Have you ever been startled awake in the middle of the night from what sounds like someone picking up a stack of dishes and dropping them in your
Or have you awoken because you swear you heard your name being yelled, people shouting, loud bangs, cymbals, every door in your home being slammed at
Well I have, and it has followed me around. I would experience this at home - over multiple homes over the years. or at work ( work at a mine. When on
shift we stay in bunk houses)
At the time it's pretty intense. Waking up thinking someone is breaking into your home, but when you check it out, nothing is amiss. Even the damn
cats still asleep, surely they would have reacted to the sound I just heard.
So I started looking around online for what the heck would be causing this.
Turns out, I may have Exploding Head Syndrome.
Yup Exploding Head Syndrome.
It's when you perceive loud sounds at the moment of the onset of sleep.
This sleep phenomena can most likely explain a lot of the odd sounds people swear they hear at night, thus thinking their home is haunted.
Exploding head syndrome
More on EHS
Of course, a lot of people still experience strange occurrences during their waking hours. So this obviously does not write off people's claims of
haunted happenings.
But it does help in coming to a conclusion when those strange happenings only take place in the middle of the night.
What do you think ATS?
Does anyone else experience those loud smashing smashing noises at night, only to find there's absolutely nothing amiss when you investigate?