They (the whiners and complainers) missed it, many did, when it happened - the cosmogenesis of the Omegapoint of the Noosphere, but what can ya do if
they just can't take a joke at everyone's expense and would rather lose their own sense of humor, mirth and charm, than to follow you, or me, into the
new pasture from which we are even free to freely come and go, but they do not see it. If the doorman voted Trump, they don't want to come in and join
in the celebration.
I am a doorman (although I didn't vote Trump), and I know the gatefold, and people hear my voice (His voice, through my own faculty of reason), and I
have to say that it saddens me greatly, up to a point, the way that so many have been completely brainwashed into making this choice for angst and
fear and loathing and a "resistance" to something that they cannot even effectively articulate, except "Nazi!".
You can only man the door with the invitation extended for so long, which doesn't mean that you close it on anyone, because they close it on
themselves where even hell itself is locked from the inside (C.S. Lewis).
It cannot be the responsibility of those who are courageous enough to embark on a new quest and journey of life and possibility and boldly walk, hand
in hand, across the royal arch upheld by a universal keystone of Liberty, to drag people along kicking and screaming behind you. Bitterness and hatred
cannot access the doorway, framed by the height of the twin pillars of Justice and Mercy that's as tall as the heavens are long..
So that's the really sad part of the joke, those who refuse to get it, until they do, which of course only makes it all the funnier when they too at
long last get to laugh along with God at all their own prior ignorance and who and what they took themselves and their fellow man to be (by a very low
It's nothing less than the Revelation of the Sons and Daughters of God for which the whole of all creation has been groaning in travail to bring
about, and to give birth to, through the birth pangs.
This new baby, this World Waiting to be Born MUST be delivered, and it's a space of freedom and possibility including the possibility to be
authentically happy, and real or most fully human, and in Christ with Christ in us, perhaps even a little divine in our sonship and sentness and as
the light of the world and the salt of the Earth. It's a process in other words and a movement, and we are moved and are moving, even now.
That's funny!
Edit: And very sad, but what can ya do, unless everyone must lose their sense of humor, mirth and charm, but that's not reasonable as a compromise.
Thus, we have to leave the dead behind to bury their dead, even if only to retain our own joy and happiness.
And if you want to really give it to them, try opening the door for them when is heard from without the plaintive crying and wailing and gnashing of
teeth, they don't know what to do with that one that's a good one, Civility and Love in the face of hatred, and maybe that's where the rubber really
meets the road and causes evil to quickly run to ground in the face of immovable logic and love - it's a juggernaut in the road.
We cannot go the way of evil and nonsense and an emotional temper tantrum, when the doorway to heaven swings open in our crying face at just the right
Surprise! You were totally wrong about everything. Come along, follow us.
With each and every single person who wakes up and sees the light, a new world is being born.
Let us each do what we can to quicken the process.
God bless,
edit on 4-3-2017 by AnkhMorpork because: typo