posted on Mar, 8 2017 @ 09:52 AM
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Just read an ‘old’ book published in 1997, “Breakthrough” by R.J. Pineiro, a computer engineer. The story is about a small bio-tech start-up -
and their bio-chip breakthrough “using proteins to process information, provide enough processing power to put the world’s fastest computer on
every desktop, and revolutionize the computer industry” - that ends up “in the center of an international conflict to control their
Spoiler alert - The CIA buys the protein bio-chip tech from the venture capitalists who took control away from the start-up. The plan was for the
(corporate-controlled) government to sit on the tech for 10 to 15 years, and protect US-based corporations’ investments in the ‘new’ silicon
chip industry.
In Pineiro’s timeframe, protein bio-chips should have been introduced between 2007 and 2012. But there
was a crash in 2008. So now, 20-odd
years after “Breakthrough” was published, we’re starting to hear a bit about innovations in protein-based biocomputers… and a lot more about
synthetic proteins being created for industry use.
So I wonder: Was Pineiro a visionary, prophet or whistleblower? What else did he know?