I think this is the first time possibly second I've done a rant post, but I'm seriously a tad peeved (we Brits don't like to over-react lol)
I've been on this site since way back (this is my 2nd account) and like many others I've seen various changes. When I first came here, it had many
highly intelligent people, knowledgeable people, people who debated without name calling or derision, people who when faced with something they didn't
know about actually researched it themselves instead of demanding a "summary" or "proof". We had a bit of snobbery about us fair enough, but I think
we were actually a bit superior to the other sites around, and the site owners seemed keen on keeping that reputation. I have seen a huge surge in
absolute laziness when it comes to research, a laziness when it comes to verifying facts or stories and a very VERY annoying laziness with people not
even bothering to read opening posts or the following on posts resulting in folk repeating the same thing as others in the same thread. Only last week
there was a post where someone actually said "I haven't read the op but here's my two cents worth". How the hell can you have an opinion or contribute
to a thread if you haven't even read beyond the title? Then there's the "I can't watch videos at the moment but I think....." Again if you can't watch
the damn video wait to comment until you can otherwise what's your opinion actually worth? If something takes a little work or a little
thought....forget it!
If I read a thread I knew little about and wanted verification, or wanted to know more about it, I'd search multiple times, get as many takes on the
topic as possible before commenting. We used to pride ourselves on being theorists....how can you be a theorist if all you do is throw out witty
comments, do no research, deride people for their views and offer nothing to a thread other than insults? The point of being a theorist is to discuss
and debate intelligently the topic at hand, differing opinions are fine, but dear Lord at least have some manners about you and bother to research the
subject yourselves.
My next point is regarding proof and sources. Just what on earth constitutes proof? We only have the good old internet to use for our proof unless we
are lucky enough to be a secret agent. Once upon a time it was the library. We dont' have access to secret documents and papers, we aren't privvy to
the workings of shadow governments, secret projects etc so just what "proof" can we provide? When someone does provide what they believe to be proof,
again they are ridiculed.
Photos aren't proof
Audio isn't proof
Personal experience isn't proof
Witness statements aren't proof
Certain websites aren't proof
Newspaper articles aren't proof
So what is acceptable proof then?
Someone quotes a source and immediately there are cries of "Oh well thats a far right source" "That's Breitbart that doesn't count" "That's SecureTeam
thats a hoax" blah blah. So again, I ask what constitutes an acceptable source? It seems many people on here are now more willing to dismiss an item
rather than look into it for themselves, its easier and quicker just to dismiss the source rather than intelligently debate the matter.
So far none of these have been acceptable sources (and these are just the ones I've noticed this last couple of weeks)
Daily Mail
Daily Mirror
The Sun
The Star
New York Times
Washington Post
Anything from Russia or China
Anything Right
Anything Left
Anything Liberal
Anything in between
Steven Greer
Godlike Productions
911 Truth
Architects & Engineers for 911 Truth
Alex Jones
David Icke
Jim Marrs
John Lear
Anyone supporting Trump
Anyone supporting Clinton
And the list goes on
So, with damn near everything being labelled as fake news whether or not it actually is, just how does one author a post with a source or proof
acceptable to everyone or at least the majority? Its bloody impossible! I've seen so many good posts simply dismissed because of the source when
despite the sources, the topic could still be discussed and debated and probably further sources found.
edit on 27-2-2017 by PhyllidaDavenport because: (no reason given)