posted on Feb, 20 2017 @ 09:56 PM
Ever since I got married, and especially ever since my daughter was born, I've been thinking of ways to make more money. It's not really about
materialism or luxury - I honestly hardly make enough to cover the basic costs of life - food, shelter, electricity and all. ( around 20 grand a year
if you care to know.)
That being said, I've wanted to make more. I've wished for it, hoped for it.. And even worked towards it. I've looked into things, I've attempted
things.. Yet nothing seems to stick.
I can't find what I really can be good enough at, or what I can build upon to increase my income.
I've learned and practiced computer programming for years now, but to no real avail. Tougher concepts still make no sense - I can practice said
concepts over and over if I have a template to work off of, but I can never seem to make anything unique.
Manual labor I'm okay at, but not someone you'd hire - not in these parts where guys in their fifties and sixties run circles around me in every
aspect of manual labor.
Entrepreneurship, working for myself.. I just don't know where to start, what to do, what service to offer - you read online articles that tell you
to look for your talents, notice what other people go to you for.. People don't come to me for anything.
Anyways I could go on and on, but I won't. This isn't really a pity me thread like the other, but a real call for help, because the help offered to
me before, while it sounded great.. Just didn't seem to click for me.
Any suggestions for a guy who seems to be perpetually in a rut? I'm willing to try a lot of things by now. I could go to college - the thing I
imagine I'd go for is computer programming, but like I say, tougher concepts elude me even years after practicing, studying, memorizing, theorizing..
Etc. So I'm not sure if college would just magically force such things into me in ways I have not been able to do with online courses and such so
What do you think?
Multiple jobs and just work hard?