“The only statements that I’ll be making during the halftime show are the ones that I’ve been consistently making throughout my career,”
Lady Gaga said. “I believe in a passion for inclusion. I believe in the spirit of equality, and that the spirit of this country is one of love and
compassion and kindness. My performance will uphold those philosophies.”
O God please just stop. Football and Politics don't go together. Americans want to watch Football. Not a rich kid who has everything going for him in
his life and thinks he's being oppressed by racist white cops to make a statement. Or a overpaid celebrity singer who thinks her opinion means more
than mine or yours. When my vote counts just as much as your vote does: 1. And the Spirit of equality? You mean this equality?
The ability to voice your opinion without fear of being shot?
This equality:
If we're talking about equality pretty sure a normal person would have all there electronic devices confiscated by now. But then again i studied
Criminal Justice in college and was taught about the Birthday Cake Criminal Justice Model. The sheep which includes poor, middle, and upper class, but
then the 2nd layer is Celebrity with an insane amount of cash to buy there way out of anything and fame which the upper doesnt have, and 3rd
Politicians. Who have all the right connections to keep themselves out of prison. *Cough* Hillary Clinton *ends *Cough*
Seriously as someone who has an actually degree in Criminal Justice:Law Enforcement Comey wasn't even trying to hide the fact that she's Guilty. But
I guess when Obama was your boss you're not allowed to have the Law go after his chosen successor.
edit on 4-2-2017 by Stevemagegod because:
(no reason given)
And then there's
I believe in a passion for inclusion
which I can only assume will be targetting President Trumps TEMPORARY HALT ON IMMIGRATION FROM 7
MUSLIM NATIONS. WHICH the definition of inclusion states:
the action or state of including or of being included within a group or structure.
If Lady Gaga went to any of the countries on Trumps Ban List dressed the way she dresses they will be extremely welcoming to her. They might even
arrest her on sight if she isnt fully covered up with only eyes to see. O and if she isn't with a Male Member of her family thats a death sentence.
edit on 4-2-2017 by Stevemagegod because: (no reason given)
Huh I wonder if she is going to have some sort of occult theme during the show maybe invite her spirit cooking friend Marina Abramovic on the
Maddona's performance was full of veiled symbolism can't see gaga not going all the way.
Nothing like creepy cryptic halftime entertainment for the bread and circuses that is the Super Bowl.
Of course she is going to say this kind of s#it. If she didn't she would not have been booked for such a high profile appearance. There may be a new
guy in the Big House but woolly minded neo-liberals still get to decide who gets a media platform, for the moment.
wait hold up... lmfao
TV ratings
Date Super Bowl Avg. U.S. viewers (millions)
February 3, 2013 XLVII 108,690,000
February 2, 2014 XLVIII 112,200,000
February 1, 2015 XLIX 114,400,000
February 7, 2016 50 111,860,000
One of, if not the most watched televised event annually.. where else are TPTB going to subconsciously indoctrinate the masses with subtle mind
control tactics and symbolism?