posted on Feb, 28 2017 @ 11:29 AM
It's colder than a witches tit here in the Western Sierras and it's quite evident I'm developing a sore throat. There is an inch of snow covering the
ground at my job site and when it melts, the risk of getting mud upon my boots and pants will be severe. Hands are frozen, fingers numb, making it
difficult to type a rant on my smartphone. I don't believe I wish to endure these adverse conditions today. Therefore, if I may quote a great
"screw you guys, I'm goin home."
Of course, when I arrive home i must follow a strict protocol which requires the removal of my footwear before entering the dwelling. Failure to
observe this mandate often leads to my very soul being cursed to the depths of hell. After explaining to my Lord the queen why I chose to leave work
prematurely, there will be a period of tense awkwardness and unease. Do I subject myself to horrible daytime television programming while lounging in
a recliner? Or shall I appease the queen by making minor, unimportant cosmetic changes to the color scheme of our walls? Either way, I will certainly
be forced to engage in meaningless, superficial discussion and/or activity.
On second thought, I believe with a large cup of coffee, I should be able to endure the harsh conditions of my job site. Perhaps I shall persevere and
carry on about my business, in spite of the unfavorable elements. I've wasted just enough time for the sun to rise above the tree tops and cast its
brilliant light onto my work area. Off to the mini mart I go, rant over. However, all bets are off if the 7-11 is out of French Vanilla creamer again.