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posted on Sep, 6 2021 @ 06:51 PM
a reply to: kibric

I am trying to forget about the things I think I know that were part of repetitious cycle that seems leading nowhere.

posted on Sep, 6 2021 @ 07:37 PM
a reply to: kibric

deja vu is said to be an error in memory coding its self

so it only seems like something has happened before.


we are all the playthings of some 8 dimensional gamer

posted on Sep, 6 2021 @ 10:04 PM
(gotta say, i really enjoy environments where the discussion goes over my head at times. i'm no genius, but even at my intelligence i usually feel isolated from equal+ thought capacity)

love this thread, cheers all around! i am in the presence of my betters, and don't expect to be able to "keep up" here or speak with the same specificity. so i'll only drop some ideas i think could be tangential and let them skim, and chase/decide what's relevant. bear with me, as this is essentially a shotgun-response to everything in the thread thus far.

first i'd like to highlight what BigBrotherDarkness referenced; "... one becomes more and more assaulted or triggered to grasp and attach to the mundane arising" -- and throw in a quote that i think frames why "the mundane arising" phrase is interesting -- basically (haha) i hold that any and all things, when isolated by our conscious mind, are "a mundane arising" and could be said to be a distraction from "actual reality."

... What use is this struggle to set up "No" against "Yes," and "Yes" against "No?" Better to abandon this hopeless effort and seek true light!
There is nothing that cannot be seen from the standpoint of the "Not-I." And there is nothing which cannot be seen from the standpoint of the "I." If I begin by looking at anything from the viewpoint of the "Not-I," then I do not really see it, since it is "not I" that sees it. If I begin from where I am and see it as I see it, then it may also become possible for me to see it as another sees it. Hence the theory of reversal, that opposites produce each other, depend on each other, and compliment each other.
However this may be, life is followed by death; death is followed by life. The possible becomes impossible; the impossible becomes possible. Right turns into wrong and wrong into right -- the flow of life alters circumstances and thus things themselves are altered in their turn. But disputants continue to affirm and to deny the same things they have always affirmed and denied, ignoring the new aspects of reality presented by the change in conditions.
The wise man therefore, instead of trying to prove this or that point by logical disputation, sees all things in the light of direct intuition. He is not imprisoned by the limitations of the "I," for the viewpoint of direct intution is that of both "I" and "Not-I." Hence he sees that on both sides of every argument there is both right and wrong. He also sees that in the end they are reducible to the same thing, once they are related to the pivot of Tao.
When the wise man grasps this pivot, he is in the center of the circle, and there he stands while "Yes" and "No" pursue each other around the circumference.
The pivot of Tao passes through the center where all affirmations and denials converge. He who grasps the pivot is at the still-point from which all movements and oppositions can be seen in their right relationship. Hence he sees the limitless possibilities of both "Yes" and "No." Abandoning all thought of imposing a limit or taking sides, he rests in direct intuition. Therefore I said: "Better to abandon disputation and seek the true light!"

- Chuang-Tsu

now, more specifically regarding memory,
hierarchical temporal memory theory
sparse distributed memory model
have fascinated me as, i think, they introduce something like a "quantum emulation" into binary computing. and, HTM theory is based on neuroscience research.

finally, simply a thought that i muse about occasionally, but don't have a reference of real "academic" consideration/exploration. i've heard the concept touched on, usually vaguely, even here/on ATS, but don't think i've encountered a real, succinct meditation on the idea. ((any good recommendations there?))

what makes us think that we humans ourselves, sentient life generally, or the "physical universe" as a whole (including quantum particles and energy fields at all [micro/macro] levels), are not acting as quantum neurons/circuits in a greater "mind" (or computer, for argument's sake), comprising the universe, but also, perhaps necessarily, that the universe is essentially the internally aware/self-conscious neural network of a "mind" which exists "in reality" entirely above the 4th dimension? meaning, our 4 to 12-odd (?) dimensions are analogue to a simplistic binary computer, from the perspective of this mind.
edit on 2021.9.6 by FrothMethod because: oof

posted on Sep, 7 2021 @ 12:50 AM
a reply to: kibric

Memories. How do you prove that you remember anything? If you tell me you remember to have been in, say, Bucarest, you can show me some pics. That would prove you've been to Bucarest, indeed. But it does not prove you can remember.

Actually, you cannot prove to anyone you even dream. Memories are just an illusion: the illusion that you remember.

On neurons, what to say? It seems life forms having neurons think neurons rock. Plants, I guess, would think neurons suck.

posted on Sep, 7 2021 @ 03:02 PM
a reply to: ttobban

Is all related to quantum, where could I learn more about it? I am so intrigue, they never teach me quantum in school. I love to learn. I hear there is even quantum grammar. Is like a big secret they never told.

posted on Sep, 7 2021 @ 03:06 PM
a reply to: Tranceopticalinclined

LOL good team you got there, but I think you are right on the money, that is exactly the kind of criminals we have.

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