a reply to:
I do NOT know that Metallicus and the vast majority of right of centre members here, believe in peaceful protest, or even in the constitution of the
US. They seem unable to make up their minds in the least whether they support its every amendment, or not most of the time. Love the second, infringe
on the first, do not really support elements of the fourth either, unless the victim of whatever infringement of the same happens to be a right
winger... Basically, I cannot KNOW any such thing, and throwing their support behind Trump, a man who literally does not believe that he has to abide
by the law, that he can write new ones and enforce them without reference to other bodies and branches of government, would make any reasonable person
question their belief in the constitution or the law.
As for protests turning violent, I would like to point out the following. It is beyond stupid to suggest that all the violence that has been seen
during protests by left wing demonstrators, has been the issue of those demonstrators, and not of agent provocateurs, infiltrators either government
sponsored, or pressed into service by the far right groups, speakers, and political movements, that these protests oppose. This tactic is wide spread,
gets used by law enforcement, intelligence agencies and so on, to delegitimise an otherwise legitimate protest. There is, as yet, no way to show that
the violence you are speaking of, is not a result of such counter activist activity, and I would be inclined to believe, since the tactic is so
widespread as to be ubiquitous, that it IS the result of counter activist activity.
On top of that, it is important to note that any "kettling" or other constrictive tactic deployed by counter-protest teams in law enforcement, is
tantamount to incitement to riot. A protest MUST be permitted by law enforcement to continue, without even a HINT of opposition, because at the first
point a protest is prevented from carrying its grievances where it may, the law has been broken by the representatives of the state, and that is
demanding trouble, not just asking for it.
Further to that, its true that I have seen an awful lot of property damage, yelling, shoving, perhaps some fisticuffs and general melee combat. I
have only seen one person shot at a protest regarding Trump however, and that shooting was carried out by a person who evaporated into the crowd. The
victim was protesting against a talk being held by a man who, although homosexual, holds far right attitudes and has no defence against being called a
preacher of hate, other than the fact that he is not a member of any kind of clergy.
It may very well be tiresome, to see people exercising their rights, but it is not nearly as tiresome as seeing their protests infiltrated by
intelligence/law enforcement affiliated agent provocateurs, it is not nearly as tiresome as seeing that tactic actually work (because it does... it
not only allows police to treat genuine protests as riots, but changes public perception too). It is not nearly as tiresome either, as the fact that
these people have been placed in a position where they feel they need to protest, and you have to understand, right here and now, that these people DO
have a legitimate reason to protest, that their concerns are NOT unfounded, that there is absolutely NO reason for these people to go home, or to not
come out, or why they ought to be a damned sight more confident in their nations leader than they are. There is no reason for these people to trust
that the minority of the nation (that is, people who voted Trump) are not going to take his election as a signal to increase their bashing of innocent
people, based on race, sexuality, gender identity, and the like. There is no reason to expect the country to become ever less phobic, weak, and far
right, under Trump, no reason to expect that the experience of being American will improve for the majority of voters what so ever.
There is every reason to expect that by the end of his Presidency, Donald J. Trump, will have damaged the constitution enormously, or ignored it
entirely to the detriment of the nation. There is every reason to expect that far right attitudes will be normalised all to hell, and given the same
time as actual legitimate political discourse, which to clarify, must never happen in a modern, educated nation. There is every reason to expect that
LGBT persons WILL consider themselves at greater threat of oppression under his presidency, and that is NOT an unfounded consideration , but an
absolutely legitimate one. There is every reason to expect that womens rights WILL be damaged by this president, with specific regard to their access
to family planning and abortion services under the spotlight. There is absolutely no reason that ANY of the left wing protests that have occurred,
should not have occurred, not a single valid reason what so ever. The people involved have been given clear indication from the attitudes expressed,
the actions taken by Mr Trump, not to mention his underlings utterances, that their country is being run by people who are fundamentally opposed to
equality under the law, fairness, decency, or any laudable virtue of any kind.
In short, if you do not like protests, riots, chaos, then perhaps you ought to deal with the people who make those protests necessary, the Neo Nazi
apologists, the race haters, the anti-LGBT crowd, the pro-life fundamentalists, or even the President of the United States himself, among others?
There is no reason for the protests to end, or shrink, unless the concerns of the protestors are dealt with. As long as the minority of far right
psychotics still cause ire, there will and should be protest. The solution therefore, seems relatively simple. Keep the far right out of politics,
make sure everyone understands that far right is still totally wrong, that it will NEVER be permitted to seek or gain power in the US of A, and that
everyone who is living in the USA can live there knowing that your nation will ALWAYS be pro-freedom, pro-liberty, and anti inequality. Make sure your
President is there to represent ALL Americans in thought, word AND deed.
He sure as hell is not right now. He has stranded a hundred thousand lawful residents of your country abroad, he has attacked the judiciary (who are
NOT obligated to follow his edicts, if they are unlawful), simply because they refused to comply with an illegal request, the vast majority of the
things he says are, and this is not something that can be put up for debate, ABSOLUTE LIES, and not a damned thing he has done since gaining office,
has dealt with any of the concerns about morality and ethics that people have, about his Presidency or the movement that made it possible. People
should be worried about that, and they should protest when they have that sort of concern.