posted on Feb, 26 2017 @ 05:23 PM
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Basement's are often creepy places so too are loft's used more for storage than other purpose.
Basement's have the dubious distinction of attracting idiot's whom want to dabble in the occult without even understanding what they may be getting
But in truth haunting's can follow a number of pattern's.
Item related haunting's or spiritual attachment's, an antique or something that was dear to someone whom has passed over can be such an item.
Place related haunting's or spiritual visitation's were a spirit or ghost may frequent a location even long after the building that once stood there
has gone.
Person related haunting's or spiritual attachment's, most are probably benign but not something to be welcomed and many are definitely malign.
Random haunting's or rather encounters with spiritual or other dimensional being's that may or may not be ex-corporeal (on our dimension) people whom
have passed over to this other dimension but sometime's impose upon this lower realm are also a possibility.
Due to the link between human psychology, the occult and less informed individuals dabbling in such in place's such as there basement's as well as a
host of nefarious activity's including murder and body disposal which have taken place in basement's they are probably more likely to have a bad
presence or an angry, sad or vengeful presence than other room's of the house, these spirits may not essentially be the victim, they could be the
perpetrator of spiritual parasites drawn by the evil act that then linger.
Flowing water can act as a natural barrier to some type's and also attract's other type's and of course basement's these day's are often a nest of
piping and plumbing so?.