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CNN WANTS A WAR - International or Civil - CNN is a Terrorist Threat to the U.S.A..

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posted on May, 22 2018 @ 01:18 PM
Q just put CNN in the kill box [CNN] Floods coming he said .

posted on Oct, 25 2018 @ 07:47 PM

originally posted by: dntwastetime
Q just put CNN in the kill box [CNN] Floods coming he said .

CNN certainly deserves it. The LEGAL way, like having its broadcast rights revoked. If CNN was vanquished from the T.V. lineup, the United States would be stronger internally, and be seen for the powerhouse that we are, by the world.

posted on Oct, 30 2018 @ 11:46 PM

originally posted by: dntwastetime
Q just put CNN in the kill box [CNN] Floods coming he said .


If anyone has any doubt that CNN is an ANTI-America Domestic-based TERRORIST Organization:

CNN and star anchor Jake Tapper are under fire for remaining silent when a guest on his program declared that President Trump had radicalized more people than ISIS.

Hours later, CNN’s Don Lemon drew the ire of Majority Whip Steve Scalise by declaring that Democrats don’t kill people, completing a 24-hour span being labeled CNN’s “new low” by critics.

More at:

posted on Mar, 7 2019 @ 01:51 PM
March 7, 2019

RUSSIA has the right idea!

Russia passes laws banning ‘fake news,’ ‘disrespect’ of government.
More at:

posted on Apr, 3 2019 @ 12:37 AM

originally posted by: buster2010

originally posted by: carewemust

Anti-America Terrorist CNN has BIG POLL NUMBERS on the screen tonight, gleefully declaring that 50% of Americans want the U.S. Military to strike North Korea ASAP. 41% Do not.

CNN is a threat to National Security. They should be shut down immediately by the FCC/Homeland Security.

They are not as much of a threat as an idiot screaming fire and fury.

April 2, 2019


CNN searches the entire planet, looking for individuals who can be effective at promoting hate and discourse, of all kinds. If it shows the United States in a negative light, so much the better.

For instance, it was discovered this week that CNN employs 4 on-air "experts" who have ties to the nation of Qatar. The Qatari regime is "terrorist friendly".

Several of the so-called national security experts at CNN that you see on television every night have direct links to the nation of Qatar, a terror-funding, Islamist enclave in the Middle East that has placed itself on the warpath against America’s most important regional allies.

When it comes to discussing issues where they have a clear conflict of interest, such as commenting on Israeli, Saudi, or UAE affairs, these CNN contributors have no issue going to bat against Qatar’s rivals, while never mentioning that their editorial freedom is restricted, or that they are personally compromised.

The Four CNN "experts" are named/described here:

posted on Sep, 10 2019 @ 02:57 AM
September 10, 2019

The CIA issued a statement tonight, reminding everyone that CNN is a lying piece of crap, pretending to be a news organization.

The Central Intelligence Agency on Monday evening slammed what it called CNN's "misguided" and "simply false" reporting, after the cable channel's chief national security correspondent authored a hole-filled piece claiming that the CIA had pulled a high-level spy out of Russia because President Trump had "repeatedly mishandled classified intelligence and could contribute to exposing the covert source as a spy."

The extraordinary CIA rebuke came as The New York Times published a bombshell piece late in the evening, which largely contradicted CNN's reporting. According to the Times, CIA officials "made the arduous decision in late 2016 to offer to extract the source from Russia" -- weeks before Trump even took office.
More at:

The people in charge of CNN programming need to be removed. PERIOD! They are destructive to our nation, which also makes the network indirectly harmful to all nations of the Earth!

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