posted on Feb, 22 2017 @ 09:41 PM
Honey, you need to figure out a safe way to leave.
You need some money, a place to go, where no one you know will ever go and would ever think you would go. You need a phone that no one has the
number for. You need a plan.
You need to not lose hope for your life. You are young. You can be and do so much.
Even if you go to a larger city and stay in a women's shelter, you can find a job, save money, find someone looking for a roommate, rebuild your
credit. Then learn a trade, so you can get a better job.
Next, save money and go to a community college, transferring to a four year college. Make friends along the way who will treat you with respect. Find
a way to get some counseling to learn how to set boundaries so you don't repeat the patterns in your life.
Forgive your mom and dad, but let them go. Forgive your relatives and let them go. If you don't forgive them in your heart, you will hurt inside from
anger and pain.
Don't feel bad that you were duped with the bank situation, because you were young and trusting and these people were older than you and used you.
They suck and don't deserve another moment of your life or your thoughts.
Think of all that the world has to explore, that life has to offer. You can do this. You can get an education, have a rewarding career, have friends,
a family of your own if you want, car, home, hobbies, travel.
It may take time to get your plan in place, some money saved. Sell everything you have that you don't need to raise funds, on ebay, garage sale,
whatever. If there are really no jobs in your town, then babysit, cut grass, run errands for elderly, do whatever is legal to get your savings
Be sure you are healthy, eat healthy, exercise, walk, jog, swim, get in the best shape so you can work two jobs if you need too when you leave that
crazy town.
Go to the library and get every book you can that is inspirational, positive, about goal setting, codependency, toxic relationships, self help.
I wish you all the best.