posted on Feb, 6 2017 @ 10:48 PM
................Power |||||
...Determination |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
........Confidence ||||||||||||
...........Charisma ||||||||||||||
Communication ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
...........Influence ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
............Honesty ||
......Authenticity |
...Transparency |||||
....Commitment ||||||||||||||||||||||
............Integrity |
..........Boldness ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Empathy: highly empathetic, ability to feel other people's emotion from very long distances.
Passionate: highly expressive, speaks with great conviction
Togetherness: ability to create strength with numbers
Emotional: highly emotional, sometimes can cloud judgement
dependant: needs group to function at a high level
Protest: abilty to form large groups, 50% chance to upgrade to Riot
Reinforcements: ability to instantly call large crowd with help from famous figures
Brainwash: ability to instantly control masses
................Power ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
...Determination |||||||||||||||||||||
........Confidence ||||||||||||||||
...........Charisma ||||||||||||||
Communication ||
...........Influence |||
............Honesty |||||||||||||||
......Authenticity ||||
...Transparency |||||||||||||||||||||||||
....Commitment |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
............Integrity |||
..........Boldness |||||||||||||||||||||
Aware: great awareness of surroundings and situations, highly perceptive
Independent: can function at a high level without need of outside help
Leader: ability to lead by example
Sensitive: very thin skinned, feelings are easily hurt
Narcissist: constant need of approval or praise, sometimes searches for it
Blunt: sharp and heavy tongue, ability to pierce through hearts
Tweet: ability to instantly reach masses, high chance of retweet
Trigger: powerful finisher, able to focus directly at the soul
Pretty even on paper, but who wins?