posted on Feb, 11 2017 @ 07:36 AM
The subjects body shape is by definition masculine. If this speculative man finds that body shape on a woman attractive then he is attracted to
masculine characteristics on a female body. Attempts at social engineering to redefine what female characteristics heterosexual males find
attractive, or vice versa have not succeeded in significantly altering choices.
Males and females that have options within the sexual market place dynamic still consistently select for the traditional optimum in their dating and
mating choices. In the parable Of Troy Helen would have been a twenty stone feminist shrike with blue hair, and high school jocks would select the
overweights and not slender cheerleaders if sexual market choices sprang unseeded from fallow ground. The very rare deviation from these mate/date
choices are the exceptions that prove the rule.
Those with options choose the established optimum and no amount social re-engineering will ever significantly impact on the dynamics of the sexual
market imperative, namely; apex feminine women are attracted to apex masculine men and vice versa.
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edit on 11-2-2017 by CulturalResilience because: (no reason given)
edit on 11-2-2017 by CulturalResilience
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