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Trump lies, but has his lies ever gotten anyone killed?

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posted on Feb, 19 2017 @ 11:56 PM

originally posted by: Byrd
a reply to: Stevemagegod

There's the family of a Marine who might disagree.

And he's only been in office a month.

Apples and oranges. He was killed during an operation, a risk every soldier faces. Now, Benghazi on the other hand..

posted on Feb, 20 2017 @ 12:12 AM
a reply to: Byrd

Pretty vague, and mostly opinion.

I think he's doing things quite well. Much better than I expected. Although I had lowered my expectations quite a bit.

posted on Feb, 20 2017 @ 02:02 AM
a reply to: Stevemagegod

It is a matter of record that Trump did deals with the Bin Laden family. The 45th floor of the Trump World Tower is owned by Saudi Arabia and Shafiq Bin Laden lived in the apartment there.

Also, the ex-KGB spy, Oleg Erovinkin, who helped MI6 spy Christopher Steele compile the controversial dossier on Trump, was found dead in the back of his car, in suspicious circumstances, in Moscow on December 25th last year. Christopher Steele has also now gone into hiding, fearing the same fate.

Before Obamacare, many Americans died because they were not sufficiently insured (an estimated 137,000 between 2005 and 2010). The canning of the Affordable Care Act will re-instate that situation. Similar threats to Medicare and Medicaid suggested by Trump will make the situation far worse.

Similarly, Trump's gag rule, formally known as the Mexico City Policy, prevents charities receiving US funding from performing or telling women about legal options for abortion, even if they use separate money for abortion services, counselling or referrals. This will lead to an estimated 2.1 million unsafe abortions and 21,700 maternal deaths during Trump's first term that could have been prevented.

Trump already has blood on his hands. Don't believe his VERY fake news.

posted on Feb, 20 2017 @ 02:44 AM
Is this the Trumpists explanation of why Trumps lies are good? For Trump and his Trumpists?
Like "draining the swamp" with Goldman Sachs and "logical" stuff like that. All that is, according to the Trumpists, good for the USA, good for the left behind, concerned and enraged citizen that "never are Nazis"...

What´s going on in the head of the orange one and his followers?
Could spomeone explaine me please why it might be good that Trump, for example, thinks that Paris is Germany(Terror attack in France last year, Trump spoke about Germany)? Or that he fantasizes about terror attacks in Sweden because he watches too much lying media TV and can´t distinguish TV from reality? How is that good for the Trumpists and their new king?

If somebody with another opinion than Trump says something, it is a lie and then lies are eeeeeeeviiiiiiil, even it aren´t lies. If Trump lies it is good and ok because allegedly nobody died yet of the orange ones lies. First of all, the former USA´s and now Occupied States of Trump, OST, former integrity died! Nobdy can take the OST serious anymore, it´s just a running gag that destroyed the former USA and became, under his new wannabe Putin/Erdogan/Duterte etc, the worlds biggest joke.

How must a henchman of Trump feel? I guess like a little idiot. Like if Pence tries to save the last rest of the former USA´s integrity with speaking in Munich, tries to not upset the whole world and relativize Trumps BS, when Trump destroys everything with his next tweet or statement? How is that good for the OST? How is it good when the world laughs about Trump, his OST and followers. That still can´t admit that Trump is mental ill lunatic and excuse everything he does to destroy the rest of the former USA.

How stupid and blind must one be to follow such an idiot and still excuse everything obvisiously bad that lunatic does as good for the left behind, concerned and enraged citizens? As good for draining the swamp, with filling the swamp. As good for kicking the stablishment in the back, with the establishment. And so on.

But hey, have you heard what happened last night in Sweden, that terror attack...

posted on Feb, 20 2017 @ 02:54 AM

originally posted by: IcyPatriot
Trump is not and won't be a war monger ... reason #1 why McLame hates him.
I am sure there will be deaths from time to time ... there will be a decrease from Bush/Obama.

As a United States Air Force Veteran of the Vietnam war, I have to agree with you. And if his men (President Trump's men are reading this, and convey it to our President Trump, I'd be happy to be one on his "TOP" level advisors. Please PM me if interested.

posted on Feb, 20 2017 @ 03:19 AM
a reply to: Stevemagegod

Trump lies in a stupid manner, he really should stop that.

I understand why FOX decided to go off on him, because yea, he shouldn't bullshiz like has been.

Other than that he's doing fine so far.

posted on Feb, 20 2017 @ 06:11 AM
HA! give it time.It will happen,if it hasn't already..

posted on Feb, 20 2017 @ 06:28 AM
a reply to: Stevemagegod

Now I ask you again has Trumps lies gotten anyone killed?

He has been in office a month. Give him time. The slaughter will be starting soon.

posted on Feb, 20 2017 @ 06:44 AM
I don't think whether Trump's lying has killed anyone (yet) is the issue. Yes, politicians are mostly lawyers and lawyers lie and twist the truth to fit their agendas. Trump's lies are of a different sort. His lies are almost entirely intended to stroke his ego. To show everyone he is The Man. For aggrandizement. This points to a serious and potentially dangerous character flaw and psychological defect.

posted on Feb, 20 2017 @ 07:10 AM
a reply to: DerBeobachter

I really want our POTUS held accountable. But parroting memes that aren't true isn't how this gets done.

Germany and Sweden are refugee states, not targets of terror. "Last night" was when the segments on these refugees states was discussed on Fox News, where our POTUS saw it.

He's a terrible public speaker. And that is his only crime here. But not lying, and not being clueless.

posted on Feb, 20 2017 @ 07:21 AM
a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan

He's a terrible public speaker. And that is his only crime here. But not lying, and not being clueless.

And yet it was his speechifying that got him elected. Trump cannot put together a coherent sentence because his thought processes are disordered. He jumped mentally from terrorism to immigration because they are the same thing to him. We need a President who can think clearly. Even Pence would be better... at least he seems to have some slight grip on reality.

posted on Feb, 20 2017 @ 07:29 AM

originally posted by: DJW001
a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan

He's a terrible public speaker. And that is his only crime here. But not lying, and not being clueless.

And yet it was his speechifying that got him elected. Trump cannot put together a coherent sentence because his thought processes are disordered. He jumped mentally from terrorism to immigration because they are the same thing to him. We need a President who can think clearly. Even Pence would be better... at least he seems to have some slight grip on reality.

We need a duly elected president. Thats the only "need" we have. The rest is personal opinion.

In any communication there are 2 sides: the communicator and the audience. It is equally incumbant on the audience to ensure clarity, especially when their job is to report to the people. So if the communicator makes mention of a time frame that seems unusual, rather than run to the presses to make fun of him, you ask him to clarify. That way you actually report news, rather than your editorialized spin on the news.

There is no way to spin this, DJ. Its his job to speak, its their job to ensure they understand so they can report.

posted on Feb, 20 2017 @ 08:24 AM
Give it time. He's only had a month.

posted on Feb, 20 2017 @ 09:00 AM
a reply to: Stevemagegod

One guy?

No, I do not think so. One US service member, and as many as thirty non-combatants, including children and women, were murdered during that raid as well. All on his hands. The lies that got him into office, put him in control of that situation, got those people killed. So yes, his lies have gotten people, thirty or more, killed.

posted on Feb, 20 2017 @ 09:09 AM

originally posted by: bigfatfurrytexan
a reply to: DerBeobachter

I really want our POTUS held accountable. But parroting memes that aren't true isn't how this gets done.

Germany and Sweden are refugee states, not targets of terror. "Last night" was when the segments on these refugees states was discussed on Fox News, where our POTUS saw it.

He's a terrible public speaker. And that is his only crime here. But not lying, and not being clueless.

Germany is not a target of terror? Are you freaking kidding me? Please tell that to the families of the vitctims who lost there lifes in Berlin and got treated like crap because my government didn't wanted to offend anyone. Enough of this bull#. It was a terror attack and the truth is that scumbag was aided and abetted by the complete incompetence from our own government. People choose to ignore it but i won't.

France already paid the price in letting there guard down multiple times. The next terror attack in germany is all on the idiots who toned it down and there will be hell to pay. The safety of our citzens should always come first period!

posted on Feb, 20 2017 @ 09:19 AM

originally posted by: Perfectenemy

originally posted by: bigfatfurrytexan
a reply to: DerBeobachter

I really want our POTUS held accountable. But parroting memes that aren't true isn't how this gets done.

Germany and Sweden are refugee states, not targets of terror. "Last night" was when the segments on these refugees states was discussed on Fox News, where our POTUS saw it.

He's a terrible public speaker. And that is his only crime here. But not lying, and not being clueless.

Germany is not a target of terror? Are you freaking kidding me? Please tell that to the families of the vitctims who lost there lifes in Berlin and got treated like crap because my government didn't wanted to offend anyone. Enough of this bull#. It was a terror attack and the truth is that scumbag was aided and abetted by the complete incompetence from our own government. People choose to ignore it but i won't.

France already paid the price in letting there guard down multiple times. The next terror attack in germany is all on the idiots who toned it down and there will be hell to pay. The safety of our citzens should always come first period!

America should be following Frances example raiding on how to deal with the enemy.

posted on Feb, 20 2017 @ 09:24 AM

originally posted by: TrueBrit
a reply to: Stevemagegod

One guy?

No, I do not think so. One US service member, and as many as thirty non-combatants, including children and women, were murdered during that raid as well. All on his hands. The lies that got him into office, put him in control of that situation, got those people killed. So yes, his lies have gotten people, thirty or more, killed.

I'm not sure what you're trying to imply here but Daesh or any terorist organisation for that matter hide behind civilians like cowards that they are. They are the ones to blame. Yes it is tragic but nobody knows how many lifes were saved because of that raid.

posted on Feb, 20 2017 @ 09:29 AM
a reply to: Perfectenemy

Yes we do.

If anyone was saved by that raid, we would have their names, addresses and their social security numbers, because the President is an attention whore with no regard for anything other than his personal image. Since we have only heard vague mumbles about what it actually achieved, you can bet it achieved precisely nothing.

Besides which, even if there was a point to the raid, if the people who went on that raid have not figured out how to shoot AROUND non-combatants, not through them, then perhaps they are not quite prepared to be called SEALS? Clean work kills only combatant targets. There is an excuse for collateral damage in an airstrike, but absolutely none in a ground engagement. Good men would rather die and fail than kill civilians.

posted on Feb, 20 2017 @ 09:33 AM
a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan

We need a duly elected president. Thats the only "need" we have. The rest is personal opinion.

We do not "need" a President at all. On the other hand, the office exists and the Founders' assumption was that it would be occupied by someone competent. The Founders realized that duly elected or not, some Presidents would need to be removed from office, expressly for crimes but potentially for incompetence, hence Article II, Section 4.

posted on Feb, 20 2017 @ 09:38 AM
a reply to: Stevemagegod

Very odd OP.

Are lies only worth mentioning or addressing if it results in a death?

Are we only allowed to hold politicians accountable if a death has occurred?

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