a reply to:
What the #. I typed out the first line and searched it. A user from another site came up asking what the entire text in that daysoftheweek site meant
too. The thread is bizarre.
Aliquam condimentum tempor ultricies.
Nam nec turpis ut neque finibus eleifend vitae pretium dui.
Phasellus tincidunt augue ac porttitor ornare.
Phasellus in nulla erat.
Cras rutrum lacinia molestie.
Sed volutpat, odio at lobortis pretium, lacus orsi viverra neque, ultricies placerat est ex at dolor.
Maecenas eu-ismod sit amet ligula vitae dignissim.
Pellentesque eu fermentum ante, sed rutrum nisl.
In eleifend nec sapien et porta.
Maecenas ac accumsan orci.
A couple of the replies in that thread:
Latin is a dead language and nobody gives a toss about it.
Good place to pose your question would be 'www.Iam trapped in ancient Rome because I'm Stupid.com'
Another reply is in Latin:
Sentio aliquos togatos contra te conspirare!
Translated: I think some people are plotting against you together!
Followed by:
Quidquid id est timeo togatos et dona ferentes.
Translated: Whatever it is, I fear in civilian affairs and bearing gifts.
[Is this related to the Bearers of false gifts...crop circle??]
Another reply:
Non curo. Si metrum non habet, non est poema.
I do not care. If it does not rhyme, it is not a poem.
The thread concludes with:
It looks like Latin but it's nonsense, a dummy text that is used for testing how a printed page would look like. The same as the text starting with
"Lorem ipsum".
0 Replies
What the bloody hell did i stumble upon?
edit on 27-2-2017 by CreationBro because: (no reason given)
edit on 27-2-2017 by CreationBro because: (no reason