The happy land of Chavez promoted by the crazy Hollywood Left has led to mass starvation and general human misery.
Another failed socialist experiment. This is what the Left wants to lead the United States to, with proud faces. Funny how Venezuela's embracing of
Putin is not a trigger event but an imagined one by Trump is.
I've been around long enough to remember the days when Hugo Chavez and Venezuela had a big far-left fan club around here. Apparently, it was to be
the next great (more like the first) socialist utopia. Right. What a mess, and one that was totally and completely predictable.
Nothing new to south America pretty sure the Inca's starved themselves into oblivion too but this is a crazy trend happening the world over we have
country's with large populations that are unable to feed their populations and yet this trend of people migrating to city's seems to be happening
faster than when it first started with the very first city which was of course Mecca. I was at this thread because I wanted to see if anyone was
covering the social depravity occurring in western fed Africa right now and was disheartened to see Venezuela is going lean.