Do you know that there are no aliens, and that it is the God, with the intention of making you better people, trough his "alien deal with humans"
plot ?
Do you know that there is no other purpose of life, or God's, than making you better people ?
Because you are assholes even in that other world (the afterlife) ?
This world is a modern version of a correctional institution.
Unfortunately, it is not working, you are still assholes.
Whoever thinks that he is helping the aliens (or God, I have no idea if he revealed himself to some of you), he is an idiot.
The God can see the future, he can manipulate the mater, he can read your mind, he can implement thoughts and dreams in you, and he don't really
need your help.
He also dictated the scripts for many movies and tv shows, apart from the old movies which he created himself, considering that this world is no older
than 40 years, as in LOST, Buffy, GoT, Matrix, LotR, Star Wars, Star trek and such (naming these few because they are written on my account, with the
insight in the future).
Desmond "pushing the button into a computer, saving the world" is me in here.
Others wanting to stop pushing the button but don't because we would all die, are people not wanting to release me from here, because something bad
would happen (if that is the case, or I am just pushed into believing so).
But, perhaps you know all of that.
What about the cut on Jack's neck in final season that even he doesn't know where it came from ?
I too wondered what is that all about.
Similar neck cut in many other movies and shows.
Naaah, just a coincidence, there is no future insight here, how can even the God know the future.
Desmond being in a confined space while being monitored and filmed by cameras ?
You know about that ?
But what about: "perhaps the experiment is not on the people in that station, but on people in this station" ?
And "See you in another life" ?
It actually says "See you in ANOTHER life", which means that, if you don't get your # together, you will live ANOTHER life.
Weather you will be that bear in that cage in your next life, or a hungry african child, or a helpless woman raped by guerilla, or some other exotic
life - I don't know.
But you WILL have yet another life.
And you will not remember any of this either.
John Snow dying in a pool of blood, right before my death of the same kind ?
Sam geting access to the library was God's promise to let me know what is going on, but he lied to me and messes with me by that and by many other
Number 7, which is repeated often has a great significance. Take a look in the Bible (yes, written by God) chapter 7, like the one of Methew, but
there is a better written one, of similar content.
That is why Tyrion offered 7 years to the masters to correct their ways. That is a subliminal message of the God offering YOU a chance to repent.
"Repent, repent" ?
It doesn't ring any bells with you ?
You never recognize yourself in wrongdoings and malice ?
You only think nice of yourself ?
Buffy sacrificing herself for others and then being resurrected ?
Resurrection in LOST and GoT too ? And many other places ?
Dawn being something and no one is willing to tell her what it is ?
Enlightenment being shown in many different hidden ways in many different movies and tv shows ?
Yes, nothing rings any bells in you. Your mind is filled with interest solely and with nothing else.
There are thousands of other examples of me and my life, but you can't know that and it would take me too much time to write or remember it all.
Regardless, in all of them, you are urged to become better people.
With all of this, God doesn't need your help.
He knows what you did, what you will do, what you think, etc, etc.
If you are waiting for some punishment to come upon "the wicked one", not only that you are doing a thing out of evil, wanting some kind of a
revenge, waiting to bask in others misery, that is not God's wish. Although the Karma will come, God would want as many people as possible
rehabilitated, not punished.
I would like that too, but I am not willing to suffer anymore for you people.
I killed myself, I went trough a lot of other #, and I am thinking about killing myself again all the time. Only that, contemplating suicide, is more
of a torture than many other things. Not being able to die, on top of that, makes all of this much harder.
You have no idea what I went trough.
Is there someone who would dare, in this or that other world, to say that I wasn't willing to sacrify myself enough so that more people could be
"saved", restored, rehabilitated or whatever ?
# you !
You take my place, finish the work all the way till the end and then..... whatever you say.
If you don't know any of this, not "helping" the "aliens" in any way, then it means that you are doing this out of some interest.
What that interest is, I don't know, I don't care and it doesn't really matter.
It means that you are willing to watch someone suffer for some gain of yours.
If that is something like saving the world, because the "aliens" would kill everyone, or kill only you, for saving me, I doubt that that is the
case, in the first place, and secondly, why would the "aliens" or the God do that ?
Why would they harm anyone for doing a good thing ?
There are many issues with this crap and I have no valid answer or excuse for it.
It all comes don't to evil.
I have no other explanation for this.
If there is, I would be delighted and love to hear it.
Unfortunately, I haven't been able to think of one, and I have thought trough a lot of possible solutions, "realistic", methaphysical, spiritual,
etc etc but in vain.
The most obvious solution, is that this is my personal Hell, that you don't really exist, that you are artificial, made to delusion me into thinking
I am living some "life", to make my suffering worse, and that it is me who have done something bad in that other life/world and that it is me who is
here for rehabilitation.
I have no doubt, and it is obvious, that I am a better person than you, but that doesn't say anything about the standards in that other place,
perhaps people are a lot better there and that I am an asshole for those standards. The obvious answer is that I am here because I didn't care about
others enough, so I am living an appropriate punishment, where no one cares about me, watching me suffocate (like in GoT, last season, John Snow, last
episode), literally and metaphorically, and nor giving a #.