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Half-brother of Kim Jong-un 'assasinated' in Malaysia

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posted on Feb, 14 2017 @ 07:11 AM

The half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has been killed in Malaysia, the Yonhap News Agency and other South Korean media outlets reported on Tuesday, citing unidentified sources.

Yonhap, citing a South Korean government source, said Kim Jong Nam was killed on Monday morning in Malaysia. It gave no more details.

TV Chosun, a cable television network, said separately that Kim was poisoned at Kuala Lumpur airport by two women believed to be North Korean operatives, who were at large, citing multiple South Korean government sources.

interesting.. poisoned at the Malaysian airport by North Koreans...

thank god it wasnt a Trump play - thats all i can say..

The South Korean cable broadcaster TV Chosun said the elder Kim, who has reportedly never met North Korea’s current leader, was attacked by the two unidentified women with “poisoned needles”. The Guardian has not been able to verify the reports.

so it was subtle... /s
edit on 14/2/17 by Agit8dChop because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2017 @ 07:13 AM
This, after Trump responds to North Korea's missile launch with what the New York Times calls "uncharacteristic restraint."

Any excuse to get a shot in at him, amirite?

posted on Feb, 14 2017 @ 07:14 AM
Just saw that here on news in singapore . They said two women believed to be korean operatives injected him with something at kl airport .
He died enroute to hospital .

posted on Feb, 14 2017 @ 07:18 AM

There, see? Any wonder why these people isolate themselves from the world, developing WMD and high fear about invasion?

The people of the Korean peninsula not yet subjugated by the US military know full well what time it is.

posted on Feb, 14 2017 @ 07:35 AM
Well one down.. Now to get Kim Fat the 3rd and his sister.
edit on 14-2-2017 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2017 @ 07:37 AM
a reply to: Agit8dChop

thank god it wasnt a Trump play - thats all i can say..

God forbid theres thread or post without Trump or America being mentioned.

But back to the subject.. It only says its belived to be North Koreans. No one knows yet, could be false flag.

posted on Feb, 14 2017 @ 07:40 AM
a reply to: PhoenixOD

Kim Jong Nam fell out of favor and went into exile over fears of his brother killing him. If it were a "false flag" it would only help out Kim Fat and not hinder him.

posted on Feb, 14 2017 @ 07:42 AM
a reply to: PhoenixOD

if it was Trump i would applaud him, what better way of sending the message we can and will get you and your family then to kill one of his brothers.

it will be interesting to see NK response to this, if there is nothing it was an inside job. If lil Kim goes crazy it was a spook sponsored event.

i'd love to know what fast acting/lethal poison was.

posted on Feb, 14 2017 @ 07:42 AM
Isn't lil Kimmies granddads birthday soon , he always turns up , just saying . On a totally unrelated note i spotted some refuelling planes headed Japans way on ADS-B exchange . Odd eh .

F22s and B2s anyone .
edit on 14-2-2017 by hutch622 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2017 @ 07:45 AM
It would be interesting to see where the reports that the assassins were North Koreans came from. I can only find it being traced back to a 'report' from a local news station...

If indeed the assassins were North Koreans, it makes one wonder why Kim Jong-Nam would be targeted. He was, after all, exiled from the country and thrown out of favour after being caught illegally entering Japan's Disneyland. That said, there was likely potential for him to be used as a pawn in any attempt to replace the current regime. In this scenario, it also begs the question why Kim Jong-Un's full brother hasn't been replaced though. Certainly, Kim Jong-Chul would be a much larger threat to the Supreme Leader's power.

If this was not conducted by North Koreans, then it is interesting timing given the state's recent missile test. This could be a retaliation by an allied state for the actions, however any such attempt may be unprecedented and prone to tension.
edit on 14-2-2017 by daaskapital because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2017 @ 07:45 AM
a reply to: Xcathdra

I must admit ive nver ever heard of the guy before but when i read reports that point the finger at nationalities and then go on to say they have nothing to back it up it always makes me suspicious.

posted on Feb, 14 2017 @ 07:49 AM

originally posted by: intrptr


There, see? Any wonder why these people isolate themselves from the world, developing WMD and high fear about invasion?

The people of the Korean peninsula not yet subjugated by the US military know full well what time it is.

Would you care to explain exactly how you figure this view?

posted on Feb, 14 2017 @ 07:50 AM
a reply to: Agit8dChop

Nobody is sure

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) -- Malaysian officials say a North Korean man has died after suddenly becoming ill at Kuala Lumpur's airport.

The district police chief, Abdul Aziz Ali, said Tuesday he could not confirm South Korean media reports that the man was Kim Jong Nam, the older brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un....(snip)

Seems nothing is confirmed and the half-brother had already fallen out of favor with Kim...


edit on 14-2-2017 by missed_gear because: Spelling

edit on 14-2-2017 by missed_gear because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2017 @ 07:57 AM
Talk about terror, I mean needles with poison in them?

Who needs guns when you can scare the living shight out of people with poisoned needles, sure you can't hit everyone or even that many, but darn you if I'm going to turn around if I'm standing in a line next.

Just think of all the moments you're vulnerable to such an attack, at least guns make a noise and ignite a fire under your arse, a needle isn't even guaranteed to get your attention if careful.

The ricin and radioactive umbrella hit are of kin to this and they really got me thinking when they happened. To me, those are the most terrifying of anything to occur, because you don't always find the perpetrators.

edit on 14-2-2017 by Tranceopticalinclined because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2017 @ 08:00 AM

originally posted by: Aliensun
"The people of the Korean peninsula not yet subjugated by the US military know full well what time it is."
Would you care to explain exactly how you figure this view?

My guess is that the user half-read the story "North Korean man assassinated" and jumped to the conclusion that he was assassinated by Americans. Wrong end of the stick.

posted on Feb, 14 2017 @ 08:02 AM

originally posted by: DISRAELI
My guess is that the user half-read the story "North Korean man assassinated" and jumped to the conclusion that he was assassinated by Americans. Wrong end of the stick.

My guess is that the other poster actually thinks South Korea has been subjugated by the United States and that they are in a worse off position than their North Korean counterparts.

Because, likes being contrary.

edit on 14-2-2017 by AugustusMasonicus because: President, Jacygirl fan club.

posted on Feb, 14 2017 @ 08:03 AM

originally posted by: Aliensun

originally posted by: intrptr


There, see? Any wonder why these people isolate themselves from the world, developing WMD and high fear about invasion?

The people of the Korean peninsula not yet subjugated by the US military know full well what time it is.

Would you care to explain exactly how you figure this view?

On this website? I just got done being trounced for my alternate opinion elsewhere here... so be it.

Hint: start at the occupation by US military of 70 percent of the world nations, focus on the current occupation of Korean Peninsula more directly and then mix this assassination into all the other covert assassinations perped by US alphabet agencies over time.,.

Mix well, stir and shoot intravenously.

posted on Feb, 14 2017 @ 08:05 AM

originally posted by: Xcathdra
Well one down.. Now to get Kim Fat the 3rd and his sister.

posted on Feb, 14 2017 @ 08:06 AM

originally posted by: intrptr


There, see? Any wonder why these people isolate themselves from the world, developing WMD and high fear about invasion?


August 2016

Washington (CNN)The US and South Korean militaries started a massive joint annual exercise Monday, a drill that has drawn North Korean threats of nuclear retaliation.

North Korea will "turn the stronghold of provocation into a heap of ashes through Korean-style pre-emptive nuclear strike" if the US and South Korea "show the slightest sign of aggression" during the drill, a spokesman for North Korea's military was quoted as saying by the country's state media.

The exercise takes place almost exactly one year after North Korean troops shelled South Korean territory and only days after South Korea welcomed the highest-ranking North Korean official defector in decades.

North Korea is an isolated country because of a despot narcissistic dictator, threatening openly a nuclear strike and has for some while. Unfortunately, under this administration, Kim Jr. is playing with the lives of his own people.

And to the thread...

...(snip) South Korean officials expressing concerns that North Korea might dispatch assassination squads to eliminate potential defectors abroad.

Perhaps, S. Korea was right and Kim jr. is going after defectors...


posted on Feb, 14 2017 @ 08:09 AM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus
... they are in a worse off position that their North Korean counterparts.

Slightly off-topic; if you speak that sentence, do you actually SAY "worse... that"? Or do you say "worse... than", and only substitute "that" in the written version of the phrase?
I'm just curious as to why usages like "this one greater that the other one" have suddenly become the norm.

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