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Car attack by knife weilding man in Germany, perp shot dead, news dances around the issue

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posted on Feb, 27 2017 @ 06:09 AM
Two days ago, my husband managed to catch some quite important news, that came and went within hours. In olden days it would have made some sort of headlines but now it is just reported [by only 3 outlets at the time] and then brushed under the carpet. Now there are a couple more.

In short, a man was running into a group of people, killing one old guy. He was also weilding a knife and was shot when he didn't drop it.
Our first thought, considering the modus operandi [car into people, knife...] definitively another grumpy muslim. Of course I read the story and even on the first day they said that they don't know if it is terrorism related or if he was just mentally ill [YAWN!].

They shot the man dead on the scene, so it wasn't just some nutter that needed help. That much is for sure.

Here comes the gripe that I have and the revelation of new new speech. It's so ridiculous, I felt that someone should highlight it as it drives me mad.

Remember this is the conclusion article after the first one on the day before.

This stood out to me like a blinking sign:

He is being held on suspicion of murder and attempted murder, but police say there is no evidence of terrorism. The attacker, described by police as being "without a migration background", drove what is thought to be a rental car into pedestrians in one of the city's central squares, injuring three people.

Now let me explain why. News outlets seem to have the idea that it is only terrorism if it is done by 'official' terrorists. Any sympathisers who kill people don't seem to count, even if there are hundreds of them. [Nothing to see, only another crazy who fits the bill but doesn't count].

Nowhere was the background of the murderer mentioned. If he had been a native [genetic] German, it would have said so in big red letters. Instead they are fobbing us off with this little gem of: "without migration background".

The next day another article made it even clearer. Now they said it was a GERMAN without a migratory background.

So effing what? Everyone who lives on Germany and carries a passport is a German. Without migratory background means HE wasn't an immigrant. There are Turkish people in Germany since the 1960, all nationalised. Any offspring would fit the above description.
I find it weird that they just can't say it straight. If he had been a native German, I am sure they would have made it as clear as possible, as it would have helped the prejudice. What I [and others, which are labelled as 'trolls' according to the article] wanted to know is one single fact: Was he a muslim?
This has not been made clear enough. Let us have his name. If he is called Klaus Schmidt, I'll be satisfied. If his name is Mustafa Mohammed, then I know why he did the crime.

I don't care about terrorism, I care about the trend of angry muslims copying each other, killing innocent people.
I don't care if he was a migrant or an alien or a frigging special needs teacher or a blond German, what I care about is: was he a MUSLIM?

I know the answer to that and they have not done anything to convince me otherwise. In fact they confirmed it by talking in their convoluted ways and calling inquisitive people trolls.

posted on Feb, 27 2017 @ 06:33 AM
Probably some drunk young guy, you know, the new narrative.

I agree with your premise... it's too much of an obvious connect to dismiss, but hey, here we are.

posted on Feb, 27 2017 @ 06:41 AM
So...who got "shot dead at the scene" again?

posted on Feb, 27 2017 @ 06:45 AM
a reply to: Hecate666

Your thinking is so backwards that you defy rational thought.

You're like a cop who shows up at someones house after they've been robbed at gunpoint. They tell you, "It was a tall white male, about mid-30's. Kind of stocky." And yet you respond, "Right... but was he black?"

posted on Feb, 27 2017 @ 06:45 AM
a reply to: Shamrock6

I picked up on that also. Is the guy dead or in custody?

I've gotten to where every news story is half asked. They do just enough work to put the story out but no one worries about facts anymore.

posted on Feb, 27 2017 @ 06:49 AM
a reply to: Martin75

Literally every article I've seen (which also calls into question the claim it's being swept under the rug) says the guy was just charged with murder and attempted murder, he had surgery and was interviewed by police after he got out of surgery, etc., so I guess maybe they charged his remains after the remains had surgery?

ETA - I'm not blaming the media for this one. I haven't seen a single article, including the ones immediately after the incident, that said the perp was shot and killed. I'm leaning towards angry rant colored fact-recall...
edit on 27-2-2017 by Shamrock6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2017 @ 07:31 AM
Nah, OP is just using logic against a lie government and its media shills. Usually in Germany when jerks drive into innocent women and children there screaming Allen Snakbar!! You need to identify the problem so you can ratify it. The point is valid.a reply to: MrSensible

posted on Feb, 27 2017 @ 07:57 AM
Some people really want to see terrorism everywhere, if it fits their bias. And like TPTB want it, want their people. Eating all that terror crap stuff. So, if it is Germany, it´s terror.
And if its brazil?
Truck accident mars joyful Rio carnival

Or the Occupied States of Trump:
Mardi Gras truck crash: Driver had .232 blood-alcohol level, police say

Hmmm, crashes, accidents, nobody screams:
T E R R O R...

Something to think about, i guess!

posted on Feb, 27 2017 @ 08:26 AM
It is due to mental illness.

Any religious person is mentally ill by very definition.

The only reason religious people are not treated is because it is a socially acceptable psychosis.

Ask any psychiatrist. If schizophrenia was socialy acceptable, people would no longer be given pills for it because it would be deemed normal behaviour.

posted on Feb, 27 2017 @ 09:49 AM

posted on Feb, 27 2017 @ 10:24 AM
a reply to: savemebarry

That's what I read, that it was a drunk young guy that did it.

posted on Feb, 27 2017 @ 10:30 AM
and that guy who killed an indian fella and injured another because he thought they were middle eastern while shouting racial epithets ... not terrorism

i dont see this being all over labeled as terrorism....

posted on Feb, 27 2017 @ 10:43 AM

originally posted by: Shamrock6
a reply to: Martin75

Literally every article I've seen (which also calls into question the claim it's being swept under the rug) says the guy was just charged with murder and attempted murder, he had surgery and was interviewed by police after he got out of surgery, etc., so I guess maybe they charged his remains after the remains had surgery?

ETA - I'm not blaming the media for this one. I haven't seen a single article, including the ones immediately after the incident, that said the perp was shot and killed.

That's what all the media reported, and it was well reported too, and of course we already have had a thread on the incident itself.

posted on Feb, 27 2017 @ 01:59 PM
a reply to: Hecate666

That's exactly what I thought the day I heard of it.
Great article, keep on and cheers

posted on Feb, 27 2017 @ 02:14 PM

originally posted by: DerBeobachter
Some people really want to see terrorism everywhere, if it fits their bias. And like TPTB want it, want their people. Eating all that terror crap stuff. So, if it is Germany, it´s terror.
And if its brazil?
Truck accident mars joyful Rio carnival

Or the Occupied States of Trump:
Mardi Gras truck crash: Driver had .232 blood-alcohol level, police say

Hmmm, crashes, accidents, nobody screams:
T E R R O R...

Something to think about, i guess!

I missed the part where those guys pulled out a knife and went all stabby like a palestinain knife intifada.

posted on Feb, 27 2017 @ 02:28 PM
A problem is so much of the discussion has turned into the terrorism threat from current refugees and migrants. That's only part of the issue the MSM and left keep muddying up.

The other problem are the 2nd generation Muslims, both in the US and Europe who are full on citizens but are being indoctrinated. That's actually a worse problem if you think about it. That's a true enemy from within. And that indoctrination is being done both at your local mosques and on the internet. And it stems from the more radical Sharia belief system.

And instead of acknowledging or discussing any of that, we get nonsense like "oh yeah, there was a drunk driver at Mardi Gras, therefor nothing to see here".
edit on 27-2-2017 by MysticPearl because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2017 @ 02:32 PM
I'm confused, why do you want to know if the perpetrator is muslim?

posted on Feb, 28 2017 @ 08:44 AM

originally posted by: Nexttimemaybe
It is due to mental illness.

Any religious person is mentally ill by very definition.

The only reason religious people are not treated is because it is a socially acceptable psychosis.

Ask any psychiatrist. If schizophrenia was socialy acceptable, people would no longer be given pills for it because it would be deemed normal behaviour.

I work in psychiatry. There is so much wrong with your entire premise it would require a whole thread to correct you. In short, you are wrong.

posted on Feb, 28 2017 @ 08:45 AM

originally posted by: twfau
I'm confused, why do you want to know if the perpetrator is muslim?

I believe his/her problem is that when certain groups commit crimes they refuse to release names or information that would identify them as part of those groups. When other groups commit the same crimes they make it abundantly clear.

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