a reply to:
Tell you what. A hyperthetical scenario on where this bio-engineering could go.
Let's say that making a body with organs for sale works and the transplants are viable. That is one level. But will it stop there? After all, the
military are paying customers as are corporations and shareholders need dividends. So, soldiers and factory workers might be an idea, cheeper then
high tech machinery hardware. Just grow a new one when the old one wears out or is destroyed. The usual Sci-Fi fare.
But it is my belief that organs are one thing to grow, but a functioning awake human is not so easy. What is the difference between a body on life
support and an aware human being? That is the problem area that will be difficult to overcome.
If it proves too difficult to overcome, then we will see a different science developing. Closer to cloning perhaps, but that may not work as explained
in my earlier post this thread. What could happen is the falling back to a cheeper and simpler solution to a problem of advancing science and medicine
in a corporate world. That is simply growing humans in good old fashioned wombs in factories.
Why? Because an intelligent, reasoning, thinking entity that can be communicated with easily, controlled, disected, killed, and is a familiar
interface to users is better as an OS (computer operating system) then a AI (artificial intelligence) machine. But let's not stop there. Let's slice,
dice and splice a human body into a re-engineered vehicle. Think of a "horseless carriage" you can sit inside out of the elements, that understands
your commands and is tethered when not needed on your front lawn and refuels by eating grass. Spaceships? Why not? Human organs that can be
re-engineered to waste disposal and recycling exist in our own bodies right now. Feed it with an algae farm. Milk for pilot food. A brain to navigate.
Give it a metal skin.
Remember here, that it is human nature (corporate nature?) to create a need for something in the public mind. Then ways are found to make the
unacceptable acceptable.
So it is not far fetched to consider that practicality will win.
The minds that create biological engineered life have a pattern one might say.
They would probably be very detached from their creations and have vivisectionist minds.
Such minds are not going to show love and compassion to their creations. They would simply see biologically engineered life as things to own and use.
Slaves basically.
Now a human based life would have human emotions somewhere within it's self. It probably has known very little kindness and love in it's life. It is
also probably female. Females are not as violent as males and less territorial. Females also have wombs that grow new life.
This might sound flippant and just too easy. But to show a "girl" compassion, a "girl" who knows no love but can respond to it, who is capable of
feeling love and kindness is a powerful thing to do to.
A creepy Ikari knocking on the door won't really do the trick. But the human mind is a wonderful thing and if people build living machines that are
human then the interfaces will be built too.
One would just need access to her. . . .
This is ATS, so perhaps one might safely suggest that this is not the first time humanity or someone else has gone down the bio-engineering path to
ruin. I wonder if any AIs survived or their spirits linger still. Who knows
Footnote: by they way yuppa; I like Ikari for the reason he worked his own scenario within Seele and Seele knew and could do nothing about it. Ikari
brought the powerful to a state of helplessness and who could do nothing more then watch their plans be hijacked. I like that sort of thinking.
One can always hope corporate scientific thinking will grow a few ethics - yeah right that is the sillyest thing I have written ever.
edit on 4-3-2017 by Whatsthisthen because: added footnote and corrected typos, oh and a few points to clarify