posted on Feb, 13 2017 @ 07:37 AM
a reply to:
as spoken by someone who has never actually looked at any of the evidence or postulations implying its existence. You claim science is ignorant, and
yet display worse ignorance by simply implying that the last 100 years of scientific advances are all somehow a mistake...
come on, try harder.
The evidence is nothing to do with Mathematicians, it was to do with astronomers, and not a single person either, but multiple researchers constantly
observing things that cannot be explained by classical mechanics. There are lots of reasons why the dark matter solution is a good one, but hey ho,
you have decided (without research or evidence apparently) that is wrong... so not worth research.
Matter research, is on going, but again, with your mindset, you appear to be one that would be unaccepting of the current state of play anyway...
so... yeah... thanks for your input.