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Jeff Sessions ignorant comments regarding cannabis.

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posted on Mar, 2 2017 @ 02:44 PM

originally posted by: RomeByFire

originally posted by: ThirdEyeofHorus
a reply to: RomeByFire

Who is telling falsehoods? George Soros is pushing legalization. One has to wonder why, when it's been known for decades that it affects short term memory and DNA. THC accumulates in the fatty tissues of the brain. Soros wants the dumbing down of the populace to make them more passive and pliable forbtakwovee by the NWO.

What does it matter to you, what consenting adults do with their body, in their time, with their resources, in their own home?

If it bothers you that much, perhaps you should move to a more authoritarian nation.
Well seems I hit a nerve. I don't give a darn what people do .... if you want to do that fine... but I'm just commenting on the reasons why someone like Soros is pushing legalization. Why do you not say this about something like heroin? Also others on this thread said a somewhat similar thing about dumbing down the populace.

posted on Mar, 2 2017 @ 02:57 PM
Jeff Sessions is an idiot. Period. Everything he rambles off about the topic isn't only wrong, its scientifically proven to be wrong. He is clearly in the pockets of big pharma and against the interests of the American populous.

If the majority of the population wants to legalize a multi-billion dollar industry why on gods green earth would you go against that?

posted on Mar, 2 2017 @ 04:51 PM
While this thread hasn't been as bad as others...I will say the following as someone who has tried just about every non-inject-able drug out there.

There is something positive about individuals being able to "relax". A drink, a smoke, a pill. It isn't a bad thing and something that many need at various times. Like everything is when it is over done that it becomes a problem.

Legalize pot...drugs...whatever. I don't care as long as they are used reasonably. In your home...when you won't/can't drive...when you are "off duty", etc.

But understand this...there are people who aren't that responsible. There are those who WILL drive stoned...WILL go to work stoned...WILL operate dangerous equipment stoned...and those who will become "mental" addicts to even non-addictive drugs. We have to pay for that in lives, jobs, welfare, medical, etc.

You as a smoker can't make that choice for others. They have to agree to make that choice for YOU...the people who will cost others money for their inability to be responsible.

That is pretty much what it comes down to.

posted on Mar, 2 2017 @ 06:19 PM
It seems to me the OP rant is rather misguided and hysterical rather than looking at things as they are. First off, AG means "rule of law" not, "hey just do what I want and think is cool." So in order to stop the rant then change the law. As it stands, the law, misguided or not, is the issue, not "science says..." or "it hasn't hurt me none" or "stop telling me it's worse then booze..."

The law from a federal level is what it is for a reason. That reason is where the OP's rant falls apart. First off there has been nearly 100 years, 100YEARS of propaganda working to demonize the beloved weed, so to expect sessions, or any other person to say "oh cool, it's fine now" is silly. This was done for a reason, for one the genuine idea of not having people walking around stoned in the world might be a good thing, that aside, the reason is: demonize, make illegal, then make money from the black market to start... then, the actual reason pot is illegal: the Drug War, a declared war.

There are two declared wars in America right now, the war on poor people and the War on Drugs, as such, this means the DEA primarily, gets to go into any country it wants in search of the enemy, Drugs and those who sell it. In America, they authorities get to seize the assets, without due process, because the War on Drugs makes them the Enemy Of the State and their assets are, "spoils of war." Ever wonder why due process through the act of "asset seizure" is gone but due process for bank fraud is in order? There is no declared war on bank fraud...

The ignorance of the population is the problem. Folks standing with bongs and tee shirts proclaiming weed is good, weed is safe, weed is better then xyz is a pointless effort that shows their own ignorance and will always be ignored by the feds - always. Protests about weed, for weed, in favor of weed, showing weed, smoking weed or adding medical benefits to turn weed into a hero are POINTLESS! That only serves to show folks do not know what is going on at all.

Change the law. The law you want to change is to end the war on drugs. Stop that and the issue of smoking the chronic until your eyes rot is okay. Problem... you'll never accomplish this because of the obvious, once the DEA finds "drug connections" the big guns role into any country they want and due as they please. See a post here from a DEA guy who said, "yep, that's exactly how it works..."

posted on Mar, 2 2017 @ 06:44 PM

originally posted by: ForteanOrg

originally posted by: luke1212
a reply to: RomeByFire

i have a few friends that smoke pot, i have never seen them get high and want to go out and cause problems. mostly they watch movies or game. have some friends that like to drink, once they get a good buzz going they start looking for trouble. i don't know if this is pretty much same for everyone as i neither drink nor smoke myself but seems to me they made the wrong one illegal

About pot etc. - there is ONE major problem with the stuff, and that is that it requires people to smoke. Tobacco is a very dangerous drug. Alcohol, if used moderately, does not hurt anybody but (possibly) the user. Pot, if smoked moderately, may hurt others too (fumes are dangerous).

I'm not sure it's the drink that makes your mates agressive - alcohol reduces your ability to control your emotions, but if you're not the agressive type, you will probably simply fall asleep if you drink too much.

Most people I know tend to drink at most a few beers or a few glasses of wine each week. Not on a daily basis. I've witnessed some alcohol related agression in my life, but most agression seems to be doing fine without the aid of liquor .

gonna post after this even though i am sure someone will have said
that no, mj does not require it to be smoked...
melt away strips

lots of ways

posted on Mar, 2 2017 @ 06:45 PM
a reply to: choomsuba

it does not have to be smoked

and if smoked why should the # i put in my lungs concern you?

posted on Mar, 2 2017 @ 06:48 PM
You all need some weed cookies and weed tea to relax.

posted on Mar, 2 2017 @ 06:52 PM
a reply to: FamCore

Jeff Sessions is the Attorney General of the United States. He has sworn to uphold the laws of the United States, not just the ones that he likes. Unlike the previous administration he will honestly uphold the laws of the country.
If the people don't like the laws then they need to contact their Rep or Senator and have them changed. That is the way it is supposed to work.

posted on Mar, 2 2017 @ 07:24 PM

originally posted by: Vortiki
Jeff Sessions is an idiot. Period. Everything he rambles off about the topic isn't only wrong, its scientifically proven to be wrong. He is clearly in the pockets of big pharma and against the interests of the American populous.

If the majority of the population wants to legalize a multi-billion dollar industry why on gods green earth would you go against that?

I am wondering if perhaps somebody's hand isn't in the pocket of Mexicartels.

For example, being illegal where I live, we are faced with having to deal with
suppliers who seem to prefer the white stuff, and who handle garbage cannabis
mainly because it is easy to mark up, so they can snort more of the brain shrinking dust,
of which one can never get too much of.

I will not share my electrons with such creeps. They have little respect for the herb,
bearing no fruit from partaking. It's all about how much more of the astringent powder
they can skim after the prevaped and gassed for shatter buds are sold.

My point is that cartels will win yuge if Trump does this, and may be an ancillary reason for the wall: money will be easier to extract, as the inlets for the hard stuff become more focused,
and schwag product will flow at yuge rates if Trump enables this abomination. Oh boy
I just can't wait.

# 688
edit on 2-3-2017 by TheWhiteKnight because: This is a short film of John's flaccid penis, in close up, almost imperceptibly growing tumescent in slow motion. This was achieved with, in the words of Riff Tallan, 'illegal technology'

edit on 2-3-2017 by TheWhiteKnight because: The special slow motion effect was achieved with the use of a high speed Milliken camera...

edit on 2-3-2017 by TheWhiteKnight because: You can hear the filaments in the lightbulbs strain, and they are not turned on, when the standing wave pulses shift to better enable the quantum machines

edit on 2-3-2017 by TheWhiteKnight because: The waves are created via a 60,000 Hz spectrum that can literally crack foundations, shift paintings, crack glassware, and vibrate specific organs, causing harm if harm is intended.

edit on 2-3-2017 by TheWhiteKnight because: Satellite or RF kink, your smart meter won't know or care how the link is to established, thanks to the inviolate one-way flow of pulsed, and coded, electrons.

posted on Mar, 2 2017 @ 07:32 PM
Sessions is the latest victim of EUrogarchs and EUrocrats war against the US. The stories against him are an obvious fabrications produced by the usual judicialist powers in the EU i.e. Those who use judicial procedures to systematically interfere in political matters, without actually providing evidence of breaking the law. That is especially helped by fake news.

This kind of power interference has been going on for a long time within various EU countries and is still going on in some cases.
edit on 2-3-2017 by Flanker86 because: c

posted on Mar, 2 2017 @ 10:22 PM
a reply to: Krazysh0tThe "war' on drugs has been a 47 year cash cow for the Gov-the police and the prisons The Gov guarantees private prisons they will be kept 90% filled, to do this drug laws are tweaked to fill quotas. Lets start with the House and Senate and perform a toxicology screen on the members of Congress,I would pay good money to see Nancy Pelosi's pharmacological cornucopia of prescriptions. Hopefully the AG will have bigger fish to fry and let the states make their own decisions regarding weed. Wish Trump had picked someone younger for AG,someone with some vim and vigor and a fresh outlook.I doubt if sessions knows anything about weed.

posted on Mar, 2 2017 @ 10:29 PM
a reply to: PsychicCroMag

Him and Spicer know as much about MJ as Nixon.

posted on Mar, 2 2017 @ 11:10 PM
I could care less about pot legality, other than it is a tax base, which if your read between the lines, is all about money, no matter what way you get it. It remains to be seen how that money will be distributed. I guess it is better than cartels pulling money out of the country... but nobody really looks at the off-shore internet seed market, which is booming, and guess who is supplying that technology.... the pro's have had decades to perfect those genetics.

Bottom line, the people voted for it, and this guy is just not a people person. He needs to go, and although I support many of President Trump's picks and agenda, the States have already been granted the unofficial say in this, and that is the way it should stay.

Consistency should rule the day, irregardless of the fact that drugs, legal or illegal, are not going to solve our problems. The PTB way higher up probably love this new revenue stream anyway, and they also get something they like even better... dumbing down complacency for the populace.
edit on 2-3-2017 by charlyv because: spelling , where caught

posted on Mar, 2 2017 @ 11:27 PM
a reply to: RomeByFire

Drunk driving is a far more serious crime than possession in my state. Same with domestic violence.

There are a lot of places in America where alcohol is illegal. They're referred to as "dry". Nobody is going to legalize weed because of drunk driving, but you might see one of your legislators introduce a bill to make your state, county, city, or town a dry one. If weed should be legal then it should stand on its own merits, instead of complaining about the legality of other substances and then saying "my body my rules", which is a bit hypocritical IMO.

It is within federal jurisdiction to regulate interstate commerce. They can ban it all day long without it actually affecting state law, unless they can prove that you are moving it across state lines. That's the ONLY time federal MJ laws affect you and nothing that Jeff Sessions says or does, short of another Constitutional amendment, can change that. And even if they lifted that, you would still have to contend with state and local laws. The only thing the federal government bans is moving it across state lines, which is logical considering the many different and incompatible laws that exist on the state level. I'm not saying that federal law is never applied in the wrong context, like busting up CA dispensaries, but the misapplication of law is not a valid argument for repeal.

Then you've got public perception. 60% of the residents in my state support mmj. Even though it is very restricted, no prosecutor is going to trial with those numbers JUST for an mmj violation. I know from personal experience. Add domestic violence, stolen goods, other serious drugs and yes you will get charged for the weed. But it does not stand on its own at the state level where I'm from. If you are facing MJ charges in my state then I am sure that you have a slew of other charges for more serious crimes. That's the only way they can prosecute them.

I'm just being realistic here. Federal laws don't affect personal mmj or recreational users. Period. I'm not going to pretend that federal classification of MJ affects me (it does not) just to promote what I do in the privacy of my home. Nor will I use analogies like DUI (already illegal) to argue that other substances should be legal. What kind of logic is that?

Our nation is probably the largest and most populated representative republic on earth, and you can't expect everybody to march in lockstep. There will always be areas and populations that want different laws and you have to respect that. Unless you want to live under some other form of government...

Sorry for the rant, as a 20 year member of the mmj community I've heard my share of these arguments and I always get a kick out of the noobs who act like their piddly 1kw closet grow is some big federal crime. LOL

posted on Mar, 3 2017 @ 06:30 AM
a reply to: RomeByFire

I feel it should have been pretty clear to all that were looking Trump's platform would be anti-marijuana. He is very conservative in almost every way, surely you didn't expect him to be liberal in this one area? smh

posted on Mar, 3 2017 @ 07:25 AM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
a reply to: RomeByFire

Alcohol withdrawal can kill you

The fact that alcohol is legal and continues to be will remain the biggest hypocrisy to keeping literally ANY other drug illegal. Alcohol if it wasn't protected by the alcohol lobby would be a schedule 1 drug. I guarantee it.

Amazing how subjectively ignorant we can be as a society, and allow the establishment to bulldoze the truth under.

Meh if the government and medical experts say so it must be true, just give us whatever pill works. /sarcasm

posted on Mar, 3 2017 @ 09:41 AM
a reply to: RomeByFire

It's scary that this man can just be straight up wrong. And the Trump crowd won't see it for what it is because they believe very single website but Breitbart is always lying. Big media is often contingent in the agenda, but that doesn't mean they're straight up lying Always if they report something, its probably true. Unless there is an active cover up of some sort. Which is not the case here. They're brainwashed. The only reason the brainwashing worked is because instead of typical political malarkey, Trump said some vaguely anti-establishment stuff.

posted on Mar, 3 2017 @ 09:44 AM

originally posted by: crankyoldman
It seems to me the OP rant is rather misguided and hysterical rather than looking at things as they are. First off, AG means "rule of law" not, "hey just do what I want and think is cool." So in order to stop the rant then change the law. As it stands, the law, misguided or not, is the issue, not "science says..." or "it hasn't hurt me none" or "stop telling me it's worse then booze..."

The law from a federal level is what it is for a reason. That reason is where the OP's rant falls apart. First off there has been nearly 100 years, 100YEARS of propaganda working to demonize the beloved weed, so to expect sessions, or any other person to say "oh cool, it's fine now" is silly. This was done for a reason, for one the genuine idea of not having people walking around stoned in the world might be a good thing, that aside, the reason is: demonize, make illegal, then make money from the black market to start... then, the actual reason pot is illegal: the Drug War, a declared war.

There are two declared wars in America right now, the war on poor people and the War on Drugs, as such, this means the DEA primarily, gets to go into any country it wants in search of the enemy, Drugs and those who sell it. In America, they authorities get to seize the assets, without due process, because the War on Drugs makes them the Enemy Of the State and their assets are, "spoils of war." Ever wonder why due process through the act of "asset seizure" is gone but due process for bank fraud is in order? There is no declared war on bank fraud...

The ignorance of the population is the problem. Folks standing with bongs and tee shirts proclaiming weed is good, weed is safe, weed is better then xyz is a pointless effort that shows their own ignorance and will always be ignored by the feds - always. Protests about weed, for weed, in favor of weed, showing weed, smoking weed or adding medical benefits to turn weed into a hero are POINTLESS! That only serves to show folks do not know what is going on at all.

Change the law. The law you want to change is to end the war on drugs. Stop that and the issue of smoking the chronic until your eyes rot is okay. Problem... you'll never accomplish this because of the obvious, once the DEA finds "drug connections" the big guns role into any country they want and due as they please. See a post here from a DEA guy who said, "yep, that's exactly how it works..."
Just for the record I heard even in the 80's that canbabis can alter DNA and here's a new study on it
So I wouldn't discount such studies. Use at your own risk and that if your children.

posted on Mar, 3 2017 @ 09:45 AM
a reply to: Flanker86

Have they been running this smear campaign against him since the mid 80's? Because he was turned down for his job in 86 for being too racist. They are not a threat to anyone. You've been brainwashed by psuedoconspiracy rhetoric

posted on Mar, 3 2017 @ 09:55 AM

originally posted by: choomsuba
a reply to: [post=21962746]Ca reply to: choomsuba

1) People who smoke weed tend to be more willing to question the status quo
*People who smoke weed question the status quo in a drug induced stupor, they don't remember what they questioned in the first place when they lose their buzz.

Says the person who doesn't know what he's talking about.

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