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Illegals Urged to ‘Fight back’ Against Immigration Officials

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posted on Feb, 3 2017 @ 08:01 PM
Gregorio Casar is encouraging illegal immigrants not to comply with federal immigration officials. He is a city council rep, and he released the infographic below.

An Austin, Texas, city council member is encouraging illegal immigrants not to comply with federal immigration officials.

Addressing concerns over “potential raids of our communities by Immigration and Customs Enforcement” which are rumored to occur this week, district four city council representative Gregorio Casar released an infographic informing illegal aliens how to defy federal law enforcement.

Texas Governor Abbott is cutting off cash to sanctuary cities. I would think keeping money from these communities with change hearts and minds. Maybe illegal aliens are not supposed to be encouraged by council members.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has also strongly advocated holding local officials accountable for refusing to enforce immigration policies.

The governor’s latest efforts include the cancellation of $1.5 million in state funding to the Travis county sheriff’s office, and support for a new law (SB 4) which would issue “stiff penalties” to “Sanctuary cities.”
edit on 3-2-2017 by seasonal because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2017 @ 08:07 PM
I saw this earlier and was a bit disappointed Drudge would use click bait like this. It only makes excuses for the left to say "see, they do it too". I expect Jones to do this kind of crap.

But looking at the article, "fight back" is not in the context the title suggests. It's about legal rights, not fists and/or guns.

I just hope the right will realize it's time to lead by example and not fall into the same trap the left is wallowing around in currently.

posted on Feb, 3 2017 @ 08:15 PM
a reply to: network dude

The liberal precedent these days is to beat, torture and gun down people just for disagreeing with you or having a different (white) skin color. And here comes somebody to remove you from the nation and like "fight back" (FIST) really implies merely 'call your lawyer'?

posted on Feb, 3 2017 @ 08:16 PM
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

I thought it was the LAW only matters when they want it to.

They don't get they are undermining the very foundation this country was built on.

posted on Feb, 3 2017 @ 08:17 PM
a reply to: network dude

These people are here ILLEGALLY, the city council member should be removed from the position. This will muck up the already overburdened system with fruitless criminals.

posted on Feb, 3 2017 @ 08:19 PM
a reply to: network dude

Sure the fist graphic is all about flowers and peace. Just like the Berkley protests are not riots.

posted on Feb, 3 2017 @ 08:23 PM

originally posted by: network dude
I saw this earlier and was a bit disappointed Drudge would use click bait like this. It only makes excuses for the left to say "see, they do it too". I expect Jones to do this kind of crap.

But looking at the article, "fight back" is not in the context the title suggests. It's about legal rights, not fists and/or guns.

I just hope the right will realize it's time to lead by example and not fall into the same trap the left is wallowing around in currently.

What in the world are you drinking. I need it, pronto.

posted on Feb, 3 2017 @ 08:26 PM
This guy is telling people to fight back against enforcement, the law, while being a serving elected official?

He sounds like an anarchist. Probably should be removed from office.

posted on Feb, 3 2017 @ 08:31 PM
More fake news from Alex Jones, when is he going to fleece his listeners again so he can "renovate" his studios again?

And the picture in the OP is common sense advice to any immigrant living in the country, whether legal or illegal.

posted on Feb, 3 2017 @ 08:39 PM
a reply to: MakeAmericaSaneAgain

I find it amazing that people want to give people who are here ILLEGALLY legal advice to muck up a system, a system paid for with tax payers money.

There seems to be a disconnect here, what is right and what is wrong.

posted on Feb, 3 2017 @ 08:41 PM

originally posted by: seasonal
a reply to: MakeAmericaSaneAgain

I find it amazing that people want to give people who are here ILLEGALLY legal advice to muck up a system, a system paid for with tax payers money.

There seems to be a disconnect here, what is right and what is wrong.

We're already paying for Eric Trump's vacations to the tune of $100,000 so why not help out people who are looking for a better life?

posted on Feb, 3 2017 @ 08:44 PM
a reply to: MakeAmericaSaneAgain

Yes. Let's give common sense advice to people that are breaking the law.

But furthermore, if every single illegal took the advice to get a lawyer - there wouldn't be enough lawyers.

I am one with the force and the force is with me...

posted on Feb, 3 2017 @ 08:46 PM

originally posted by: MakeAmericaSaneAgain

originally posted by: seasonal
a reply to: MakeAmericaSaneAgain

I find it amazing that people want to give people who are here ILLEGALLY legal advice to muck up a system, a system paid for with tax payers money.

There seems to be a disconnect here, what is right and what is wrong.

We're already paying for Eric Trump's vacations to the tune of $100,000 so why not help out people who are looking for a better life?

You source that. And bring me a martini while you're at it.

posted on Feb, 3 2017 @ 08:48 PM

originally posted by: TarzanBeta
a reply to: MakeAmericaSaneAgain

Yes. Let's give common sense advice to people that are breaking the law.

But furthermore, if every single illegal took the advice to get a lawyer - there wouldn't be enough lawyers.

I am one with the force and the force is with me...

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Zadvydas v. Davis (2001) that "due process" of the 14th Amendment applies to all aliens in the United States whose presence maybe or is "unlawful, involuntary or transitory."

posted on Feb, 3 2017 @ 08:51 PM
a reply to: MakeAmericaSaneAgain

When the job market is flooded with labor it lowers pay and benefits.

Criminals (all here illegally) can also come across the boarder. If they are not here legally, then should they be here at all?

We are a country of laws, not just the ones people want to follow.

posted on Feb, 3 2017 @ 08:51 PM

originally posted by: TarzanBeta

originally posted by: MakeAmericaSaneAgain

originally posted by: seasonal
a reply to: MakeAmericaSaneAgain

I find it amazing that people want to give people who are here ILLEGALLY legal advice to muck up a system, a system paid for with tax payers money.

There seems to be a disconnect here, what is right and what is wrong.

We're already paying for Eric Trump's vacations to the tune of $100,000 so why not help out people who are looking for a better life?

You source that. And bring me a martini while you're at it.


Do you like your martini shaken or stirred?

posted on Feb, 3 2017 @ 08:52 PM
a reply to: MakeAmericaSaneAgain

They also ruled on the ACA (obamacare)

posted on Feb, 3 2017 @ 08:54 PM
a reply to: MakeAmericaSaneAgain

If I read this right, it was to house the security staff???

posted on Feb, 3 2017 @ 08:54 PM

originally posted by: seasonal
a reply to: MakeAmericaSaneAgain

They also ruled on the ACA (obamacare)

They sure did.

posted on Feb, 3 2017 @ 08:55 PM
a reply to: MakeAmericaSaneAgain

Yeah, Section 1, where persons is said instead of citizens.

I say fair enough, and some good reasons for that language.

What I despise is that it's being used to justify perpetual breaking of the law.

The Supreme Court was drunk that day.

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