posted on Feb, 22 2017 @ 12:02 PM
Do you know Siera Leone? A west African country next to Liberia and Guinea, still struggling to recover from a horrible civil war which ended 2002.
CIA library:
No clean water, many of the adults now were child soldiers, no medical care, no food, no education... so what do the good people from the Joe Strummer
Foundation do?
buying them instruments and a record
Or is it maybe just one big marketing stunt for people so disconnected from reality they really actually do believe the people in Sierra Leone are in
any position to "follow their dream"?
The country is going up, economy wise more stable and all, but call me old school I think safe housing for these kids with, hospitals, modern food
plants, water processing units, even to hand out laptops with little solar generators would help the youth there a lot more than this crap!
Or a bag of seeds and a pump for the well.
I love music I really do. But this is one of those things where narcissistic first world super egos just make me incredible angry.
As pretty and relaxing and mentally beneficial it can be, ultimately music is utterly useless. Fun and beautiful, but much more meaningless than
writing, maths, food, shelter, water....
You dumb £$% should be ashamed of yourself.