I went to the cabinet today and the cabinet was bare.
I decided several months ago to clean out my pantry. I had quite a bit of stuff that I don't normally eat, but had stored for a time when choice was
no longer a factor. I found out a lot about myself doing this, and I found out that some stuff doesn't really keep as well as I thought.
I learned that canned items can rust from the inside as well as the outside. Canned and bottled items can lose color and flavor. Canned and bottled
items are for staying in place, they can be difficult to travel with. Packing too many items in an air and water proof container, means you risk
losing all of it, if there is a breech or a mishap with the container.
I live in an area where it is not unusual to lose power for days or weeks. The longest I was without power was three months. It was not the nightmare
you think it would be. It was quite pleasant actually. It reminded of me of when I was a child, when we had no running water in the house, and no
For those of you that think that this is unthinkable, remember there have been more generations that have lived without electricity and running water
than those that have.
Anyway, while I was looking for recipes for how to cook tasty meals from cheap food items, one does not usually eat, I ran across Clara. She was 91 at
the time she made the video in 2007. She has since passed.
Clara Cannucciari (née Bonfanti; August 18, 1915 – November 29, 2013) was the host
of the web series Great Depression Cooking with Clara and author of the book Clara's Kitchen
I found her videos interesting and informative and would like to invite others to share their recipes for preparing meals for when you are down on
your luck.
Peasant food, when done right is filling, comfort and nutritious. The trick is discovering how simple ingredients can be turned into something
special. As a European, the staple here is pretty much potatoes and vegetables and cheap cuts of meat, if you can afford the meat. Eggs can also be a
good substitute for meat, rich in protein and energy.
I have a few favourites, roasted potatoes (preferably with some herbs and spices sprinkled over them after parboiling and before roasting). Rice can
be a good filler too. Fried, boiled, whatever, plus some veggies and a little sauce and possibly meat. Bacon, eggy bread and tinned tomatoes is also
a reply to: LightSpeedDriver
Potatoes are a main staple and easy to grow, indoors and out. I love a potato. You really have to try hard to screw up a potato dish for me.
This video says they can even be grown without soil. I may give it a try.
I must admit to preferring vegetables (and other plants) grown in soil but hydro/aqua ponics are also a viable option. Plants generally need 3 things
correctly, regardless of location. Water, temperature and light. Unfortunately I live in Holland and temporary accommodation but people with a balcony
or a garden can supplement their vegetables fairly easily.
a reply to: LightSpeedDriver
I am having a lot of luck so far with growing my container tomatoes in well draining soil, and daily watering.
I fertilize weekly and they are growing and flowering like crazy. I learned a trick from my brother that is also working. He removes all nonviable
fruit and plants it in a container, most of the nonviable fruit grows beautiful plants.
Substitute fresh tomatoes for almost anything that calls for tomato sauce or tomato paste for a lighter and flavorful meal.
Shepard's Pie
1 pound ground beef
Salt and ground black pepper to taste
Garlic powder or raw garlic to taste
Onion powder or raw onions to taste
1 (10.75 ounce) can cream of mushroom soup
2 (15 ounce) cans green beans, drained; can use peas, carrots, tomatoes, any canned or raw vegetables you prefer
5 cups mashed potatoes
2 cups shredded Cheddar cheese
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
Cook and stir ground beef in a large skillet over medium heat until browned and crumbly, about 10 minutes; season with salt, black pepper, garlic
powder, and onion powder.
Drain excess grease.
Stir cream of mushroom soup and green beans into ground beef and bring to a simmer.
Spread ground beef mixture into a 9x13-inch casserole dish.
Spread mashed potatoes evenly over ground beef mixture.
Sprinkle Cheddar cheese over the top.
Bake in the preheated oven until heated through, about 20 minutes.
I rarely cook the same thing the same way every time.
I add stuff, and play with flavors, and if times are tough, you will have to use what is available, so don't be afraid to try new things with your
Mmmmm....poor people food. I was fortunate enough to grow up with two great-grandmothers who could do amazing things with cheap ingredients. Plus,
there were times that things got pretty thin while I was a kid. I can remember my dad going out and killing supper - quite literally. We ate lots of
frog legs and more rabbit than I care to admit (don't get me wrong, rabbit is delicious).
Anyway, this is what I make when I'm either broke or just too lazy to put myself thru the hell that is walmart... I call it 'Everything-in-the-Pantry
You will need:
meat - some cheap cut of beef, or ground beef
an onion
canned veggies
either canned tomato sauce, paste or ketchup
Brown the meat, onion and any other spices like garlic, that you want. Add tomato paste and water, or tomato sauce. Add in the canned veggies
(drained). Cook the whole mess together at a low simmer for thirty minutes to an hour. This stew is much better after sitting in the fridge
overnight. I recommend serving this with saltine crackers.
You can also add pasta to this recipe if you're trying to get rid of stored dry ingredients.
ETS: You may be wondering about amounts and measurements... I don't use any actual measurements with this dish. I just "eyeball it" and taste it
along the way and then adjust accordingly if something tastes off. Generally speaking, I probably use a pound of meat and a minimum of four cans of
edit on 7-3-2017 by DustbowlDebutante because: added stuff
a reply to: DustbowlDebutante
I have made a many Pantry Special Casseroles.
I am not very fond of beans. My mother said when she was a little girl, in the heart of the Depression, she had to eat cold bean sandwiches.
They were made from whatever bean they had had for dinner the night before, mixed with some pickled relish and homemade mayonnaise, spread on homemade
She said it was good, but when you are hungry everything tastes good.
I can remember some strange stuff being cooked at my great-grandmother's house growing up... Fried tongue sandwiches and head cheese are the first
that come to mind.
I actually ate the tongue sandwiches as a child, right up until one day, I opened the fridge and there on a plate sat a huge tongue that nevertheless
looked way too human to be eating...
I love beans. Red beans and rice are practically a staple in our home. How does a bean sandwich work? Wouldn't all the beans fall out every time
you pick up the sandwich?? Or does the relish and mayo hold them in place?
Once you explained that the sandwich had relish and mayo, I thought it actually sounded kind of tasty....
Once you explained that the sandwich had relish and mayo, I thought it actually sounded kind of tasty....
I really am not fond of beans. To me, they taste like a mouth full of chalk, so I really get that they may sound nasty to some, but my mother said
they tasted good. Of course, she did also say, that when you are hungry everything tastes good.
She said they also ate ketchup sandwiches, now that really sounds nasty.
I agree about ketchup sandwiches, although my son used to beg for them when he was younger. Lol.
The grandmother who made the tongue sandwiches and head cheese, she lived thru the depression and her thing was canning. She turned her entire back
yard into a huge garden and then canned it all. After she passed away, all the kids went to the house to start going thru things and whatnot, and
every spare space, cabinet and closet was stuffed with jars upon jars of food she had canned. A good deal of it was so old that the contents of some
of the jars had turned black! But living thru the depression had given her the mindset of never throwing anything away, living frugally and
squirreling everything away that you can. It's amazing what going hungry can do to the human psyche.
originally posted by: DustbowlDebutante
How does a bean sandwich work? Wouldn't all the beans fall out every time you pick up the sandwich?? Or does the relish and mayo hold them in
I don't know how they did it, but I eat bean sandwiches sometimes by mashing the beans with a fork first. That way, it almost becomes a spread.