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Islamic State (ISIS) terror handbook reveals jihadis being taught to eat their enemies

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posted on Mar, 2 2017 @ 12:38 AM
WARNING: Those with weak hearts and stomachs be warned ....... graphic material. The reason I am making this thread is to show you what most news reports fail to show or hide from the public. We as a people should be made aware of this evil practice and demand from our governments this type of sick treatment of eating its prisoners to stop. These scumbags need to tracked down and eliminated.

So now ISIS has been instructed to eat its enemies. ISIS has now been given the OK by its leaders when supplies run low; go ahead and eat the enemy.

A handbook from the terrorist group’s training school has been found by a British counter-extremism think tank, Quilliam, revealing the horrifying new stance of the jihadis.

Daily Star A secret handbook has been discovered by British-based think-tank Quilliam Foundation in ISIS training schools. Quilliam Foundation and its chief executive Haras Rafiq revealed cannibalism was on the curriculum. Inside the pamphlet, pages show how ISIS scholars have developed a religious argument justifying cannibalism – if supplies are low during jihad or religious war. Quilliam chief executive Haras Rafiq said: “We have found the curriculum that Islamic State use to indoctrinate fighters and the indigenous population in areas under their control.

“They are trying to use a theological based argument to say that cannibalism can be carried out when there is no food during a time of jihad. “They say that if there are no supplies, it is OK to kill another non-Muslim or a Muslim who doesn’t follow their version of Islam.”


Just how far is the world going to accept this type of barbaric behavior. How can this stop?

posted on Mar, 2 2017 @ 12:43 AM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

Just how far is the world going to accept this type of barbaric behavior. How can this stop?

We need to convince them that they are their own worst enemy, and then they can eat themselves.

posted on Mar, 2 2017 @ 12:43 AM

originally posted by: DeathSlayer
WARNING: Those with weak hearts and stomachs be warned ....... graphic material. The reason I am making this thread is to show you what most news reports fail to show or hide from the public. We as a people should be made aware of this evil practice and demand from our governments this type of sick treatment of eating its prisoners to stop. These scumbags need to tracked down and eliminated.

So now ISIS has been instructed to eat its enemies. ISIS has now been given the OK by its leaders when supplies run low; go ahead and eat the enemy.

A handbook from the terrorist group’s training school has been found by a British counter-extremism think tank, Quilliam, revealing the horrifying new stance of the jihadis.

Daily Star A secret handbook has been discovered by British-based think-tank Quilliam Foundation in ISIS training schools. Quilliam Foundation and its chief executive Haras Rafiq revealed cannibalism was on the curriculum. Inside the pamphlet, pages show how ISIS scholars have developed a religious argument justifying cannibalism – if supplies are low during jihad or religious war. Quilliam chief executive Haras Rafiq said: “We have found the curriculum that Islamic State use to indoctrinate fighters and the indigenous population in areas under their control.

“They are trying to use a theological based argument to say that cannibalism can be carried out when there is no food during a time of jihad. “They say that if there are no supplies, it is OK to kill another non-Muslim or a Muslim who doesn’t follow their version of Islam.”


Just how far is the world going to accept this type of barbaric behavior. How can this stop?

I would guess it depends on how many Fava beans are mixed in....they are middle east in origin....

posted on Mar, 2 2017 @ 12:45 AM
Waste not, want not.

posted on Mar, 2 2017 @ 12:46 AM

originally posted by: TheAlleghenyGentleman
Waste not, want not.

Well that certainly hits the nail on the head.

posted on Mar, 2 2017 @ 12:47 AM
This just screams of propaganda tbh. in the olde days, people would suggest the enemys will eat makes you think of them as savages that simply cannot be reasoned with and lets you kill without any remorse at all..after all, they want to eat you.
Americans coming into Japanese cities in ww2 had to rush in just to stop the mass suicides from the women due to the propaganda like this about how Americans will rape, murder, and eat you type stuff.

Not to say Isis is lovable, just..seems a bit over the top to be believed. Besides, they all consider us pigs..and muslims dont eat pigs.

posted on Mar, 2 2017 @ 01:05 AM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

Fava beans are actually a staple over in those parts....

edit on 2-3-2017 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2017 @ 01:09 AM
Why is it so hard for some to believe this? Its common among certain folks. I just got done helping one of the kids prepare a paper on the cannibal warlords of Liberia. In Yuki Tanakas book he outlined the cannibalism of allied prisoners by the Japanese in ww2.... since our transcripts during the trials in Guam have been sealed, it was then documented by Tanaka to quiet the naysayers of these events. Sudans civil war.. POW cannibalism. Its called aggressive cannibalism. Hell, Abu Sakkar was the heart eating cannibal just recently in Syria... 2013-14 I think. Boko Haram.. same.

The list goes on and on... and on.

For Islam, the cannibalism is okayed in times of necessity and as long as the flesh is eaten raw or undercooked to preserve the respect to the dead body.

posted on Mar, 2 2017 @ 01:23 AM
Look at your sources. CHECK your sources. You realise this is a post by the Daily Star, British "tabloid" who often run sensational and false stories?

Or is fact and source checking only for liberals who have a reading age of over 14?
edit on 2-3-2017 by Lulzaroonie because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2017 @ 01:25 AM
a reply to: Advantage

Imagine the surprise of a jihadist after taking his first bite..

"Hmm by Allah, it tastes like Pork!"


posted on Mar, 2 2017 @ 01:28 AM
a reply to: Lulzaroonie

As pointed out even boko haram will eat the hearts of an enemy. It's not so far fetched. Hell, if they can put people in cages and praise god as their enemy burns to an agonising death, eating them must be haram.

But if we must claim it as propaganda, and pooh pooh the legitimacy of it all, so be it. It's all cgi Hollywood make believe anyway, so we're told.. over and over...

posted on Mar, 2 2017 @ 01:57 AM

originally posted by: savemebarry
a reply to: Lulzaroonie

As pointed out even boko haram will eat the hearts of an enemy. It's not so far fetched. Hell, if they can put people in cages and praise god as their enemy burns to an agonising death, eating them must be haram.

But if we must claim it as propaganda, and pooh pooh the legitimacy of it all, so be it. It's all cgi Hollywood make believe anyway, so we're told.. over and over...

Oh I'm sorry, I must have joined this site during a time where sources and fact checking were actually important... How silly of me...

posted on Mar, 2 2017 @ 02:41 AM
a reply to: Lulzaroonie

I'm not sure about the authenticity of the OP post but there was a video going back a couple of years ago in Syria showing one of our friendly rebel groups we supported to try and oust Assad taking a bite out of a dead Syrian soldiers liver after he carved it out of his body

I'm pretty sure all the MSM covered this story

posted on Mar, 2 2017 @ 02:43 AM

originally posted by: Lulzaroonie

originally posted by: savemebarry
a reply to: Lulzaroonie

As pointed out even boko haram will eat the hearts of an enemy. It's not so far fetched. Hell, if they can put people in cages and praise god as their enemy burns to an agonising death, eating them must be haram.

But if we must claim it as propaganda, and pooh pooh the legitimacy of it all, so be it. It's all cgi Hollywood make believe anyway, so we're told.. over and over...

Oh I'm sorry, I must have joined this site during a time where sources and fact checking were actually important... How silly of me...

Oh joining dates and not getting things completely (despite your fact checking) are not mutually exclusive.

Good thing you live in a nice safe happy place..
edit on 2-3-2017 by savemebarry because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2017 @ 02:44 AM

originally posted by: Whereismypassword
a reply to: Lulzaroonie

I'm not sure about the authenticity of the OP post but there was a video going back a couple of years ago in Syria showing one of our friendly rebel groups we supported to try and oust Assad taking a bite out of a dead Syrian soldiers liver after he carved it out of his body

I'm pretty sure all the MSM covered this story

No no no, those things are propaganda, he was probably an actor and I will insult you further in other ways to get you to put your tail between your legs and forget it all...

There is only Sunshine and lollipops...

posted on Mar, 2 2017 @ 02:59 AM
a reply to: Whereismypassword

As have I.

If T&C's allowed I could post at least a dozen videos that would probably convince people this happens.

From eating a little girls heart, to human slaughter houses etc...etc...

But its all propaganda, so back to our first world problems.

posted on Mar, 2 2017 @ 03:01 AM

Liberals denying that this is real

Ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaa, what next liberals? What the hell next?

Hey, it's a FACT that nazis are a MINORITY group!!!! FACT!!!! Better start defending the slaughter of Jews.
It is a FACT that the KKK is a MINORITY group, better defend their views quick

(Note to libtards: "minority" does NOT denote race or creed, it denotes the NUMBER of people in a group)

posted on Mar, 2 2017 @ 03:02 AM
I have seen two video`s on Walid Shoebat`s site that confirm human slaughterhouse`s in Syria, with humans hung upside down heads removed and the blood draining into a drain their heads were lined up against the wall in a white tiled room, the next video was the butchering table with limbs arms and legs etc etc, from a few years ago.

I won`t link to the site but if you go and search around a bit you`ll see it for yourself. I don`t recommend it, but I had to see if this was actually true.

There is info to see also of the top Islamic University in Cairo whee the scholars had given the ok to butcher and eat adulterers apostates infidels etc as halal but not Muslim. Which is also a few years back I think? ( I`ll see if I can find this )

Here`s some info on it, World� �s leading Islamic University, Al-Azhar, Publishes High School Textbook Advocating Killing and Eating Non-Muslims

Also reports were coming out of Syria that some were suffering from Kuru a desease only contracted by cannibalism.
edit on 2-3-2017 by gps777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2017 @ 03:24 AM
Haha you guys are a hoot. This is why no-one talks to people like you and sites like ATS just become a vast echo-chamber of you and your cohorts spouting the same old crap - attack attack attack. There is no having reasoned or decent conversation with you, because reading comprehension is apparently down across the entire world.

I said that the Daily Star is a British tabloid known for printing sensational content. They're not exactly known for good journalism and have often wrongly attributed videos to a story, or even gone so far as found a sensational video and made up some rubbish to go along with it.

You also need to be able to see complete Sh*t for what it is.
The link this site goes to supplies photos of body parts and Ararbic looking people holding and eating meat. Where are these photos from? What are they showing? Can you trust a site called barenakedislam that is already skewed against hating Islam?

It's not about being a liberal, it's about using your brain. Question everything.

posted on Mar, 2 2017 @ 03:33 AM
a reply to: Lulzaroonie

Go to Walid Shoebat`s site search around for the video`s that are proof and see for yourself, not pictures videos, also check the links I provided above your post.

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