I have been giving this a lot of thought lately, as I watch my now 2 year old daughter growing up.
I think less about her twin brother now than I did the first year after they were born, and how he struggled for 10 long days to survive after the
surgery to correct his heart defect - the longest 10 days of my life. I never even got to hug him, only hold his tiny little hand and watch his little
heart beating faster than I thought was possible while he was hooked into all these tubes and a hyperventilator (to try to help remove the excess
CO2). They left his chest open after the surgery, so I literally was watching his heart beating.
I'm now 56 years old (yes, an old fart to have a 2 year old daughter), and I honestly never in my wildest dreams imagined being a father would feel
the way it does.
I would like to try to change the nature of the abortion argument into one that seeks common ground, and where the one, single question - the only
question that really matters - can be discussed rationally, without the emotional baggage that people who have been engaged in this debate for any
length of time usually bring to the table. If I reach just one person, that would be more than good enough for me.
So, as for common ground, I hope everyone can agree that no one - in their right mind - would advocate that it is OK to kill a newborn child, or that
such an act would be anything other than a horrible crime of murder.
Once there is agreement on this, it really should become crystal clear that the entire argument hinges on the answer to one, simple, question. It
isn't a new question, we've all heard it before.
When does Life begin?
I honestly don't understand all of the rage surrounding this one little question, but in an attempt to get people who think they already know the
answer to this question to give it a second thought, I would like to rephrase the question a little...
If you take a newborn child, and start stepping backwards in that child's life, one heartbeat at a time, at what point - at which heartbeat - does
that small, tiny, helpless child become a blob of flesh that you can casually rip out of a woman's womb and discard like last weeks leftover ham?
No other question is of any consequence, and I think this very important point gets lost in the very heated arguments about abortion.
So when does 'life' begin? Some people believe it is the second after the baby is born and draws its first breath. I think that people who believe
this ... have never witnessed an abortion.
I personally believe that the *potential* of the life is what is most important. I believe that, because in the vast majority of cases, a normal
reasonably healthy woman who gets pregnant will have a normal healthy baby, the unborn baby should have the same protections under the law that the
mother herself enjoys, and that the baby will enjoy the moment it is born.
But based on my rephrased question above, maybe the point in time that I can live with is when that tiny little heart starts beating. I was surprised
to learn that this happens at just 18 days (less than 3 weeks) into the pregnancy, which is often before the woman even knows she is pregnant.
I'll be quiet now, and think about little John Alexander, what he might look like now, and how much he'd probably be fighting with his sister, while
I'm on my way to pick her up from daycare.
edit on 6-2-2017 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)