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Suicide attack on Pakistani shrine kills 72, claimed by Islamic State

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posted on Feb, 16 2017 @ 11:42 PM
You'll never get rid of this sect.

The only thing anyone can do is make the price too steep for them to continue doing what they are doing.

They do not fear the west.
They do not fear the moderates in other sects.

The only way to beat them is to make them afraid.

posted on Feb, 16 2017 @ 11:44 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

edit on 16-2-2017 by angryproctologist because: oops

posted on Feb, 16 2017 @ 11:46 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy


But it also has to be the right ones scared, not the ones caught in the middle of the madness, who want nothing more than to raise their kids, their crops, and worship free from risk.

posted on Feb, 16 2017 @ 11:46 PM
a reply to: angryproctologist

I don't care if it's "this" sect or "that" sect.

Right now, they do what they do because they aren't afraid of us. There is not going to be any reasoning or negotiating or diplomatic solutions.

The only thing that will work, the only thing that they will understand is pain and lots of blood.

posted on Feb, 16 2017 @ 11:48 PM
a reply to: seagull

Why should WE discern between different their different sects when in their mind there is only muslim/non muslim?


I refuse to pander to them.
edit on 16-2-2017 by angryproctologist because: am denny

posted on Feb, 16 2017 @ 11:48 PM

originally posted by: seagull
a reply to: DBCowboy


But it also has to be the right ones scared, not the ones caught in the middle of the madness, who want nothing more than to raise their kids, their crops, and worship free from risk.

I don't care if we scare everyone.

Right now innocent men and women and children are dying in horrible needless deaths.

We need to become the monsters in their closets.

posted on Feb, 16 2017 @ 11:53 PM
a reply to: seagull

I don't know, man. I'm really starting to think it's an impossible task. Not because people lack the ability to learn or differentiate, but because people don't want to differentiate.

It's easy for people here to see that not all Christians are the same because they've been exposed to many of the different Christian denominations. They've seen with their own eyes that some denominations are similar while others are vastly different from each other. They've also seen that different congregations can be vastly different from each other, even when they technically claim the same denomination.

They've also seen that different translations of the Bible can have different intepretations, especially when the canon and non-canon books are taken into consideration. And let's not get started on the decisions a local preacher may come up with, which may even contradict the teachings of other notable religious leaders in their same denomination.

That's why it's easy for people to accept that the Amish are different from Snake-handlers, who are different from Mormons, who are different from Catholics, who are different from Methodists, who are different from the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, who are different from the Westboro Baptist Church, etc. Islam has the exact same types of differences among its followers & our numerous sects, but that consistently gets ignored here.

posted on Feb, 16 2017 @ 11:57 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

I don't care if it's "this" sect or "that" sect.

Right now, they do what they do because they aren't afraid of us. There is not going to be any reasoning or negotiating or diplomatic solutions.

The only thing that will work, the only thing that they will understand is pain and lots of blood.

Spoken like a true extremist. Nevermind the fact that it was Muslim Sufis who were targeted and murdered in the OP. Your idea is that we Western countries should be indiscriminate monsters towards Muslims because some violent Wahhabi "Muslims" killed some Sufi Muslims in Pakistan? You don't even make sense.

posted on Feb, 17 2017 @ 12:00 AM
a reply to: enlightenedservant

Just ignore me if you're going to post crap.

I want to end the terrorism and everyone else is pissing themselves and wanting to buy them ####ing ponies so they do get so mad.

I want to stop the terrorism.
I want to stop the deaths of innocent men, women, children.

What the #### are your solutions?

posted on Feb, 17 2017 @ 12:24 AM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: angryproctologist

I don't care if it's "this" sect or "that" sect.

Right now, they do what they do because they aren't afraid of us. There is not going to be any reasoning or negotiating or diplomatic solutions.

The only thing that will work, the only thing that they will understand is pain and lots of blood.

This lady is hoping that a re-prioritizing of their values and ideals, will go a long way in stopping some of the killing.

posted on Feb, 17 2017 @ 12:25 AM
a reply to: angryproctologist

then you've not been paying attention.

They don't consider Muslims in other sect Muslims at all. Why do you suppose they're killing them??? Is it really that hard to figure out?

I've no idea how many differing sects of Islam there are...Lots, is the only answer I've got for that. Wahabiists (sp?) such as Daesh want 'em all dead or converted...or dead and converted.

Surely, killing 'em all will, maybe solve the problem for a generation, maybe even two, but eventually some one will rise to avenge the fallen. ...and destroy the heretics. Oops, problem back on.

We've been trying this half ass solution for better part of half a century, or more, and what's been accomplished?

So we're left with two solutions, one is horrifying--which is killing 'em all, that raises a problem down the road. Or, we stop, and run away, hoping they don't come after us. We can all see the problem there, as well.

What's a third? Is there one?

posted on Feb, 17 2017 @ 12:30 AM

originally posted by: NightSkyeB4Dawn

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: angryproctologist

I don't care if it's "this" sect or "that" sect.

Right now, they do what they do because they aren't afraid of us. There is not going to be any reasoning or negotiating or diplomatic solutions.

The only thing that will work, the only thing that they will understand is pain and lots of blood.

This lady is hoping that a re-prioritizing of their values and ideals, will go a long way in stopping some of the killing.

oh Christ.

The stupid is going to give me a ####ing stroke.

posted on Feb, 17 2017 @ 12:32 AM
a reply to: seagull

We don't kill them all.

We don't carpet bomb weddings.

We publically destroy one of their own.

Then we do it again.

And again.

5 or 6 worthless terrorists later, we might get results.

posted on Feb, 17 2017 @ 02:09 AM
a reply to: DBCowboy

The only way that works is if there is the political will to finish the job.

It can't stop halfway, declare victory aboard an air craft carrier while someone, like my brother, is under fire. The day that speech was made, my brothers convoy came under attack in Iraq.

It'll be bloody. More boys and girls will die. On all sides. Reprisals and vengeance will be the name of the game in Europe, and in the United States, the Middle East, of course, will be a war zone.

Never fought in a war. Never want to. I've seen the scars, though. Heard the nightmares.

This is what we're looking at. You know this. But do the other hawks advocating this? There is no try. It's do, or do not. Try gets people, usually lots of 'em, hurt and dead. I watched the son of two very good friends come home in his flag draped coffin with the thanks of a "grateful" nation...I baby sat that little boy when he was five or six years old--I coached him playing soccer through most of his teen age years. I watched him come home from West Point, and go off to war with the 82nd Airborne to Afghanistan, so handsome in his dress uniform. Then that shiny #ing box came off that plane. I watched his little sons, ages six and almost ten, trying to figure out what was going on... His wife, his parents trying to come to grips with it, too. I don't want to see anymore of this, ever again.

If war we must, it must be we. Daesh is a clear and present danger, and must be dealt with. If you can't support it, shut your mouth so those boys and girls can at least pretend they have our support unconditionally.

There is no half ass. You don't help the bully up off the playground asphalt, you put the boot in so that he knows good God damn well that to court you again is to get worse.

If we aren't willing to do this, then we need to get the # out.
edit on 2/17/2017 by seagull because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2017 @ 02:39 AM
a reply to: seagull

The point is that we've been fighting this war wrong all along.

Bush, Obama. . . . . . negotiated with the devil.

We must become their devil, we must instill a fear of attacking us, if we ever want to win.

posted on Feb, 17 2017 @ 02:51 AM
a reply to: enlightenedservant

It doesn`t matter what your sect personally believes, its your false prophet that you all follow, you either follow the words and revolting example of him by the Quran Hadiths and Sunnah or you don`t.

Muslims have been slaughtering others and each other for 1400 years. The sadness is that you guys either believe in Mohammad's BS or your forced to with the threat of death for apostasy. 

Not all his followers go around slaughtering people and thank goodness for that.

Ishmaelite's (Ishmael referred to as a wild donkey and who followed false gods and banished) were prophesised in the Bible

Genesis 16:10-12King James Version (KJV)
10 And the angel of the Lord said unto her, I will multiply thy seed exceedingly, that it shall not be numbered for multitude.
11 And the angel of the Lord said unto her, Behold, thou art with child and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the Lord hath heard thy affliction.
12 And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.

Who later became known as the desert people and then the Arabs and then we had Mohammad unfortunately, which has been the direct result in the hundreds of millions of non-Muslims slaughtered in Mohammad's name and they say that they kill twice as many of their own to non-Muslims, since 622.

Its a Satanic anti-Christian/Jewish cult who is against everyone even themselves, who usurp where they can by deceit slaughter and terror as per Mohammad, who bend to a black stone and prey 5 times a day toward, who believe by walking around it, it sucks out your sins, to say the least. To follow and believe this rubbish and claim to be enlightened is an oxymoron and yet many are seemingly intelligent people, though many escape its clutches and sadly have to flee their family and friends because of the threat of death by them.

The Islamic countries are destroyed in future prophecies of Biblical text, which means bye bye Islam and not in the too distant future imo.

Just for others asking how many different sects there are, not sure how accurate this is.
73 Divisions in Islam and One True Jama'at Jama`at: meaning Assembly.

I`m also tired of the death and destruction, I`m also angry at the deaths of innocent Christians and others living amongst Muslims in their countries.

posted on Feb, 17 2017 @ 03:31 AM
Very sad is the frequency and level of brutality in this prolonged internecine struggle between the different denominations of Islam. They have been doing it for centuries, so predates even American interference, although it's convenient to blame the Yanks for everything.

Pakistan is a pretty crap place anyway, so made worse by all this brutality.

posted on Feb, 17 2017 @ 03:36 AM
a reply to: DBCowboy

I agree. I'm just doubting the West has the political will to do it.

For whatever reason, nothing is going to change until something horrible happens.

That chemical attack a few days ago in, was it Berlin, scares the crap out of me. The only thing that makes any sense is that it was a dry run by someone...and not necessarily Daesh wannabes, or their ilk. I hope that I've got my tin foil hat screwed on too tight, but something just sounds wrong there.

posted on Feb, 17 2017 @ 05:19 AM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
Take one ISIS terrorist.

Publically kill him.


These low-life cowards know that the weak people in the west will protect them from harm while they continue killing.

You have to show these scum that they deserve no respect, treat them like dirt. They deserve nothing.

What a disgusting and evil thing to say. Defending Islam, refusing to accept that all Muslims are terrorists or want to install Islamic law worldwide is not the same thing as defending ISIS. Stop pushing propaganda.

posted on Feb, 17 2017 @ 05:28 AM

originally posted by: enlightenedservant

originally posted by: Krakatoa
a reply to: WUNK22

That is because they risk being branded a heretic themselves since they believe the same words.

That's simply not true. The vast majority of the people fighting them on the ground are other Muslims! Why don't the Syrian Army, Iranian Army & proxy groups, Egyptian Army, Iraqi Army, Kurdish people, and Hezbollah get credit for their constant fighting against those Wahhabi groups? They're all Muslim-majority groups that are fighting them as we speak!

Why doesn't the Muslim majority Somalian army get credit for fighting Al-Shabaab (which is another Wahhabi group)? Why don't the Muslims in Nigeria and the Muslim-majority nation of Chad get credit for their current war against Boko Haram, the Wahhabi group that literally calls itself "ISIS West"? They don't get heard here or get any credit hear because Western countries consistently back the Wahhabi powerbrokers in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the GCC. It's not a coincidence that Western countries are constantly fighting against the Muslim groups that oppose the Wahhabis.

Muslims speak out against those groups all the time. It's not our fault that people here 1) only pay attention to news sources that don't mention this, and 2) don't do the research for themselves to find this out. Even a simple google search of "Muslim statements against terrorism" would make this clear.

It's funny how little the West has to do with all those wars yet we control the flow of them and most importantly the narrative. We get to paint it as a physical war on Western values.

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