P.S. Are we going to witness a major break up in religious system, not necessarily in the everyday structure that millions of common people are
connected to it in all honesty, rather in the paradigm or doctrine? How about irrefutable proof that human life is not unique in our part of the
universe rather being seeded around the stars? That could be proven only after meeting with other humans who do not originate from Earth. As St Padre
Pio said of such beings, who did not commit original sins in their own history of development, quoted by mgr Corrado Balducci.
How about new or old unknown verses of the Gospels who speak not only of Jesus being married, but also of Jesus who told such things to his disciples?
That would certainly shake ground beneath the current obsolete paradigms, that only years ago sent the souls of unbaptized departed little kids
forever in a "limbo" for committing no sin other that the original...that they never committed after all. Paradigms and doctrines are not dogmas, that
should be understood by those who currently hold the key to "authentic understanding and interpretation" of the Bible.
Perhaps a major failure in Fatima-centered system of prophecies, will open the door of such a new fresh understanding of the old texts of the Bible.
When we read of Ezekiel 1 wheels, we would not say fanatically: "He saw a vision of Cherubs who look like wheels!" Rather we would accept the obvious:
that God's creatures on other planets are more advanced than us - spiritually and technologically, and are here to help us and fulfill God's orders
and plans.
I can understand only in that way the absurd silence of Vatican on the secret of the century. Because they know very well what follows. And it is not
about only the divorce, after all no one marries with the intention to divorce yes? Or about homosexuals who fill in the ranks since the time
immemorial, and not only in the Roman Catholic Church but also in other religions. Because it is so. And a number of other absurd problems that are
created only to distract us from the main issue.
And that is, Jesus said other things that no books could contain, said apostle John the beloved disciple. Then...pardon me, but we have to move thru
that paradigm shift for the good of the Christian faith itself. The other is suicidal in less than one generation. To pretend the last pope is
antichrist who wants things changed...and not to see the things have been changed soon after Jesus left planet earth, and kept changed and bloody for
all centuries ... is quite too much for the advanced intellect of humanity in 21st century. We might be bad as humans, we still need the redemption of
Jesus Christ because of our imperfectness and sins, but we are not that stupid to be sold medieval paradigms and to clap with hands in the expectation
"God to fix the world in a blink of an eye after the Chastisement of fire". Don't laugh at it, there are millions of devote and deluded Catholics who
believe that.
So don't call me anything if Fatima doesn't fulfill as expected by multitudes. It would mean you didn't read much of what I wrote, even less answering
it. And I say that for those who stay in office and who read here. They have the biggest responsibility, not the internet trolls.
IF the Great Warning, Miracle and Chastisement all happen before October, followed by the Era of peace, thanks be to God! That means all major
apparitions were right. Personally I expect that to be accomplished by ET contact of Angels. No seer ever said the nature of these events, in whatever
major apparition you take. They all speak in vague language and keep secrets.
But if it doesn't happen by the 100th anniversary, it means something big is wrong, not just the date. There will be always people who will jump to
newer and newer dates. As with the Great Trib/Rapture estimates. Already there are Catholics who envision 2029 because Our Lady told Lucia in 1929 to
consecrate Russia...pardon me? It is not the century of Satan or is it? Should we be talking of a millennial of Satan then, to be more correct to the
historic truth?
I would not jump to newer dates if nothing happens. For me, 2017 is far more than enough to be waited, after Neues Europa approved by then cardinal
chief of congregation of doctrine of faith (or holy office) card. Ottaviani said the text should be printed although not identical with the 3rd
secret. In that text it was said, in the second half of 20th century...Enough waiting with that! 2017 closes one century from the apparitions. Where
are the promises that would happen within the generation of alive people, if not in Fatima then within other major apparitions? Many seers have died,
as well as the people who witnessed them. To speculate further with Fatima is absurd, if it fails now. It is either true, or somehow it is being led
into deception. Not that the children didn't see and hear Our Lady...but between the children of Fatima and our days there are 100 years with quite
many bureaucrats who served unknown goals...
The same could be said of many other apparitions who said secrets. They will either happen, or we'd better seek other explanations of what is still
secret in 21st century of free information...For me it is only one taboo, still in the religious circles but no more on internet. That is, humans are
not alone, angels are humans from other planets far more advanced spiritually and as development of civilization. Also the demons btw. That is the big
secret. Malachi Martin touches upon it, that the nature of the angels wouldn't be understood even by the clever ones...in his time 1997.
I hope it will happen this year. If not, don't blame me, blame those who ruined this generation by absurd teachings and rules. It will happen anyway,
the new era to come. Fanatics always will repeat that God will punish the world's majority, and they will survive or only their souls will be saved.
They say that today, just give an ear what they talk after Daily masses in Catholic churches. Those people will never change except for a special
grace by God, that grace that they deny to the others. Although good by themselves, they tend to damn everyone who do not think like that.
If the things preserve their current course, soon the Catholic Church will be left by ultra conservatives leaded by several prominent figures who
think they talk from God's name...The majority won't go after them, rather will take a more liberal course than today's. That if nothing happens with
fatima anniversary. The rift is widening all the time since the election of the middle person Francis.
If the miracle indeed happens, as prophecied by not only one apparition, then we will see what that miracle will be in first place. If there are
angels, what they will tell us to do, and so on...I cannot talk in the name of the angels or Virgin Mary, as some catholics apparently do today...Such
a once in millenium event should be taken as a cornerstone for further generations.
But if it doesn't happen, then all I already talked about will transpire rather soon. Banned books and ideas that people payed with their lives for in
Middle ages as "heretic", that today telescopes discover not dozen, not hundreds but thousands of planets in nearby star systems. Whether you have sex
not according to rules and will go to hell....well "who am I to judge" said pope Francis. Good idea, not to judge anyone, in order not to be judged by
God yourself
edit on 12-2-2017 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)