posted on Mar, 30 2017 @ 04:02 PM
So I have considered what manner of story to write and now I have a few ideas.
A few things I realized as I was smoking those cigarettes:
1) Nearly invariably, heroes have messed up pasts
2) Nearly invariably, villains have at least some exposure to a typical nuclear lifestyle
3) Stories tend to start dynamically with development coming in gradually
4) Most likely, every kind of story that can be written has been written, so I can only produce originality of any kind through my own life
experiences, which are uncommon, but bold to say utterly unique
5) The imagination is easy to entertain, but difficult to grasp
6) Anyone who knows an author, if they have any sense, will not only discern the author's inspiration, but may even likely be offended by it
7) And yet, unique stories which possess the common necessities such as love, drama, humor, fantasy, and theory come to be every day; but there is
something particularly satisfying about a story which can be convincing as theoretically possible, regardless of the outer limits it reaches in its
So... Now that I've considered the information which I've gathered so far, I will test myself as to which of these natural guidelines I will use and
which ones I will toss.
This will become interesting for me.
Look for his name: Sinis Nato