a reply to:
I did say "Unless you are stupid enough to live somewhere which has no taxation paid healthcare facilities".
And just so we are clear, it is fundamentally stupid to get people to pay for healthcare as individuals. No one should have to pay for treatment,
unless the treatment is purely cosmetic of course, like breast enlargement for example. People need to stop becoming doctors because they want the big
cars and the nice houses. They should become doctors or other medical professionals because, if forced to do one or the other, they would rather save
lives, than live one of their own.
The real danger, is that poverty is a killer, and the deeper it gets, the more people die. I have lived right on the bleeding edge, back when I was a
child. I am not that far away from it now at the age of 31. The stress involved with not being sure when you will next eat, how long you can afford
the heating to be on, how many cups of milk you can drink without making things terrifying for your parents... That feeling scarred me so deeply that
I can even feel it now. It used to make me physically ill at the time, and the thing is, it is puckered butts time again, because things are tighter
than they have been since I was five. Now, things are not so bad that I am worried about not eating tonight, because I ate today once, and thats fine.
Tomorrow though... I have no idea about tomorrow.
I am not a rich man, not even well off, or comfortable, or even stable. I am literally by the seat of my pants right now, writing my fate furiously
with one hand, and gripping the edge of the toilet I am being flushed down with the other. So bear with me.
How can I put this... 24.5% or so of the UK population have less than one hundred pounds in the bank. Just take that in for a moment. Thats nearly a
quarter of the UK population, with frankly pointless amounts of money in the bank. I have much less than that, and I am a company director. The
working poor get ignored by some sectors of the community, both here and in the US, despite the fact that the people who do the ignoring often have NO
idea what it feels like to live that life, to strive and work for nothing. You see, its not that I am poor and in a stable situation, an iron clad
situation. I live in rented accommodation with my mother, and things are tight as hell. We own nothing, have no assets worth a damn to anyone. The
slightest thing goes wrong in my business, and the whole thing could fall apart, and I would normally be able to say, my income with it. As it is,
business is poor because most everyone around here is skint as well. So my work barely pays. I have to draw an amount to make my accountant happy, but
as it happens, I am drawing well under national minimum wage per month, and working like a dog anyway. I would be many times better off financially,
if I let the state take over, and I would still be on the edge of the pan, even then.
My mental health is collapsing, because I am doing everything right and getting nowhere, have been since I entered the world of work. So the answer
is, poverty sends people mad, starves them, and eventually kills them. People in THAT sort of danger, are the only ones who NEED help.
People who own their homes, have a car they will never need to buy again, already have insurance on both and low premiums owing to a no claim bonus of
several decades in the making, do not NEED help, they just feel like they would LIKE some help. If a person is middle class, that is basically like
saying, "Well, they are not stinking rich or anything, but they are not at the edge of the pan, gripping the cage of the toilet freshener block to
avoid being sucked down the bloody U bend.". Everyone who is working class or less, right now, IS in the "If ANYTHING goes wrong right now, we might
be homeless in a couple of months"situation. You tell me who needs the help?
edit on 13-2-2017 by TrueBrit because: grammatical error removed.