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Possible Disc photographed in Finland, above water & @ close range

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posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 09:48 PM
Found this @ The UFO Casebook, taken from Finland on September 23rd, 2004 with a report...and please don't write that it looks like the TR-3B again!!! SHEEESH!! Just kidding.

The photo below was supposedly taken with a digital camera. After receiving & viewing the image & report, whoever from ufocasebook believes that the pic looks computer generated or one of those 'too good to be true' photos.

The UFO Casebook received this sighting report and photograph from Finland.

The witness states that:

On September 23th approximately at 5.15 PM. me and my two buddies were coming back from a short fishing trip in Kustavi, a place located at southwestern archipelago of Finland, when we saw something extraordinary in the air. We soon realized that what we saw was some sort of a flat round metallic object, and that as it slowly moved in the air it made no sound at all.

A friend of mine had a digital camera within reach, and he managed to take two pictures of the object, before it suddenly took off with an unbelievable pace. In just a few seconds it disappeared behind the clouds.

We send you one picture because we thought you might be interested. You are free to use it for your own purposes.

For more detailed information, feel free to contact me.

After seeing the image, I responded by telling him that the picture looked computer generated to me.

His responded by telling me:

Well, it has been widely debated on Finnish net forums. No one could have proved it's a fake. Analyses show no sign of any digital manipulation. People are talking about this New Finnish UFO wave. Someone should investigate this...

But whatever it is, it's certainly interesting.

I admit this is an interesting photograph, but my first impression still holds, it is one of those tgtbt (too good to be true) photographs. I am not the final judge, so here it is. You know that we who research these things expect to see blurry, fuzzy images, at least that is what the debunkers say; so in all fairness, here is a clear photograph of a UFO.

thanks to Mikko.

[edit on 30-1-2005 by evilution]

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by evilution
Found this @ The UFO Casebook, taken from Finland on September 23rd, 2004 with a report...and please don't write that it looks like the TR-3B again!!! SHEEESH!! Just kidding.

The photo below was taken with a digital camera. After receiving & viewing the image & report, whoever from ufocasebook belieives that the pic looks computer generated or one of those 'too good to be true' photos.

[edit on 30-1-2005 by evilution]

It does look too good to be true and photoshopped, but maybe it's just motion blur, this object doesn't seem to fly above the water since no reflection or shadow is seen, so it's probably above the treeline, which would mean it's PRETTY BIG! but most likely it's a hoax though...

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 09:59 PM
Actually, there does seem to be reflection above the '2004', if in fact it's coming from the object, or made to come from the object.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 10:01 PM
I don't know about it being photoshopped or not but I do seem to see a shadow of whatever it is in the water below. Also, from the look of the position of the object, to me anyway, it appears like it is very close to the position of the person taking the picture and, as a result, a rather small object actually. The shadow in the water also tends to give me the impression that the object itself is small. I have absolutely no idea what it is but those are my impressions regarding its position and size.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 10:04 PM
Good call Trek, if you gauge it with the shore you can see that the size is very small. A Hooters girl couldn't put her orders on it.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 10:05 PM
It is a 3d rendered ufo dropped into the picture. There is a reflection in the water, but it looks wrong.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 10:14 PM
My guess: It is hubcap sized. My dog loves to catch Frisbees. Wouldn't that be funny, a race of tiny aliens journeys to Earth, only to have their ship caught and chomped on by a Frisbee loving dog. It sounds like a Farside cartoon.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 10:22 PM
I like to conisder myself a photoshop addict and in my opinion the picture is a fake. Look at the shadow on the water, it's almost a perfect circular shadow, incongruent with the shadows and reflections of the trees and surrounding landscapes which are affected by the riples of the water. Notice too, that the shadow is not a solid color yet a darkening of the existing colors and tonal qualities of that area of the water. As for the shadow it's a simple, and rather unprofessional "Burn Tool" effect. As for the saucer itself, I suppose it could be anything from rendered to a a frisbee but look closely at the edges (the right and left sides), notice how both edges are blurred to the same extent, incongruent with a real motion blur. A fairly amateurish use of the "Motion Blur" feature of Photoshop. As for it's existence in the picture, it's near impossible that a picture of such nice quality was taken in the instant a UFO flew by

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 10:23 PM
When I first saw the pic, I also thought of a frisbee. I see a reflection in the water that makes me wonder if someone threw up a silver or gray frisbee and snapped a pic.

If aliens were really as small as ants, they probably would be impressed by our dinosaur like size.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by orionthehunter
If aliens were really as small as ants, they probably would be impressed by our dinosaur like size.

Bingo, that's what I thought.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 10:35 PM
OK where do we start with this one?

The object, if real and not added later, doesn't cast any shadow onto the water so therefore it must be a small object (less than a metre is my guess) also if it were big and far away the saucer would look 'faded' due to the distance to it. There is a proper term for this but I can't for the life of me remember what it is at the mo.

The reflection looks like it has been added for realism. Look at the definition of the trees or white clouds in the water and you can see that because of the ripples, all semblance of shape has been lost. But hey the saucer gives a near perfect reflection as if the water were calm. If it were a real reflection, or a good fake, the reflection of the saucer would be spread out over numerous ripples. Obviously too hard to do in the photo editing program owned by the taker of the photo.

On the other hand, I've never seen a UFO at this proximity to know whether they do actually appear like this. Maybe UFO's don't cast shadows????

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