 commission.

I tried different ways to convert the file to something that could be usable but no luck so what I did was use Snag-it screen capture which shows the replay. If anyone knows how to change the file, it's an executable file (.exe) that opens the Lotus ScreenCam Application. It is a sharper image with a little better fidelity on the Lotus app so if you're interested, it's on the 911datasets site.

I have provided a commentary to what is occurring on the radar in this first video (no audio), this is my field of expertise, so interpreting what is occurring is what I can offer.

I then added the audio from a different file which has the same type replay with audio but the presentation isn't as good. The audio will support the replay and the story as it pertains to the unidentified AAL77 B757 as it approaches Washington and the C130 GOFER06 out of Andrews AFB.

It might be good to start the video then pause it after the little certification window disappears in the beginning (about 10 secs in) to get the lay of the land. Then read this first part below, before you get too far in the video, it might be easier to understand it a little better. Your choice.

These are the air traffic controllers working the DCA area on 9/11

The video map layout:

The map displayed is off the DCA Airport Terminal Radar Approach Control (TRACON) radar and the DCA airport itself is right dead center of the bulls eye rings. This is considered the “main bang' and the map is offset to show more of the airspace on the west side where AAL77 comes from.

The rings are 5 mile range rings from DCA airport and the airplanes landing are to the south on the green E or W tags with green lines trailing them. These flights are lined up from the south on final approach course. There is COA803, PDT3332, USA6511, UAL338 on final approach and AWE98 on a base leg about to turn on to the final approach. The final approach course map item is that dashed line that extends to the south.

The airspace that DCA TRACON controls is the solid line that kind of boxes in the area. Dulles IAD airport is in the west and IAD TRACON controls that airspace. The Dulles airport IAD is 20 miles northwest of DCA. Look for the SYX2020s data block which is just over the IAD airport so some of the map items are covered in the beginning. It is identified on the video map by two parallel lines that run north to south (runway 1L/R, 19L/R) and another one southeast to northwest (runway 12/30) with a circle on it. The airport is straddling the solid line that marks off the DCA airspace.

Andrews (ADW) AFB is the two parallel lines 8 miles southeast of DCA, I will point out a departure from that airport in the commentary as the video replay runs.

The pentagon is just north from DCA airport, and at the start of the video 13:25:51 there is a limited data block (small white tag) that has 5175 with *08 on the second line. I'll explain the data blocks in a little more detail below but at this time but I am pointing out this target to narrow in on where the Pentagon. It is right near the + sign at the end of the lead line from the 5175.

The radar data blocks:

SYX2020 has a green W slightly behind the data block (DB) which is over the aircraft radar target itself. The DBs are normally offset from the target. The trailing green line is the history track and below the SYX2020 in the second line of the DB is 080*29, the 080 represents the altitude which is 8,000 ft and the 29 is ground speed, 290 knots.

The other thing to note is the faster the aircraft is moving, the longer the history line and the bigger the “gaps” appear in these history lines. The history lines are created by time, every “dot” is an update. I'll expand on this a little more as the video plays.

Any data block with a four digit number where the aircraft call sign would be is an aircraft that this particular radar system (DCA) does not have flight plan information on such as airplanes overflying at higher altitudes and flights landing IAD airport. The four digit number is a beacon code readout. The aircraft is at the + sign and the numbers on the lower line are the altitude and speed.

edit on 3/11/2017 by pale5218 because: trying to get link up

edit on 3/11/2017 by pale5218 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2017 @ 09:12 PM
a reply to: pale5218

The colors and target symbols (letters or numbers) aren’t that significant here, they are just different controllers in different sectors within the DCA TRACON airspace, just keep in mind that this is where the associated aircraft is, under these symbols and if there is none, the aircraft is at the * splat or + sign.

The other markings on the video map are important to the controllers but not so much here unless it becomes interesting to the replay then we can find out what they are.

Due west of the DCA airport from 50-55 miles (edge of map) is a map item that looks like a large capital letter “I” turned on it’s side. Just below the far west part of this symbol is a RED * “splat”, this is AAL77 and as the video progresses, you’ll see the history trail continue to grow and be able to track the flight path of the aircraft.

If the video was stopped, it can be started now.

At 13:27:14 a departure from ADW first on a 0512 beacon code, then it goes into what's known as coasting (CST) and when it acquires the tag, it changes to WORD31, this is a military flight (not sure the type aircraft). The CST is because the radar is still trying to identify what the target is. This is not pivotal to the event, I just wanted to show the departure point from ADW because later the C130 that witnesses AAL77 will come from the same spot.

At this time, the AAL77 history trail has grown to approximately 10 miles, indicative of about 400 knots across the ground. You can compare this to USA1603 on the bottom of the screen. You also see AAL77 is on a track due eastbound. There is no altitude readout or ground speed because it is not tagged and the transponder is turned off.

At 13:28:00 as AAL77 (red * splat) crosses by N720Z, AAL77 altitude is unknown but for another speed comparison, the history trail on N720Z is compact and short compared to the red trail from the AAL77. N720Z is indicating 210 knots across the ground so it's reasonable to say that the AAL77 flight is about twice that speed.

At 13:29:00, AAL77 turns slightly toward the northeast.

At 13:31:37, AAL77 turns back due east. The flight is about 7 miles south of IAD airport, the tag next to AAL77 with a beacon code of 2336 at 2,700 ft and 160 knots is turning northbound on final to IAD airport.

At 13:33:10 a departure from ADW first just shows a beacon code 2427, it starts off this way but it will tag up as GOFER06 on a red T after a few radar sweeps. This data tag is cut off on the end (right side) so it looks a little like GOFER01 but it is in fact GOFER06. This is the C130 pilot that witnesses the crash of AAL77 into the pentagon.
AAL77 is about 12 miles west of DCA tracking eastbound right towards DCA airport.

AAL77 goes into a very gradual turn to the southeast until it reaches the 5 mile range ring at which time it starts the overheard 360 degree right turn and then lines itself up to hit the west side of the pentagon.

At 13:35:47, someone in DCA radar room tagged AAL77 with the name “LOOK” on a green S (over the aircraft target) and is indicating 270 knots in the turn. The speed is tracked because the target was tagged but there is no altitude readout because it is still primary only target with the transponder turned off.

This action of tagging the primary is indication that these controllers are seeing this flight, at least on radar and have taken steps to tag it for tracking. The audio tape will pick up conversation about an unknown target, this is how the controllers know to tag this target.

What needs to be explained here is the Hand Off procedures, the changing tags through the automation is how controllers passes airplanes from one to the next. Just because the automated hand off is made doesn't mean the present controller is no longer working the traffic. The controller has to make sure all conflicts are resolved and procedures are followed before relinquishing control to the next controller. When this requirement is met, then the controller switches the aircraft to the next controller by having them change frequency.

At 13:36:28 GOFER06 was handed off from one controller to another because the red “T” turned to a red “2”. The “T” symbol is the tag identifier for the controller working the GOFER06 flight, when it switches to the red “2”, he has made a radar hand off to the next controller. There are a few other red 2 tags to the west that being worked by that controller. This seems like it's early to hand off but this is very typical practice.

The AAL77 B757 is crossing right in front of GOFER06, 12 o'clock and 3 miles, he has clear view on the traffic , this is about the time in the audio that the controller points out the AAL77 flight and the pilot of GOFER06 reports it as a B757.

posted on Mar, 11 2017 @ 09:14 PM
a reply to: pale5218

At13:37:14 AAL77 rolls out of the 360 degree turn ENE bound, heading of about 070 degrees and the GOFER06 is about 2.5 miles SSW of AAL77. The AAL77 flight pushes the throttle forward as the speed increases, the data block indicates the ground speed increasing and you can also tell by the increase in spacing between updates in the track history line.
GOFER06 has been given a turn by the DCA controller to follow AAL77 to see what the flight was doing.

At 13:38:19 the track on AAL77 stops, it has collided into the pentagon at a speed of 370 knots indicated or 425 MPH. The GOFER06 flight is coming up behind the crash event as it continues flying the same track as AAL77 reporting the crash and then asking to turn back westbound to get out of there.

AUDIO with controller(s) and Pilot of GOFER06 (and other pilots)

A similar video below with less enhanced details but used to capture the audio of GOHER06 and the Radar Controller. Here you can listen to the controller tape and it picks up about a minute before the GOFER06 flight departs. This will collaborate what the radar display is show when the controller starts to point out traffic.

The audio of the controller will point out the B757 to the GOFER06. Several times the controller uses the wrong call sign and calls the flight GOFER”86” but each time the pilot comes back with GOFER06 as the readback.

I you listen at 4:35 into the audio, during coordination with DCA controllers and Washington Center controllers about BOBCT14, background coordination overheard about a primary target headed to P56, 10 west, fast moving.
This is when the controllers are realizing that someone is going through their airspace. They tag the flight target as “LOOK” on the green S for tracking.

What also transpires in the audio is you hear the controller state that he is “keeping GOFER06 for a while”. It's because the next controller already took the hand off (when it turned to a red 2) and would probably wonder what is happening to traffic that he is supposed to be controlling soon.

posted on Mar, 11 2017 @ 09:16 PM
a reply to: pale5218

Additional evidence can be gleaned from this data.

There is suspicion that an aircraft was in the vicinity of the Pentagon, possibly an aircraft used for surveillance or control. This data doesn't show any unknown aircraft and I would even say it's proof that there was no flight in this immediate area except the C130 GOFER06

Throughout the video and even after the time of impact, there are red dots all around the area which could look similar to the AAL&& target, especially if you look within the first 5 mile range ring and around the Pentagon. This is ground clutter that the radar signal is hitting on. The typical ground clutter could be buildings or even trucks passing by along roads close to the airport. These red dots aren't airplanes, they are not moving. This is typically where you see the highest amount of clutter, close to the main bang.

Normally this ground clutter is filtered out by the radar system through adjustments made by the operating controller. The filters help present a nice clean display for the controller but the drawback is it reduces the ability to show “primary only” targets. This is an aircraft that has no transponder or in the case of the hi-jacked flights that day, the transponders were turned off as part of the terrorists plan to “hide” or be hard to track.

I don't this know for a fact but I would assume the video display was cranked up as much as possible to show the primary target of AAL77 for the replay. This is why the ground clutter in the vicinity of the airport is present. During real time controlling, this would have been turned down.

The replay doesn't show any traffic in the area that could potentially be suspected or lingering in the area. The only aircraft in the area immediately after the impact is the C130 GOFER06.

posted on Mar, 11 2017 @ 09:25 PM
This is... Mega.

Can you explain why exactly this rules out the missile hypothesis?

+10 more 
posted on Mar, 11 2017 @ 09:30 PM
a reply to: pale5218

Gee , that's Odd , I thought it was Already Proven that a Cruise Missile Disguised with Airline Markings Hit the Pentagon and left a Perfectly Symmetrical Round Impact Hole in the Building .

edit on 11-3-2017 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2017 @ 09:32 PM

originally posted by: TarzanBeta
This is... Mega.

Can you explain why exactly this rules out the missile hypothesis?

You have to go through the data, watch the replay and listen to the audio. The GOFER pilot reports the traffic and is vectored to follow it. He reports the aircraft crashes into the Pentagon.

posted on Mar, 11 2017 @ 09:33 PM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: pale5218

Gee , that's Odd , I thought it was Already Proven that a Cruise Missile Disguised with Airline Markings Hit the Pentagon and left a Perfectly Symmetrical Round Impact Hole in the Building .

Thats not what I get from watching replay and listening to the report. The GOFER pilot sees the aircraft and then follows it to the crash.
edit on 3/11/2017 by pale5218 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2017 @ 09:35 PM
a reply to: Zanti Misfit

Perfectly Symmetrical Round Impact Hole in the Building .

I don't believe the official story... I tend to believe it was a missile and will until they release the footage...

But the above is just nonsense.

A whole chunk was taken out of the Pentagon.

posted on Mar, 11 2017 @ 09:35 PM

originally posted by: pale5218

originally posted by: TarzanBeta
This is... Mega.

Can you explain why exactly this rules out the missile hypothesis?

You have to go through the data, watch the replay and listen to the audio. The GOFER pilot reports the traffic and is vectored to follow it. He reports the aircraft crashes into the Pentagon.

I understand that. I didn't ask before taking it all in.

I'm not saying the aircraft didn't crash.

I am asking how any of this information refutes the use of a missile.

Thanks for your diligence.

posted on Mar, 11 2017 @ 09:37 PM
a reply to: pale5218

I was under the impression that the air flowing under a jet that size would make it impossible to fly that low/angle.

posted on Mar, 11 2017 @ 09:37 PM
You get a 4 stars and a flag just for effort alone.

I'm still not a believer, but I believe you have made a wonderful thread.

Applaud if you will, Mods.

posted on Mar, 11 2017 @ 09:40 PM
a reply to: pale5218

I was at the Pentagon...Did Presidential Security from 1999 to 2004. All the conspiracy theories are B.S. PERIOD. Regardless, all the "Experts" who've been living in their parent's basements polishing their participation trophies will scream otherwise. You know...cause they weren't there and I was. Do not suffer fools.

posted on Mar, 11 2017 @ 09:42 PM

originally posted by: TarzanBeta

originally posted by: pale5218

originally posted by: TarzanBeta
This is... Mega.

Can you explain why exactly this rules out the missile hypothesis?

You have to go through the data, watch the replay and listen to the audio. The GOFER pilot reports the traffic and is vectored to follow it. He reports the aircraft crashes into the Pentagon.

I understand that. I didn't ask before taking it all in.

I'm not saying the aircraft didn't crash.

I am asking how any of this information refutes the use of a missile.

Thanks for your diligence.

What I hear from the pilot is he sees the B757 crash into the Pentagon. If he reported seeing a missile, I would have added that to this thread, that's not what was said.

I was a non believer until I went through this.

+14 more 
posted on Mar, 11 2017 @ 09:42 PM

originally posted by: DickBrisket
a reply to: pale5218

I was at the Pentagon...Did Presidential Security from 1999 to 2004. All the conspiracy theories are B.S. PERIOD. Regardless, all the "Experts" who've been living in their parent's basements polishing their participation trophies will scream otherwise. You know...cause they weren't there and I was. Do not suffer fools.

Okay. So you were there. Please tell the story.

posted on Mar, 11 2017 @ 09:43 PM

originally posted by: seasonal
a reply to: pale5218

I was under the impression that the air flowing under a jet that size would make it impossible to fly that low/angle.

I heard that too but that's for a pilot to discuss, I am not a pilot. I think it's been called "ground effect"

+8 more 
posted on Mar, 11 2017 @ 09:46 PM
DickBrisket just went parent's basement and polishing participation trophies and said you weren't there and all CT's are BS.

Move along now. Nothing to see here.

posted on Mar, 11 2017 @ 09:46 PM

originally posted by: pale5218

originally posted by: TarzanBeta

originally posted by: pale5218

originally posted by: TarzanBeta
This is... Mega.

Can you explain why exactly this rules out the missile hypothesis?

You have to go through the data, watch the replay and listen to the audio. The GOFER pilot reports the traffic and is vectored to follow it. He reports the aircraft crashes into the Pentagon.

I understand that. I didn't ask before taking it all in.

I'm not saying the aircraft didn't crash.

I am asking how any of this information refutes the use of a missile.

Thanks for your diligence.

What I hear from the pilot is he sees the B757 crash into the Pentagon. If he reported seeing a missile, I would have added that to this thread, that's not what was said.

I was a non believer until I went through this.

I don't think it matters if you were a believer or not.

You're posting because you believe this is relevant and some people may change their minds.

So, because you compiled all of this information; is there any way possible, in your perception, that a missile could have arrived without being detected during the entire event which you have explained here?

posted on Mar, 11 2017 @ 09:48 PM

originally posted by: DickBrisket
a reply to: pale5218

I was at the Pentagon...Did Presidential Security from 1999 to 2004. All the conspiracy theories are B.S. PERIOD. Regardless, all the "Experts" who've been living in their parent's basements polishing their participation trophies will scream otherwise. You know...cause they weren't there and I was. Do not suffer fools.

Yea I get it. I was on sick leave that day but many of my co-workers dealt with the airspace. I still have doubts on the totality of the day. This was part of it until I found this information online.

Thanks for your service.

+35 more 
posted on Mar, 11 2017 @ 09:48 PM
a reply to: DickBrisket

The fool is the one that thinks being there is the same as knowing. a 757 has a tail 60 feet off the ground, yet the second story windows above impact are unbroken. an engine weighs 6 tons, has 6 tons thrust, and 6 tons rotational momentum . about. Yet the windows at the impact of the engines are intact.

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