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why the heck is bush constantly compared to hitler?

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posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 04:35 PM
hitler had friends in high does bush
and bush disagrees with muslims as hitler disagreed with jews
will it come to genocide? i don't think so...because the american public is smarter and more outspoken than the german public was(during WWII).
there are similarities. it's a country founded on freedom of religion,we are bombing a country of a different religion because our born-again christian leader doesn't agree with them.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by Kidfinger
It is also Bush's holier than thou approach to global policy that closely mimics the philosophy of the aryan race.

Bush does nt argue for the innate superiority of any american ethnic identity or even for american culture, nor for the advancement of the ethnic nationalist state (is breaking up iraq into ethnic states, etc). Bush does argue for the US acting in the interests of its own security and that US security is also best met by having democratic republics in the rest of the world. This is practically nothing like hitler's ideology. As far as brain washing, I won't pretend that there are a lot of idiots voting for bush, butI also wouldn't deny that there are loons on the left also.

the use of fear to convince citizens of the need to strip away rights

Yes, the nazis used irrational conspiracies to cajole people into voting them into power. This, if anything, speaks against supporting conspiracy theories that make bush out to be a new hitler.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan

Bush does nt argue for the innate superiority of any american ethnic identity or even for american culture, nor for the advancement of the ethnic nationalist state (is breaking up iraq into ethnic states, etc). Bush does argue for the US acting in the interests of its own security and that US security is also best met by having democratic republics in the rest of the world. This is practically nothing like hitler's ideology.

This is JUST LIKE Hitlers ideology on global politics.Bush is waging a war of religon. Hitler waged a war of ethnicity. It is not hard to see the similarity there. The only difference is what they discriminated agianst. Thier tactics are so close you could almost say they are identicle.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by Kidfinger
This is JUST LIKE Hitlers ideology on global politics.

Its only similar in that its something of a nationalist policy. But a country asserting a right to defend itself and engage in pre-emptive war is not only not restricted to the nazis, but wasn't part of their rational for their invasions. They argued that there were ethnic germans in nearby states that were fundamentally oppressed because they were ruled by non germans and that the german ethnic state had an obligation to come to their aid.

Bush has argued that the US has the right to defend itself from planned attacks.

The two are not similiar at all in that resepct.

The nazi idea might be somewhat similar in effect to the idea of spreading democracy, but then that makes bush more like the revolutionary french, and hitler like robbespierre.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 05:13 PM
A war against religon
Thats why we went into Afghanistan and Iraq. And yet we have allies that are Muslim countries that we trade with and give aide too.

Thats not a effective way to have a war with a religon. I think I missed that part in History where Hitler traded and gave aide to the Jews.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 05:18 PM
My High school Principal, probably had more in common with Hitler than

That 27 item list is flawed, and if you notice, the writer of the list had to "shoehorn" some of those supposed matching traits, to make them fit a little better..

C'mon, Gitmo equals a Nazi concentration camp? Not even close.

As another poster said, the reason GWB is being compared to Hitler, is that
the Far Left portions of the Democratic party, are losing power, are being viewed as nutcases, by the mainstream....

This is them, lashing a form of namecalling..

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan

Bush has argued that the US has the right to defend itself from planned attacks.

Isnt this the very same excuse that Hitler said of the Russians?

The nazi idea might be somewhat similar in effect to the idea of spreading democracy, but then that makes bush more like the revolutionary french, and hitler like robbespierre.

Although I do not necessarally agree with this, I must admit, you gave me a good chuckle with the comparison.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan
Yes, the nazis used irrational conspiracies to cajole people into voting them into power. This, if anything, speaks against supporting conspiracy theories that make bush out to be a new hitler.

Are you sure about that? Is it rational for rural red staters to fear gay people? To believe the GOP propaganda as they did including direct mailings saying Kerry to Ban Bible. Or did Herr Karl Rove win George Wedge Bush a second term through the ultimate of irrational Hitler-esque "conspiracies" ... that the liberals and their minority loving "homosexual agenda" are out to persecute the God fearing majority. Use any descriptions you like. The liberals/atheists/gays/women/jews (doesn't matter) that run the media and are supposedly trying to oppress the majority (pure white Christian men) is who many Bush backers claimed they voted against, right?

You don't see those similarities?

Mind you, I'm not one to equate Bush to Hitler, per se, but I do see similarities in Republican and Nazi marketing techniques. Keep in mind dogma is not the same thing as marketing. Of course, Republicans aren't "evil" or out to destroy a race (I don't think). But their use of a single minority (homosexuals) for political gain is strikingly similar.

The history of Republicans using homophobia for political gain is much older than little Georgie though. So I'd agree equating him to Hitler should stop. If anything, he's a mere neo-nazi teenie bopper, not even a founding member of the Fuhrer Regan fan club.

Little Bush has nothing on Goose Stepping Gingrich, Sig Heil Helms and the Field Marshall Moonies when it comes to the origins of the anti-sodomite Republican power grab of the last quarter century.

[edit on 30-1-2005 by RANT]

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by ShadowXIX
A war against religon
Thats why we went into Afghanistan and Iraq. And yet we have allies that are Muslim countries that we trade with and give aide too.

I didnt say Bush was fighting agianst the Muslim religon. I realize now I should have made it clearer. Bush is fighting FOR christianity. He thinks God has told him he is the one who should bring peace to the world, and he is carrying this out. Hitler, ALSO thought that the arians were the chosen race and they should rule the world and bring peace to the arian nations. Sounds similar to me.

Thats not a effective way to have a war with a religon. I think I missed that part in History where Hitler traded and gave aide to the Jews.

You might have missed it because it never happened, AND I never alluded to that.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 05:36 PM
I know why because Bush is killing thousands of woman and children for a reason that no one knows exactly and is called a christine


posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by thematrix

Originally posted by Kidfinger
Not to mention bankrupted EVERY busniss venture he has ever been involved in.........

Hey hey, hes hasn't bankrupted the United States of America ...







yet :@

Very good
He and his backers are doing their damnedest to at the right moment
It is important to them that America falls at the right moment to usher in the global control, and it appears this may well be triggered within the next 4 years
This is a different age from that occupied by Hitler, and the genocide goes on but is dispersed and targetted to the homes and nations, rather than having to gather in and get uptight and personal as did the Nazis

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by cropsmoker
I know why because Bush is killing thousands of woman and children for a reason that no one knows exactly and is called a christine

Then I guess every leader that ever fought a war is like Hitler. In wars women and children die its happened in pretty much every war that has ever been waged.

If you know of a war with no non military deaths I would love to know about it. Lets also remember Hitlers actions resulted in some 50 million deaths.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 05:56 PM

Originally posted by ShadowXIX

If you know of a war with no non military deaths I would love to know about it. Lets also remember Hitlers actions resulted in some 50 million deaths.

How about the wars of attrition?

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 05:58 PM
bush,to me,is not american.
our forefathers came here for freedom to practice worship as they saw fit
now bush is condoning prosecution of people whose beliefs are different
it is none of our business point blank
the govt should pour all that concern back into america and its citizens
where is our heath care? and protection? leave those people alone!!
take care of the USA before you go on a campaign against another(nonchristian) country. lets feed our homeless. give A+ health care to our veterans,free education to our youth!!!! put the war money back into the colonies!!!! washington would roll over in his grave, i think.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 06:02 PM
Because people who have no ideas of their own have nothing to contribute to society except sitting around and complaining about those who do have good ideas and are moving the country forward.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 06:07 PM
The REAL Reason

The REAL reason for all the comparisons is that those who make them have no idea who Adolf Hitler actually was.

Instead, they use his name to ignorantly slander people they also don't know.

Basically, it's just a public declaration of ignorance on the part of those who should know better.

If they actually knew who Adolf Hitler really was, they wouldn't publicly soil their own names by bandying his around so casually.

That's my opinion.

Go ahead, call me a "Nazi" for having an opinion that may differ from yours if you like. People do it all the time. I get it in threads, I get it in U2U's.

Why? I have nothing to do with Nazis. Can't stand them in fact, am diametrically opposed to pretty much everything Nazis stand for, make no secret of that and never have.

But there are certain types of vain and arrogant fools in this modern age who believe hurling epithets like "Nazi" gives them some sort of moral authority, and resort to it when their limited knowledge fails them in a discussion.

So they throw out the “Hitler” and “Nazi” insults, which are inherently baseless and irrational lies, and smugly assure themselves they are right to do so.

Perhaps you are one of them, you who are reading this now.

Just bear in mind that when you do that, you are telling me -- and others familiar with the ruse -- in no uncertain terms that you are an idiot.

But you are free to say what you want.

Just rest assured, if those who throw those words around so carelessly actually knew what they were talking about, they wouldn't do it in the first place.

And while the topic in this case actually has to do with Hitler and Nazis, I still feel compelled to give it a Godwin Award because, well, it just seems right.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
Because people who have no ideas of their own have nothing to contribute to society except sitting around and complaining about those who do have good ideas and are moving the country forward.

Yeah, Bush is moving the country forward right into a global war, a crappy economy, and really really bad instance of rapeing the second ammendment.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan
Yes, the nazis used irrational conspiracies to cajole people into voting them into power. This, if anything, speaks against supporting conspiracy theories that make bush out to be a new hitler.

I never tried to make Bush out to be the new Hitler. The point I was trying to make is that there are many parallels in the strategies used by Hitler to facilitate his rise to power, and those used by Bush. And I also stated that was what I had been told by some Germans I know, who were actually in Germany during this period (some in the youth party).

Please do not project your assumptions into my posts, if I thought Bush=Hitler, I would have said it.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 06:27 PM
Whats with the second ammendment commit? I seem to remember under Clinton lossing gun rights AWB. Now under Bush we have regained some of those rights that have been taken away from us. Sunset of the AWB getting some gun rights back after they have been taken away is quite rare.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 06:29 PM
the only thng un-hitler like is that bush doesn't suffer from syphallis as it has been almost proven hitler did. but still...his debates contain nothing but terrorism and war BS. what about the USA??? what about our people? our citizens? why pour all of this money into a century old hate(religious war)? put ALL those defense dollars into out our citizens. make us for real the most powerful country. bush makes me sick sometimes. some of his "ideas" are ok. but the whole war on terrorism thing is getting old to those who work for minimum wage(5.50/hr) and can't get enough funds for college because all that extra cash is being spent on trying to change a religion older than chrisitianity.

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