a reply to:
This looks really cool. I've played through many of ARG back in the day. I actually wrote and ran one as well, was frequently talked about on a site
called Unfiction. Incidentally, ARG actually stands for Alternate Reality Game. Augmented is a term used more for phone apps like Pokemon Go.
Hard to say if this is an ARG, though it seems like it. I can't say it's impossible for someone to use an ARG as a cover for something nefarious,
never heard of it happening. I would keep that possibility in the back of my head. So far it looks like stuff meant to be found, and meant to have an
effect on the reader.
The thing about ARGs is that this is how the story is told. Not directly, but through online journals (Ny Takma), company websites (The Beast, i love
bees), and "personal" youtube channels (Marble Hornets). Finding encoded messages, getting emails, "intercepting" information and official looking
documents is all part of the immersion.
We have a saying in ARGs - TINAG! (This is not a game) It is a nod to how important immersion is, so don't refer to the game as a game when playing...
you guessed it, the game. If you need to discuss things outside of that, you would use OOG (Out of game, usually for questions or clarity).
BUT - I don't know of anyone who has used an ARG either in a nefarious capacity, or in a real capacity designed to appear harmless. The idea of it is
pretty terrifying. The fact that it hasn't been done should be kept in mind.
You mentioned stuff you're not allowed to post on here - without knowing exactly what that is, I'm not sure I can come to a better conclusion. At face
value it looks like a pretty interesting story line seemingly mashing up a DARPA-like agency with Enochian magic. All that said, ARGs are meant to
deep dive into, decode, even play a role to some extent. I used a LOT of occult symbology in the ARG I created, designs meant to look like legit
sigils, scanning old paper and making old documents connecting the occult to WWII... (I'm starting to wonder if maybe someone got their game idea from
mine, but who knows) basically I'd take all the creepy taboo stuff people don't know a lot about and loosely form a story with it.
I will say it's odd that I can't find them on ARGNet. Usually they release news and rumors on current ARGs.
For those of you unfamiliar with ARGs,
give this site a quick visit. You'll get that same "covert"
up to no good corporation vibe too.
Just to be safe, I'm going to obsess over this for a few weeks