posted on Feb, 13 2017 @ 07:11 PM
I'm watching the press conference now, although I saw the tail end of it earlier in the day. I'm glad the Trump administration has positive feelings
about Canada and that President Trump was very diplomatic at the event. I think he is getting the hang of these things more, with practice.
In other news, there is a rumor going around that Sarah Palin is being considered for US Ambassador to Canada.
This is getting mostly negative responses, as far as I can see. I'm not going to name names and trot out the most egregiously malicious statements
that have been made apropos of this subject. Instead let me be the first to extend a cordial welcome to the idea of Sarah Palin as ambassador.
Alaskans are practically from the Yukon anyway, so adjusting to "life in the north" is certainly not an issue.
There seems to be a consensus that Canada deserves a "heavyweight" ambassador, as befits our self accorded status in the world. One of the peculiar
neurotic threads that runs through the Canadian personality is an apprehension that we are not being given enough attention by the United States. We
want to be noticed and flattered.
I want to remind my fellow Canadians that there is only a slight difference between being "taken seriously" and being "seriously taken".
Sarah Palin has been called a mouthy loose cannon and is considered a light weight.
"Serious" Canadians would like to have a "serious" ambassador. They want tight lipped Lex Luthor of Goldman Sachs and the IMF running a white gloved
finger along the base boards of the economy, looking for places where the paint is a little thin.
I feel it my duty to urge the President to ignore the trouble making press on this occasion and to appoint the lovely and loquacious Ms. Palin to the
post. I love a good natter about government and I certainly don't consider Sarah Palin anything but the soul of discretion and decorum.
She would be perfect for us, if only we were bright enough to appreciate the fact.
edit on 13-2-2017 by ipsedixit because: (no reason given)