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Immigrant detained after press conference

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posted on Mar, 1 2017 @ 07:02 PM

originally posted by: strongfp

originally posted by: MisterSpock
Trump wants to enforce established laws, the same laws presidents before him enforced.

The issue now isn't the laws, or the enforcement of them but who is enforcing them.

It's petty party politics at its finest.

And trump is a tax dodger.
Why isn't he being carried away in handcuffs?

Meh...ok and Hillary had classified emails on her private server.
You guys and your tired old deranged Leftist talking points just never give up.
The law was broken by her...too #ing about don't break the law? Have you geniuses ever considered that?
See it really doesn't matter if she was a rapist, drug smuggler or murderer or not because the Leftists will still throw a hissy fit about her being detained, you will always have some excuse that the laws of the USA shouldn't have to be followed.
By the's tax time now and I guarantee you clowns are doing your best to pay as little taxes as you have to.

posted on Mar, 1 2017 @ 07:12 PM
I love how this turned into a discussion about Trump and taxes !!

posted on Mar, 1 2017 @ 07:18 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
I love how this turned into a discussion about Trump and taxes !!

It's not suprising.
This is straight out of the lunatic left playbook.

posted on Mar, 1 2017 @ 07:43 PM

originally posted by: RazorV66

originally posted by: strongfp

originally posted by: MisterSpock
Trump wants to enforce established laws, the same laws presidents before him enforced.

The issue now isn't the laws, or the enforcement of them but who is enforcing them.

It's petty party politics at its finest.

And trump is a tax dodger.
Why isn't he being carried away in handcuffs?

Meh...ok and Hillary had classified emails on her private server.
You guys and your tired old deranged Leftist talking points just never give up.
The law was broken by her...too #ing about don't break the law? Have you geniuses ever considered that?
See it really doesn't matter if she was a rapist, drug smuggler or murderer or not because the Leftists will still throw a hissy fit about her being detained, you will always have some excuse that the laws of the USA shouldn't have to be followed.
By the's tax time now and I guarantee you clowns are doing your best to pay as little taxes as you have to.

Quick to label me as a lefty eh...

Who says I am a libertarian or beyond?

posted on Mar, 1 2017 @ 07:43 PM

originally posted by: SaturnFX

originally posted by: MisterSpock

originally posted by: SaturnFX
Obviously she was a clear and present danger to the wellbeing of our citizens here in the US.

Laws are laws. Either you respect all of them, or none of them.

It's not an a la carte menu.

If that was the case, pot wouldn't be becoming legal across the US simply because people reject petty laws.
I am not saying give illegals a pass, but there are far bigger targets to use resources for...was this little woman a rapist, a drug smuggler, or a murderer?

What resources were wasted?
This wasnt a multi agency long term surveillance sting operation, some moron who was in the country illegally by her own admission got up in front of an audience and announced her situation to the world.

ICE were probably watching it on TV and got on the radio to send a car to pick her up.

Id say since ICE are there to deport illegals this was a fantastic example of its resources being used correctly

posted on Mar, 1 2017 @ 08:08 PM

originally posted by: MisterSpock
a reply to: SaturnFX

The law was changed by educating the population and tearing down the government propaganda surrounding marijuana.

Educating the population from studies done, studies done on people whom regularly smoked regardless of laws.

Lets consider Prohibition..what stopped prohibition? oh, right, it was people giving a finger to the law. laws get broken. speeding, jaywalking, etc. petty crimes. I am sure you never did any of those though. here is your boyscout badge for being a good citizen.

As I stated, I am not against removing illegals, just find the hard cases first, then once things have slowed down and we are living in a dreamland, you can take out the shaking little girls who are just wanting to get the hell out of mexico.

posted on Mar, 1 2017 @ 08:12 PM
a reply to: SaturnFX

Never said I haven't broke laws. Everyone does of course.

When I did break laws, and get caught, I paid the price and did it with dignity and owned up for it. I didn't piss and moan or point to other people breaking other laws or attempt to rid myself of the responsibility of my actions.

posted on Mar, 1 2017 @ 08:14 PM

originally posted by: SaturnFX

originally posted by: MisterSpock
a reply to: SaturnFX

The law was changed by educating the population and tearing down the government propaganda surrounding marijuana.

Educating the population from studies done, studies done on people whom regularly smoked regardless of laws.

Lets consider Prohibition..what stopped prohibition? oh, right, it was people giving a finger to the law. laws get broken. speeding, jaywalking, etc. petty crimes. I am sure you never did any of those though. here is your boyscout badge for being a good citizen.

As I stated, I am not against removing illegals, just find the hard cases first, then once things have slowed down and we are living in a dreamland, you can take out the shaking little girls who are just wanting to get the hell out of mexico.

Well that sounds fine with me. But in the process of finding the "hard cases" you might as well grab any easy ones that you happen to be walking past. Almost like you are enforcing the law in some sort of absolute or equal fashion.

edit on 1-3-2017 by MisterSpock because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2017 @ 08:15 PM
edit on 1-3-2017 by MisterSpock because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2017 @ 11:05 PM
a reply to: SaturnFX

I don't know. I do know she was a spokes person who broke the Immigration Law. I am still on the fence with the whole issue though. As far as the criminals I understand the need to enforce it. For people who are just trying to better themselves, but none the less broke the law I am almost indifferent. If not for the process that legal immigrants have to go through to become a citizen I would probably be in support of them. It is like someone skipping in line, except they skip the entire process.

posted on Mar, 2 2017 @ 10:25 AM

originally posted by: MisterSpock

originally posted by: SaturnFX
Obviously she was a clear and present danger to the wellbeing of our citizens here in the US.

Laws are laws. Either you respect all of them, or none of them.

It's not an a la carte menu.
You're right. And I'm glad there is sucha fine upstanding citizen such as you to point it out. Someone who has never jaywalked, never sped while driving, never parked illegally, someone who knows every law to be sure they have never broken EVEN ONE. Even though the federal government can't count the number of laws there are. Good on you sir. Good on you! /end sarcasm
edit on 2-3-2017 by Rookseven because: I'm a grammar freak

posted on Mar, 2 2017 @ 10:42 AM

originally posted by: Rookseven

originally posted by: MisterSpock

originally posted by: SaturnFX
Obviously she was a clear and present danger to the wellbeing of our citizens here in the US.

Laws are laws. Either you respect all of them, or none of them.

It's not an a la carte menu.
You're right. And I'm glad there is sucha fine upstanding citizen such as you to point it out. Someone who has never jaywalked, never sped while driving, never parked illegally, someone who knows every law to be sure they have never broken EVEN ONE. Even though the federal government can't count the number of laws there are. Good on you sir. Good on you! /end sarcasm

What the hell are you even talking about?

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